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Everything posted by jackrc11

  1. I have a bit of experience in DayZ itself, however, with the semi-recent update to, I don't know how to update. I have Six Launcher and Six Updater (which I have virtually no idea how to use) installed, and I assumed it updates automatically. I only bring this up because the majority of populated servers are in So, how do i update?
  2. My first murder occured not even an hour ago. I was walking south to Elektro, and a guy asked in side chat if anyone could bring him morphine. I said i would come down and I asked him where we was. He said his exact location in side chat (which is a dumb idea in itself). I found him, and he said into his mic, "Cool, I'm right here. Can I have the mo-" *BANG* *BANG* went my AK74- Kobra. And, "Dick." went Liam, my first victim. Due to lag, he didn't appear to be dead, so I shot him a few more times in the head, until he said that he was dead. He announced to all that I was not friendly. I saw another man climbing down a ladder, but just before I could shoot him, I lagged out. Liam, if you're reading this, Jack sends his regards. And I DID have morphine.
  3. A while ago, I was thinking about choosing your character's backstory before starting the game. It would add a new element to the game, and would help people get started. I saw a thread about Character Classes today, and thought, "This person did it all wrong, it shouldn't be about abilities, it should be about equipment!" Basically, after you pick your gender, it allows you to pick your "backstory", which will give you a nice role-playing element and some different equipment depending on what you pick: Hunter: You came to this island for game. The sport of it and some food for your family. You've been here before, before the Zed outbreak. Your boat crashed due to a storm, and your map blew away in the wind. You need plenty of food and water for your hunting trip, plus something to hunt. So you have a hunting knife, matches and a wood pile, a simple Rifle such as a Lee-Enfield, some ammo for it, some canned food and bottled water, a watch, and the default equipment. You spawn on the coast. Basically, the hunter is your average joe. Basic combat and navigation make him a fair choice. Fisherman: A rumor arose that there was a large fish migration near Chernarus. The source: Shady Joe. Seems trustworthy, you and your crew said. You drove your boat out near, but a storm destroyed your boat, and your entire crew either drowned or were eaten by Zeds. You have Some canned food and bottled water, a hunting knife, a map, compass and watch, a crossbow with bolts, and the basic equipment.. Fishermen wouldn't have a reason to carry guns, but a crossbow (AKA a harpoon gun) would've been used on large fish. You spawn on the coast. The fisherman lacks in combat equipment, but can navigate easily, knowing where he is and when it is at all times. Resident: For those who didn't play Arma II (or didn't get stuck on Razor 2), you know that Chernarus used to be an inhabited country before the events of Arma II and DayZ. You have kept safe through both, and have maintained residence for years. You have medium equipment, with both a primary weapon and a sidearm and ammo. You have a hunting knife, a map, a compass, a watch, matches, cooked meat, soda (You can optionally choose if you're a Coke or Pepsi person after picking Resident :P). You may think the Resident is OP with all his starting equipment, but here's the catch: You spawn in a large city, such as Cherno or Elektro, which puts you in danger to other players who spawned there with the same equipment or other players who found BETTER equipment. If you like this idea, suggest your own. If you don't, explain why.
  4. jackrc11

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    Here's mine:
  5. The thunderdome? I was on that server today! We all went in to some camp thing, some of us with ghillie suits, a guy said some profane question about where we were, and some message said to fight to the death. I left before a single bullet was fired and changed servers.
  6. jackrc11

    Use of junk!

    I saw a thread about 30 seconds before making this one about a use for junk, where it could be used as a trail http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/44456-effective-use-of-junk/. I like that idea, but a while ago I thought of something better. Just because a container (such as an empty can or whiskey bottle) is empty, it doesn't mean it's still not a container. Why not put extra water in it? Of course, The cans/bottles may have holes or cracks in it, so if we account for that, it would still hold a bit of water, but not as much as canteens AKA water bottles, still giving them a use. Along with what I previously stated, I would suggest both less of an abundance of junk (Not as rare as the best guns in the game (I don't know what they are, I'm a bit of a noob)) (Such as, less frequently occurring or only 1 or 2 in a group) and the amount of water held being a LOT less than water/soda. I'd say about 10-15%. It wouldn't be a lot, but it would keep you from dying of thirst more easily. I know from personal experience how hard it can be to get a fresh start and find soda/water, especially with no way to defend yourself. Thoughts?
  7. jackrc11


    Temperature hasn't had a huge impact on characters in DayZ. The only bad thing is the chance of infection when you're below 36 C, which is, by the way, really hot! I figured, we should have a consequence on both ends, so what about Fevers? When you have a fever, you're always told to keep hydrated. So if you get a fever, you become dehydrated FASTER! Yes, you heard correctly, you have to drink even more when it's already somewhat hard to find water or soda, which are non-renewable, unless you have a water bottle. Thoughts?
  8. jackrc11

    Use of junk!

    Remember, this thread is about holding water in junk containers.
  9. jackrc11

    Use of junk!

