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About quake

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  1. The only problem I have right now is that you cant see your humanity. IRL you know if you are good or bad, so why remove the ability to know IG. There is no logic behind the removal. The only reason was because of all the people that worship everything he does said, and I quote, "do it." He didn't listen to anyone with valid points, only those that say a maximum of 5 words praising him.
  2. M4A3 only has semi and full firing modes. I use it 99% of the time I play DayZ.
  3. It's body temperature. The only quell I have right now is the fact that if your body was 42 degrees Celsius, you would die. Your organs would be overheating and eventually shut down and/or melt. 42 Celsius is an extreme fever. If you were at that you would need to be monitored in a hospital.
  4. YES. I think this would bring a new level of difficulty for new players. NO. It would ruin your "ANYONE IN CHERNO?" shirt since there wouldn't be AS MUCH of that :(
  5. NO-ish "Humanity is no longer a HUD item." In real life if you were a bad person you would KNOW you were. If the HUD item is removed, you wouldn't know, and could get into trouble. *meets someone with high humanity.* *I dont know my humanity and expects to be able to befriend him* *gets killed for an apparently low humanity* If you know your humanity (which as said before, you do IRL) you will know a few possible outcomes if you run into someone.
  6. My response to your friend:
  7. I want the damn bandit skin. Why the hell was this not a lootable skin to begin with...
  8. quake

    Cannot choose gender ( bug?)

    Same for me and a fellow BHB member. Never given the chance to choose gender. Since the female is a ugly sob I was going to choose male anyway. Both Survivor skin.
  9. quake

    Skins. Where do they spawn?!

    What the loot looks like isnt needed. It's a new loot, you will notice something new when you see it. My guess on where they spawn is most likely civi buildings (brown house, red brick house, orange infocenter, train station, etc.)
  10. quake

    Winchester Sound

    The problem right now is that Rocket increased the aggro/sound radius, but the sound file is still too quiet and isn't reflecting the new changes.
  11. quake

    You destroyed the Crossbow

    Xbow has always been 2 shots if you hit the chest... The head is always 1 shot.
  12. quake

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.6

    Thanks for this! Installing manually is easy, but this just gives me time to do other things :). One suggestion: Could we see the download speed? Would make it easier to determine which mirror has the best connection.
  13. quake

    I hear flys but see no body.

    Same thing. Today after I died I was running around and heard flies in about 5 completely different locations, yet found no bodies.
  14. Date/Time: 22/05/2012 | All day What happened: I was sitting at 7k blood and 2 of my friends were trying to give me a blood transfusion, but they didn't have the option to do so. When I hovered over them and had a blood bag, I had the option to give a blood transfusion. TL;DR: Could give blood transfusion but couldn't receive. Where you were: Irrelevant. What you were doing: Trying to get a blood transfusion. Current installed version: Server(s) you were on: NY7/8
  15. quake

    Blood level not saving

    Had the same thing yesterday. Kept resetting to 7k. I hope it doesn't continue today...