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Everything posted by UX*Shepster

  1. UX*Shepster

    Banned from UK 25 for server hopping??

    You know i did log out, after you retards logged out when we shot at you, if you think im going to stay there after you hop server to change position your mistaken. you abuse exploits and should rightly be banned, Go buy your own server, i cant see any reason to unban you.
  2. UX*Shepster

    Banned from UK 25 for server hopping??

    Admin abuse my ass, we pay £160 per month to host a server for the community, no action is taken against anyone in the server until we have the support from Dev admins and other server admins, you server hop to save your ass when in a fire fight, we are not bandits, we do not hunt people down to kill them, we will however defend ourselves and equipment. So tell me MiniGoold how did you manage to have a vehicle the devs have removed from the game ?