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Everything posted by Vanglory

  1. What's up guys! I've recently acquired a DMR off of a very cocky sniper and I had a few questions in regards to how the scope/milidot system worked. I've taken a look at the DayZ wiki, which follows: Mils - Range 0 - 400m 1.3 - 500m 2.7- 600m 4.2 - 700m 5.8 - 800m Now, obviously I have no military training or handling in rifles so I would like some clarification. I've already learned the equation for zeroing in scopes like on the M24 or CZ 550, but the difference in a DMR is with it NOT having any zeroing capabilities. So, how can I count the mils? Obviously 1 mil = a point on the scope, but how do you calculate 1.3 by counting these points? 5.8? Where does the longitude and latitude parts of the crosshair scope come into effect? Any help is appreciated! EDIT: Here's the scope for added understanding.
  2. Can I play DayZ on a gameboy?
  3. Vanglory

    /reddit Bronies/ sanc server gone?

    Inb4 brony hate
  4. Vanglory

    Stranded outside cherno

  5. Vanglory

    How populated is Green Mountain?

    It is populated by something... but it isn't people or zeds.
  6. Vanglory

    How populated is Green Mountain?

    I used to have a group of close friends... ...Then they decided to go to Green Mountain.
  7. Vanglory

    Any one have a spare stream copy?

    Don't be such an obvious douchebag. Pay for another game or learn not to hack and gtfo.
  8. Vanglory

    to whoever just shot me

    I would throw my own family into the zeds for an enfield!
  9. Vanglory


    I'll trade you my Makarov mags....
  10. Vanglory

    Why does everyone hide in the woods?

    It's a big map, mate. Every little crevice, room, and bush holds a player attempting to avoid your 'crew' or otherwise try to survive. You could self-sustain yourself in the woods for an eternity, albeit it's not fun. So... Who knows.
  11. What are these 'dead hours?' Just when the people of GMS are offline? Just curious.
  12. Vanglory

    What's On You Right Now

    You all sound pretty jealous. Good work Robin Hood!
  13. I rubbed mud all over myself to avoid you people.
  14. I enjoy reading these threads.
  15. Vanglory

    What makes you play DayZ?

    Grab some comrades, skulking. Having some fun and friendly pals at your sides to goof off or strategize with makes the game a whole lot more enjoyable.
  16. Vanglory

    What do you record dayz with

    I use Fraps, but apparently alot of people will be quick to call it crap due to some fps drops. However, it is not free, so if you have money to drop I'd check it out EDIT: Good god. It went from $25 in 2010 to $37
  17. Bump. Can I get some statistics? :)
  18. Vanglory

    Bandit Born

    Great thread bro. A worthy first post.
  19. Vanglory

    Make me a bunny again!

  20. Silly swamp men and their seaweed coats.
  21. Vanglory

    RNG Unconsciousness

    As blood decreases, color saturation starts to drain from the player's screen. Complete saturation loss usually occurs around 4000 to 3000 blood. At this point the character will occasionally shake, and a heart beat can be heard. Audio in the world becomes muted. At less than 5000, you will start to randomly fall Unconscious. At a blood level of 0 or below, the player is dead. 12000 - Max Blood < 9000 - Sussceptible to "one shot Knock out" from zombies < 8000 - Colour and sound begin to fade < 5000 - May fall Unconscious < 4000 - Black and white screen, loss of much hearing capability 0 - Player Dead No problems here. You need to be more careful...
  22. Vanglory

    Best servers to play on.

    I have really taken a liking to the gmsradio.net server or otherwise known as the Green Mountain Survivors server. They have a clear hatred for banditry and have a solid safe haven set in the mountain itself. People there seem to be friendly (aside from the bandits obv.) and it looks like a casual place to hang.
  23. I go as follows: Anyone I don't know or is not in any chat program of mine, I am automatically suspicious. Unless the server I'm on is clan run and have a huge bias against bandits, anyone who is brandishing a weapon is considered an enemy and must be taken out. Now, if the player had an axe, I might be more lenient and walk the opposite way depending on how I'm feeling. If the player is unarmed and obviously just starting from the coast, I usually offer my assistance or just quietly watch them walk the opposite direction. Call me a douche for the whole "shoot first" hooplah, I just always remember the times when I could of shot instead of sitting on my stupid ass shouting "Friendly!"
  24. Vanglory

    Arma series is so terrible.

    Shut up, muppet.