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Posts posted by Coverfire

  1. Keep telling yourself that. Your post was vague and i was aggroed by the displayed retardation, whether genuine retardation from your side or miss-communication from both sides, it matters little at this point because there's no way to decide what is what or who thinks what about what who did because of what. I stated why I was startled--I never seize to be surprised by the levels of retardation that exists both IRL and on the internet--and my reaction was logical, at worst premature and uncontrolled (not surprising due to my sleep deprivation).

    I still think you are retarded, though.

    Well, he quoted someone talking about current the current player count, then asked where to find "these statistics," so I find that pretty clear. I don't know what part seems vague to you.

  2. So it looks like I'll be staying with this life. I hit up the airfield near cherno then the supermarket, I have an M1014 with 16 slugs and an m1911 with 14 rounds. Also binoculars, soda, food, and other supplies. So even though I'd still like to have my old save back, I'm now close to my friend and at least have some stuff.

  3. There was something recently about player data being transferred on the hive server that may have allowed certain players to have a new life saved ontop their old life. That is, if they suicided their new life and reconnected or something they'd have their old life back but I didn't really read the post on that as it didn't affect me. Obviously not worth trying unless you haven't found anything useful yet.

    Hmm. Well I haven't found anything yet, but this spawn is very close to where my friend is, so I'll think it over and if I don't find anything good I'll give it a shot.

  4. you might have gotten all that gear on a Non-Hive server. Hence why you wouldnt have any on a Hive server

    That occured to me when the whole non-hive/hive thing was mentioned, but I logged off and then back on once before that, on two different servers, so there's no way I would have had the first stuff when I logged onto the second server, if it was non-hive.

  5. Nope, same thing. Tried a variety of servers and I'm always spawned in the same place, just outside Cherno. I logged off in the supermarket in Elektro, proned, behind the counter, but I don't know how any of that would affect me.

    I can get the stuff again, I'm learning a lot and I know places to go now. But it's the disappointment of having found all that and getting it immediately taken away, especially when some of it was for my friend who has also just started. This really sucks if it's permanent.

  6. So last night I finally got a foothold in the game. I went to Elektro, went to the firestation and supermarket, and found a Lee Enfield, an M1911, ammo for both, bandages, food, soda and a water bottle, etc.

    I logged on just now and it's all gone and I've been spawned on the coast. I didn't get the prompt to select gender or anything, I'm just on the coast with none of my items.

    What the hell happened and why?

  7. Apparently I'm the exception to soda cans being everywhere. I've been through 3 lives, exploring multiple towns as much as I can being that I'm new to the game and don't know where loot usually spawns, and haven't found anything in the way of soda or a water canteen. And that's not to say I haven't found anything at all. I've found food, loads of ammo, clothing, tires, a jerry can, a hatchet, etc. but nothing at all to drink, which is why I'm about to die of thirst....again.
