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Everything posted by Vanglory

  1. Vanglory

    Backpack Bug?

    I'm curious how we could "help you out" by coming to your server. I've never encountered this problem before so I'm not sure.
  2. Vanglory

    What a wonderful world

    Are all 71 of your posts just bitching? Shut up and enjoy the video.
  3. Vanglory

    M107 Headshot.. Leave some comments.

    Oh my god that is probobly some of the worst singing I've ever heard. Any longer of a video my ears would bleed.
  4. Vanglory


    Hacker. I had that same situation; they have the ability to change your own inventory.
  5. Vanglory

    Kevin? Are you out there Kevin?

    I killed a guy named Kevin three times.
  6. Vanglory

    Just So Everyone Knows (end game)

  7. Vanglory

    [VIDEO] First Video DayZ

    Such enchanting music.
  8. Vanglory

    [Video] A typical night in Chernarus

    Good lord. Your gear...
  9. Vanglory

    Shit DayZ players say (Parody)

    Trying so hard.
  10. Vanglory

    i will get you !

    *faint* "fuck you." Hah!
  11. Vanglory

    I dont understand farmers

    I went there once at night. I found a M4A3 CCO SD, G17, PDW, and a M24. Pretty eventful for a noob like me :D
  12. Vanglory

    You die when you're not expecting it

    I've seen hackers kill people at random anywhere on the map. Hell, I saw it happen to my friend and about a dozen others on my server. ...That or your extremely unlucky lol.
  13. Vanglory

    To my fellow traveler.

    Travelers AND lovers? :o
  14. Vanglory

    DayZ Standalone confirmed??

    Show me them titties.
  15. Vanglory

    Biggest DayZ Camp Raid EVER (Video)

    Word up homie. That's some fresh music, ya dig?
  16. Vanglory

    This is why I kill on sight

    Your pretty god damn lucky, mate. I've only found 1 crash site in my entire span of playing DayZ... and all there was, was an FN FAL with no ammo.
  17. Vanglory

    This is why I kill on sight

    Aras is always first to post with his insightful opinions.
  18. We should make a thread of colored text. Just hoard all these bitches together.
  19. Vanglory

    Secondary weapon?

    It devastated me when I first started playing. I found a hunting rifle, but I wanted to store it in my backpack so I could use my shotgun still. Bad idea. I was like "WTF where'd it go?!?!"
  20. Vanglory

    Safe Zone Idea

    This idea is new and exciting.
  21. Vanglory

    wtb ghilie

    I'll trade you a bullet for your guns.
  22. I don't want to alarm you, but I think your going to hell.
  23. Vanglory

    ToG guys?

    This is delicious!
  24. Vanglory

    <Mwk> Italian Clan

    pizzeria spaghetti pasta
  25. Vanglory

    Dying for no reason

    Luke, shut up. No one is forcing you to play. If you have a problem with it, then wait for beta or hell even the full release. Us more forgiving players will continue to play. We knew what we were getting into when we joined a game in the "ALPHA" phase. Even if it is full of various bugs, it's only for the better of the game in order to fix it in the future and we just have to live with it.