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Mandra (DayZ)

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About Mandra (DayZ)

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  1. Mandra (DayZ)

    Ideas pertaining to the zombies

    Thanks guys for reading! Actually If I were to make my own "Zombie" game I would prob use 28 days later as my no.1 reference. All I was saying is put some weight in to their running so it feels like they are making contact with the ground and that there is traction between their feet and the dirt. I think that could simply be achieved through tweaking down the speed a tad. Its a perceptive concept. They will still appear fast, just normal fast. Also what do you guys think of the other ideas? Thanks again
  2. Mandra (DayZ)

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Well,you do die and start over... Its why people are so scared when approaching other players. In the end even the nicest guy cant be trusted. What if he decides to kill you for you portable radio (not that there is a portable radio in the game hehe) Either way, I guess if this really is an issue, rather than actually pointing them out a mile a way with a an arrow over their head or w/e, what if it was more subtle? IE: Maybe the more you kill the more dog tags you collect and they stay permanent with you; like a number as opposed to a physical item. And when approaching someone you go "FRIEDNLY!?" and they pop their dog tag pouch open and you can see if they have been killing or not killing. Also, popping out the dog tag menu would put the "killer" in a menu so he wont be able to shoot you. If he doesnt want to show you his dog tags, well you decide. But to just obviously show who is who out in the open takes away from the immersion.
  3. Mandra (DayZ)

    Ideas pertaining to the zombies

    Hmm, I had a visual in my head seeing zombies running down the hills out of the forests. Maybe some spawn deep in the woods. Not sure if having them spawn around you would make things any better to them running fast. I think that sort of mechanic could work in a more linear game, like L4D. This game lets you either avoid going in to a town with zombies or having to enter for supplies and risking getting eaten.
  4. Mandra (DayZ)

    MERGED: Gamma & Brightness

    I personally think that raising gamma and brightness isn't a game breaker. If anything, it ruins the game for that guy who does it. You will never get rid of grieffing if that's your point. I don't think rules should be set out for using or adjusting your gamma--this is all very kids like logic here. If you are faced with a problematic player in the game, best thing to do is probably face them or avoid them. The least you can do is play on the Anti Cheat servers if you want safety against cheaters. If you get killed a bunch, well as someone who has survived a long time so far for the past 2 days, play it as if you were there. That's as simple as one can put it. If you were in that situation right now how would you go about it. This game isn't very forgiving for making irrational or stupid approaches to risky situations and that is why it is a one of a kind game. It actually does make you apply moral choices that make a difference, something a ton of games in the past have tried but in the end its all the same bs. (IE: Bioshock, Mass Effect, Elder Scrolls games.) Not to say those were bad games, but they failed to make me feel bad for killing the little sisters for example, because in the end you can quickly change your morale to good again. DayZ, is a special game for that reason and plenty of other subtle ones, but the biggest one is you are actually experiencing what other people would do in return for you or to you; and that is out of being desperate in a very bleak world. Even if the person you meet is an asshole, that is who you meet, you cant change that. It's what makes this game alive as opposed to contrived. The more challenging you make the world in believable ways the harder it will be for "grieffers" to be on the move. IE: already existing mechanics like hunger, thirst, perhaps fatigue can be in there etc. I posted this idea shortly in another post but, Perhaps player shoes can ware down. And if your shoes break apart, walking around barefoot would make you become fatigued faster, or maybe you become sick and you breathe heavier as you walk around and you cough. So no you have to find shoes, or meds. Any way I think we should move past the idea of graphic adjustments improving game play. It is great as it is, and I don't think that can be easily changed unless perhaps they switched to the Unreal Engine.
  5. Mandra (DayZ)

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Yes Scrap them, A killer wont dress up as a killer to warn his prey.
  6. Mandra (DayZ)

    Idea ? Lights.

