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About T3S9Mech11e4tm3

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  1. T3S9Mech11e4tm3

    Side kick

    Looking for a fellow American DayZ companion that has some knowledge around the game already. You must be passed your newbie phase and be mature. Have Ventrilo installed. Post If interested and I'll PM you my server IP.
  2. T3S9Mech11e4tm3

    Friends with two different server lists

    I'll try that. Seems easy enough. Really wish that they would show the IP's publicly so you could connect through a console like the old CS days.
  3. T3S9Mech11e4tm3

    Friends with two different server lists

    Bump. Still unable to find a solution.
  4. I would definitely use this service and I wouldn't mind helping you guys make it happen. PM me If you're recruiting.
  5. T3S9Mech11e4tm3

    Friends with two different server lists

    No. I pick a server from my list and tell him through VoIP and it doesn't show up on his list. Then I ask him to find a server and he does the same and I'm not able to find the server that's on his list.
  6. T3S9Mech11e4tm3

    Friends with two different server lists

    No. We used Six Launcher and its server fetcher. We were able to match "one" server together, but it was a night time server. So, it makes it even harder for us to play together.
  7. I managed to convince my friend to buy this game to play the mod and now that he has it we try to connect to the same servers but the listing that I get he's not able to show up, so... for instance I will try and connect to US116 and I tell him the server name, but he's not able to find it. Does this happen to anyone else? Are we each connected to a different server list?
  8. T3S9Mech11e4tm3


    Once I hit the five minute mark. I disconnect. The only server I'm able to connect to now is US 155. Everything else just sits and loads.
  9. T3S9Mech11e4tm3


    Anyone else getting stuck on the loading screen and not able to join a server?
  10. T3S9Mech11e4tm3

    Waiting for host..... forever

    Worked. Now, I'm back on the hunt for blood.
  11. T3S9Mech11e4tm3

    Waiting for host..... forever

    Cool, thanks. I will try this method first and then post if the results were successful or not.
  12. T3S9Mech11e4tm3

    Waiting for host..... forever

    Which version should I download? http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php And where exactly do I need to place the files?
  13. T3S9Mech11e4tm3

    Waiting for host..... forever

    Logged on today Six launcher had an update and updated on its own. Didn't know I wasn't suppose to update right away. Started to get a "Battleye initialization failed" fixed that by just re-installing Six launcher. Now, I start up my game and it just sits there on "Waiting on host" never actually goes into the server. Just opens my game. Anyone have a quick fix?
  14. Fellow Chicago player looking for a partner. I'm over 18 and have a microphone. My skype is zewkie.
  15. T3S9Mech11e4tm3

    Looking for group

    Currently looking for group, fairly new player but not new to fps. My skype is zewkie.