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Everything posted by Vanglory

  1. Incoming wall of text! So, there I was in Cherno on a server with about 15+ people on it. I was currently searching for the source of a load of gunfire and while I was hiding within a building, I hear a guy over Direct Comm go, "Don't shoot man." I turn around to see a ghillie suited player with a GOLDEN Ak-47. I decide not to shoot him, lowering my weapon and deciding to talk back because after all, even if he killed me an AKM isn't hard to recover. "Nice gun, hacks I presume?" I ask. "Nah, hacks are illegal." He jokingly retorts. "lol." "Hey, watch this" He says. After a short moment, he backs up sarcastically exclaiming, "Whoa man, stop hacking!" Suddenly, my AKM had suddenly transformed into a M107 with a thermal scope, and soon enough I had a ghillie suit skin on. The hacker had gone into my own inventory and replaced ALL MY GEAR with the rarest sh**t in the game, including a rangefinder and night vision goggles. I was baffled. Soon enough we both hear gunshots close-by and the guy exclaims to me: "Hey get out of here man, take this." He says, before an ATV spawns magically to my side. "You serious?" I ask in disbelief. "Ya man, go!" Being the asshole that I am, I oblige and drive off in this fully gassed ATV, driving to the woods and parking for a bit. I'm sure you'll all flame me for having this hacked gear on me but to me it was AMAZING. I had never had something so powerful and felt so great. I did decide I would try to keep my gear, so as I traveled a bit I went to a big, peach house... As I went around, suddenly I hear a voice over my Direct Comm. "Hey buddy." A familiar voice called out. It was the same guy again, although this time he was a dog, yes... a DOG. I joked around with him a bit as a zombie agroed to me and I decided to run into the house to kill it. All of a sudden, the guy calls out to be careful, and I turn around to a random fellow with an axe who one shots me after I loaded 4 bullets into him. So I died, and I sat back in my computer chair trying to resolve what the fuck just happened to me. All in all, I had it all then I lost it all. I no longer have any of the equipment previously given to me. (I would of died quickly anyways had I not decided to hide in the woods for all eternity.)
  2. Vanglory

    My Strange Encounter w/ a Hacker.

    I suspect he was a hacker as well. The guy literally spawned from thin air. We were right next to Zub Castle in the house below. I would of seen the fella coming, much less survive more than one shot with 12k blood.
  3. I did that same prank, except when I did it, my friend crushed a bunch of ketchup packets on his chest and didn't move. :|
  4. Vanglory

    My Strange Encounter w/ a Hacker.

    Do you expect me to do the right thing and throw it all on the ground and leave? I could of done that. Then I remember it's a video game and I don't give a shit about other players.
  5. I'd just like one or the other because it breaks the monotony of that stupid civilian clothing.
  6. Vanglory

    Dude, where's my ...wheel?

    I took your fire so I could make a wheel. Solution.
  7. I hear you, bro. I've spent 3 days on full servers swapping in between cherno and elektro, just SEARCHING for others. I am a ferocious bandit, being with past experiences dieing, so I usually go for the kill once I find them. I've gotten atleast 6 kills out of those three days. It's ridiculous. EDIT: I know there is ALOT at NW airstrip and Stary, but I'm way too impatient to run all the way from the coast to the top of the map.
  8. Vanglory


    Cry me a river.
  9. Vanglory

    Annoying People

    I don't think your understanding me. He has nothing to lose in attempting to kill you other than a run back to the city.
  10. Vanglory

    Who are the people who seal off buildings?

    Because its been a peeve of mine for every forum I've come across.
  11. Vanglory

    Me Reading the Suggestions

    This isn't your blog. I don't care.
  12. Vanglory

    Annoying People

    Why would I do that? If I only have a Makorov I obviously would want you dead for YOUR gear.
  13. Vanglory

    Who are the people who seal off buildings?

    Why do you have to put a name signature after every post? This isn't a fucking letter or an email. We can see who you are.
  14. Vanglory

    Friendly FIRE? Yea I did it.

    @stuffnthings And you don't understand what that means in Arma 2 / DayZ standards.
  15. Wait... what? Using your xbox to voice chat while playing on your PC? :o
  16. Vanglory

    Small Tactical Group Looking For New Buddys

    I've been off and on about a nice, coordinated team of individuals. So far I've only teamed up with my noob friends or just some random survivor so this could be my thing.
  17. Vanglory

    Sniper rifles

    <_< No. Part of a simulator is that we have the choice to do what we want. If we want to collect a military sniper and kill others, than by god so be it. It's your fault your so noticeable that your getting shot. Besides, in terms of 'unarmed civils,' we don't know who are characters are. For all we know, they could be retired marines or just gun-savvy people.
  18. Learn how to be stealthy.
  19. Vanglory

    YES! I got killed

    Now you have given someone else this burden with your loot. ^_^
  20. Vanglory

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I got into a firefight recently, and luckily I came out on top after he broke my legs and thought I was dead. Anywho, I'm far outside the borders of Cherno with 1.7k blood and no life line. Could I perhaps get a response? EDIT: Maybe later today. I'm going to take a nap. :P
  21. Vanglory

    Livestream of DayZ

    I have a high school understanding of German, and that doesn't help one bit lol. Speak any English?
  22. So after my latest death at the hands of some sniping banditry, I suddenly got to thinking: In most cases, I see a player with a weapon I always assume he is an enemy. HOWEVER, when I see a player completely unarmed I usually consider them friendly and have no need to kill them. Now, in that mindset I'm going to attempt a series of runs to major cities and pvp hotspots in an effort to see who is an asshole and who isn't. Without any forms of defense, I wade myself at other players with a friendly tone and the usual "FRIENDLY / I'M UNARMED" lingo. I'll do alittle update now and then to tell of my stories or just plain deaths. Wish me luck!