    That is an interesting idea. Just to put this out there though, at night searching around for food and water is very intense when you cant find stuff for miles. ;) Its actually frightening trying to encounter other players because you don't know if you're going to get shot. With zombies you know they only have one way approaching you. With players, its pretty much the real thing. In fact, even though the zombies are a fictional element to this mod it is still a beliavable world because of the contrast between human choice and brain dead/animal rage choice. I don't think the zombies are THINKING to survive, they sure are hungry though. Lighting up a town or city would be intense as hell, don't know if its possible, but man that would bring a ton of chaos. What if turning on lights makes zombies run towards that area because of the loud noise of the generators would make, and form a distance you would see this town lit up, and you'd wonder "should i go there? or is everyone dead and the generators are just attracting zombies?"
  7. This is interesting, but isn't the entire good guy bad guy opinion relative on people's situations. You mark someone as a bandit but he just shot you for food because he or his best buddy is near death. Maybe you didn't have food, maybe he has everything and you have nothing. One should never know this, unless its between your friends. I think there shouldn't be any skins that change depending on kills. Since this is so close to how it probably would be in reality if people had to steal from people in order to survive, it would be quietly chaotic as it is in this mod. Moments like these should never be fair. The best part is, what you cant see is far more scarier than what you can see. If you give someone an outfit that defines their play style, then why not put spot lights over zombies so you can see them at night. let it be as brutal as it is. Allow it to be as real as it is. -As far as skins go, maybe you can find clothing to keep you warmer, or else you'll move slower because you get colder? -Perhaps, the clothing/armor you find stays on you as is, so every time you log back in, it doesn't change. -Maybe you have to change your socks and shoes/boots to be able to run for a longer time. Perhaps there is a stamina meter that is partly governed by the type of stuff you're wearing and its condition. Side note: -What if female models were added for female players' immersion?
  8. Mandra (DayZ)

    MERGED: Gamma & Brightness

    Raising gamma and brightness also makes your game look like shit. Either way, look at this way. When ever someone raises their brightness in order to see better or raises gamma or lowers terrain detail so on... It just makes it more challenging for those who didn't which equals to a more exciting game time. In the end you really wouldn't know who is doing it unless they told you so. If you ask me, give us the option to make the text brightness darker so when you're roaming around at night and people are typing it doesn't break the immersion that the lighting is trying to set up for you. Brilliant mod!
  9. Mandra (DayZ)


    I agree, this mod is brilliant, if it is to be made easier on survivors, the horror will become flat. I have never felt this type of horror in a game, let alone a mp mod. This is a very interesting interpretation in a way to how one would behave if there was a real apocalypse; without the zombies of course. I also love how dark it gets at night! and the color becomes monochromatic almost like a black and white film. The atmosphere of the world really sets up a desperate mood. Its very disturbing and very real imo. You guys should watch this French movie called, Time of the Wolf directed by Michael Haneke. Its exactly this but without zombies and rifles. Of course, there is also 28 days later as a brilliant comparison when it comes to the mood. Thank you for creating this mod!
  10. Hello, I have a few ideas pertaining to the zombies: Idea 1 - I personally feel that the run speed of the zombies is not grounded in the same reality that the player is immersed in. From a distance I observed a group of zombies chasing down a survivor and it looked like the zombies were skiiing across the ground with a running animation that was too slow for their movement. The weight of their bodies doesn't sync up with the run speed. I know the speed at which they move adds to the jump scare factor, but this multiplayer mod introduces a fear that is far more superior and is more psychological in nature. I suggest that their run speed is slowed to a more naturalistic pace. Not slow, but not quite as fast. This should give a sense of weight in their movement and the animation would sync up. It would also give a more human element to the zombies. Despite their animalistic force and rage they would still be limited to the boundaries of the human body. Idea 2 - In addition to the wandering zombies, there could also be zombies who lay in a pile (like the groups in the buildings from 28 days later) But if you get their attention with noise they rise quickly and stare in your direction. At this point they could also alert nearby wandering zombies who would also begin to search for you. Because of their heightened focus any slight movement could alert them to your precise location (assuming you were close to begin with) and they would charge after you. Idea 3 - The zombies could also be given a hunger meter. Instead of them starving to death, however, the meter dropping could increase their hostility and awareness. Essentially making them more desperate to kill and eat humans. This would make zombies that had been around longer more dangerous than newly spawned ones. Thank you for your time. - Mandra