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About QuantumJZ

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Australia, NSW
  1. To the dude who killed me 4 times. Fuck you. My blood was -210,000 when you shot me. You wasted your as50 bullets bitch.
  2. QuantumJZ

    DMR vs AS50: Which is louder?

    as50 is moderate in dayzwiki.com................
  3. QuantumJZ


  4. QuantumJZ

    [Trade] Looking for M4A1 Holo

    you are looking for M4A1 CCO right? i have 1 with 4 mags. Skype = quantumjizz
  5. QuantumJZ

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    offering 24 slot backpack(cayote) for NVG or m24 or m14. PM please or add me on skype (quantumjizz).
  6. QuantumJZ

    Bandit Forum

    Today, i met a fresh spawn, obviously he was unarmed so i didnt kill him. And yes im a bandit, a retarded one. So i lead him to balota on a packed server 47-50 people. I told him to go there and get some guns, what ever you find is yours. I look at the control tower and around the town and noticed there were alot of zombies, (it was a recruit server so zombies are also highlighted and you can see them through terrain), I see 2 noobs up at the control tower, i pulled out my range finder - - - 370 meters, easy shot. I zero in to 300 and used 1/3 - 1/2mildot on my AS50(m107 ammo = 37000 damage). I shoot, i kill him - - - no murder he was a bandit. His friend disappeared. I look to check if any zombies heard. None. I check again. Its an axe dude normally i wouldnt kill these guys but he could kill the fresh spawn which i wanted to help, plus i wanted to see his body drop dead. So i shoot him. Hes down. I make my way from wast of balot to north. I try to go to a very high vantage point. Once i reached it i waited and looked at the control tower. I see his friend. Once again i use my range finder, wait about 3 seconds for my breath and another 3 seconds because i feel like im going to miss. I shoot, it hit the fence thing around the top of the control tower, he immediatly proned, i shoot again i realize my zeroing was bad. Luckily he stood up and tried spring inside. There we go no chance of missing now. Dead. He probably thought i left because it took me about 10 minutes of crawling and crouching to that vantage point. He was trying to loot his friend. At this point on i think ill stay in the server for 1 more kill. I keep getting this feeling that i should leave. I really should leave. But i wanted 1 more kill. Suddenly i hear the same sound that my gun makes. *Gasp* Oh god im dead. Where he shot me from i dont know. It wasnt from the airfield. As i said it was a recruit server so i could see zombies through terrain and it definatly wasnt from my left. I dont know. Who ever killed me, thankyou. Heres what he could have gotten from me that i consider rare. Cayote Backpack/as50/pdw/nvg/rangefinder. I love the way you killed me with 1 bullet. Once again thankyou for killing me, it might sound wierd but im happy im dead.
  7. Gamma:Max, Brightness:Max, Go on day time server are my solutions for this ;) though this is basically cheating.
  8. QuantumJZ

    What do youy do if you see a player

    you fucking shoot them and then loot their body.