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About DarylLomas

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Yellow Brick Roads
  1. DarylLomas

    IF this was an actual game...

    DayZ is a great game and I would love it to go standalone with: -Game purchase only. -Store with cheap downloadable content that comes out every so often that will allow your character to start with a selection of extra stuff but not all of it so there is no OP noobs and some skins so the players can make their character as unique as possible. -Studio developed mainly but look to the community for ideas and features. -Studio and community servers. -Kickstarter would be a great thing to use as many people are excited for DayZ to be released in its full glory. This means many people would donate to speed up the process and make the game as good as it can possibly be. Thanks and hope this helps.