    I'm new to these forums. What's the Alt Weapon Thread?
  10. jackrc11

    Steam Achievements

    Fat: Eat something when your hunger meter is green. Mr. Freeman: Kill a player with a crowbar. No Evidence: Hide a body. Mechanic: Repair a car. One day, I'll need this: Pick up a junk item.
  11. jackrc11

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    Then why have it on XBOX 360 if you're going to use a keyboard?
  12. jackrc11

    10 Suggestions/Ideas [Feel free to elaborate!]

    1. Good, But it may be hard since it's actually part of the Arma 2 menu/engine itself. But I also think after the 20 seconds you should get a minute grace period before disconnecting no questions asked. If you're in a firefight, and you start the countdown, and you win, you should have time to collect your loot before disconnecting. 2. No. 3. Yeah, I like it, but I don't think keys would be great. I'd like to see people use matches to burn down a wooden building and everyone inside; that would be awesome. 4. Probably will happen soon. 5. Meh. Could be used to start a fire, if you angle it right. See that video of the death ray with like 2000 mirrors? It could burn through steel. I think 10 mirrors could start a fire. 6. No. 7. Maybe. 8. Yes to all but Long ranged taser and chainsaw, but I wouldn't be against a handsaw or making some crazy weapon out of a car engine, a fuel tank an axe, some duct tape, and a can of jerry (like dead rising). 9. Yes, maybe also make bear traps make you bleed, and add road spikes to make cars need new wheels/ tires. 10. Nah.
  13. Now we can all agree on this: Broken legs are a pain, and so is crawling for half an hour to find a hospital or helicopter that MAY OR MAY NOT have morphine on it. If you've seen anyone with a broken bone, people put the broken area back in position and hold it there with a cast. It eventually sort of "gets a feel" for it and stays like it. A cast is pretty much a bandage, right? So why not have that in DayZ? Bandages are small, but lets say one or two will fit it find. But adding more bandages could help keep it in place more, so it heals faster. When the cast is applied, it should allow you to walk. Slowly. The bone is still broken and very delicate. But you are able to walk slowly. Attempting to double tap W and run will cause you to go prone, such as when you try to walk when normally with a broken bone. Or, an alternative, as you can see in the title, is crutches! Maybe not so much as a crutch, but perhaps a walking stick. An option could be added to carve firewood into a walking stick/crutch with a hunting knife or axe. It would allow you to walk a bit faster than just with a cast, and you can whack people with your crutch! Animations would be ugly though... But if you combine bandages and crutches, you can walk even faster, about 75% normal speed, maybe a bit less. Bones can heal over time when set in a cast, and morphine will still cure it instantly (for some reason, even though it IS still broken, you're just on a super extreme painkiller) Thoughts?
  14. jackrc11

    Fishing/Throwing spears

    I don't want to eat spears, but fish and spear combat sounds good. Edit: Oooo, fish combat. I'd like that too!
  15. jackrc11

    Trade Zones

    I want rocket to add bombs just so i can plant one on the side of the trade zone and kill everyone >:D
  16. Nobody wants to crawl around for 2 days just to get off your belly. The game is supposed to be about moving around and interacting with what's around you. What the take, when to shoot, who to shoot. Not "should I crawl or should I roll"
  17. jackrc11

    Meat From Dead Players

    Idea: you can cut off small parts of people and throw them toward zombies to lure them away, but it WOULD attract them toward you when closer, since it's in your pockets/backpack.
  18. jackrc11


    Or just point a gun at them and yell "WALK!" as you prod them.
  19. If you are going to criticize me, at least use proper spelling and give a reason why.
  20. jackrc11

    Use of junk!

    Use a broken bottle as a temporary weapon!
  21. jackrc11

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    Just read the title so i could come in and say: NO! NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Well- Actually, it could- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! A. It's in VERY early stages. B. That would mean putting the whole Arma 2 engine on 360 C. NO!
  22. Random Idea, add duct tape to the game so you can attach the axe to your rifle (among other things with duct tape)! Like a bayonet! You can use F to switch modes and sneak up on people!
  23. jackrc11

    DayZ Stories

    My first session in DayZ (What I did over my Summer Vacation): I started off at about noon, not far from a town full of buildings and zombies. I crept slowly toward the undead-populated city, knowing that a wrong move could mean certain death. I managed to find a shotgun and a small amount of ammo, but was quickly spotted. I used most of my ammo fending off the zombies who attacked me. I soon found an axe, but seconds later, a crowd of zombies spotted me. I had to use my shotgun, an axe couldn't take them all on. So I killed them and wandered out of town. But before I left the borders, even more zombies attacked! I fended off some with my axe, but one knocked me out and started eating me. I awoke midway, with an uncountable amount of blood lost. I killed that zombie and hit his corpse at least 5 times with the axe before realzing I had extreme blood loss. I bandaged myself up, but I was still dying. My vision, grey and blurry. My walking, limped and slow. I went down fighting, killing all zombies in my way, until I eventually collapsed, near no zombies.
  24. I took the following steps when trying to play DayZ: I bought Arma 2: CO and launched both games. I installed 6 Launcher/Updater I ran 6 Updater I ran 6 Launcher and installed DayZ I tried to join a game several times. It landed me in the lobby, I pressed Join again, It showed a background with tanks, then it was stuck on a black screen, full bar, and "Loading". What do I do?