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Adjta (DayZ)

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About Adjta (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Adjta (DayZ)

    DayZmod died?

    Must be joining the wrong servers, why not check out the rest of arma, dayz is in alpha, alpha is primarily for new features over bug fixes, the mod is free rocket doesn't have your money. Now that that's out of the way, anything else to whine about?
  2. Adjta (DayZ)

    What happens if you get caught Hacking?

    DayZ server admin finds you hacking: ban from server. Battleye finds you hacking: CD key is banned from Arma. You will need new copy of game Severity of the hack has no influence. Hacking is hacking.
  3. Adjta (DayZ)

    mouse look

    Half the controls in Arma are weird to begin with. Once you get used to it, many other PC games can feel like a cakewalk.
  4. Adjta (DayZ)

    mouse look

    Double tap the left Alt key. How you this was toggled for you, the world may never know.
  5. Adjta (DayZ)


    Okay not flares then. Chemlights. You find a package of glowsticks. You use such glowsticks as an improvised light source. Still sticks with the survival aspects of the game, doesn't require more work to be done for a feature that already exists.
  6. Adjta (DayZ)


    Quick response: flares/chemlights.
  7. Adjta (DayZ)

    Regarding Vehicle Spawns.

    After about 7 days of inactivity the helicopter should reset and start spawning at the normal spawn points. Unfortunately this means you'll lose anything you may have stored on the chopper.
  8. Adjta (DayZ)

    Declaring War on another Clan?

    Fuck just earlier tonight I was decked out with end game gear and had 0 zombie kills. You clearly don't have the foresight or luck to store good items into a tent should you die. Apparently you also don't know "most people". If I found a Ural I would just keep going through their stuff. If they have the power or luck to get the Ural, who knows what else they might have had. As for the weapon and ghillie suits refer back to the first point. I don't see how not knowing how to fly a heli trolls or ruins the game for you.
  9. Could be considered unethical if you use it to look for camps and vehicles hidden in the wilderness. Otherwise, there's no problem with it.
  10. Makes sense. More dead bodies = more zombie bait.
  11. Adjta (DayZ)

    Vanishing Ammo -- how do I stop it?

    Har de har Bulletproof. Looks like the game thinks you want to place the magazines into your backpack as well as the gun. Make sure you have enough room in your bag for the magazines or move them into there manually first. Not the most beautiful fix, but works.
  12. Adjta (DayZ)

    P2T Hotkey

    By default it's Caps Lock but that gets annoying if you type as well. I personally use t.
  13. If you stash tents or vehicles there it gets wiped. I'm not sure for players although it's frowned upon as it virtually guarantees a safe respawn.
  14. Adjta (DayZ)

    Stop making stupid suggestions?

    Stop making senseless posts which realistically don't affect anything.All you're doing at this point is whining about whiners. The mod is now ridiculously popular and as such more idiots have voices. Just learn to skim over it and see the suggestions which actually make a point.
  15. How high is your volume setting? Try turning down the effects and music volume to levels which don't rape your ear.