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Everything posted by Godparties

  1. Do you run by a rank structure, or the two that run it are the leaders and members run under them?
  2. Sounds chill, what about the majority of the members nationality and timezones? What's the leadership structure like?
  3. What kind of discipline structure do you have? What's the goal for the clan? Other than fun times. Like, what does that entail. What is it that you're looking for?
  4. I played DayZ for about 3-4 months with a solid 4-man team. We did well, but stopped once the bugs and hackers got to be too much to bear. Also, we hosted our own server for that period of time. I am military, as well as those that played with me. I'm interested a bit in this clan. Kinda of looking for information on it. Also, i'm pretty rusty, since I haven't played this year at all. I'd catch up fast though.
  5. Godparties

    DAYZ Developer MINI Blog April 10th

    I think most updates they put out should just be stated, posted, and immediately locked. That gives the update out, and stops all the complaining. On that thread at least. I'm pleased with waiting, and i'm happy with what information is out thus far. Keep up the good work Dev team, and Forum moderators!
  6. Godparties

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Keep up the good work, Rocket.
  7. Godparties

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    I don't mind it one way or the other, I have a toolbox. So, I just get rid of it.
  8. Godparties

    Pending Update: Build

    Enjoying the game. Bugs and all. It's great. Keep up the good work, Dev team. Looking forward to the next patch!
  9. Godparties

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    There's no reason for a heat-map. Just walk to the damn location and see if people are there. Half of you want it just to camp the spot anyway. Find it on your own. No reason to give locations away. Stick with K/D's and such.
  10. Until you've killed me. (Which you won't), then it's all invalid, and you're another camper. Enjoy.
  11. He's just on his period. Even if I never sniped before, I'd do it just to see how upset he gets. Cause rule number one in DayZ: Don't get attached to your gear. And Rifles are too easy to find. xD
  12. Literally, you make noise, or you'll be in the area. You won't live. Welcome to try. You aren't the best. You're just another "Vigalante camper" who got sniped too much. We snipe. We kill. We live. And some of us die. We'll do it over, and over, and over. (; Just to piss you off.
  13. Possible. But, as i'll say, and EVERYONE will agree. You'll die. Like I said, 7-man team. We set up in positions so that we can support ourselves. Also, you're not the best. You can't take everyone out. Personally, I don't give a fuck. Dying just means I start over and camp again. (: The same goes for you, camper.
  14. Campers gon' camp. To include Counter sniping and otherwise. No matter the reason. I personally don't camp Cherno, because I don't need anything in that city that I can't find away from the coast. But I do snipe. And I do kill all that I see that aren't a part of my 7-man team.
  15. Godparties

    Why is there so many pussy's on DayZ

    I don't ever feel guilty. I killed you. I more than likely got some good loot(I only kill for loot), and they learn from that death. That's how you get better and live longer, die and learn from the mistake. So, essentially, I'm teaching them to be better. I shouldn't feel bad for that! :D
  16. Yup. I believe the wiki says if you're within 400m, then zombies spawn. Don't quote me though. But if there is no activity, there are no players.
  17. Godparties

    New Player

    Beeeeeeeeeans. And friends.
  18. Godparties

    Elektro Supermarket Massacre...At Night

    Pretty sweet video. But way too careless. Like ^ said, keep quiet. Run with a hatchet at night, and you'll be a lot safer. Also, stay away from ALL flares. Either a player is there, or a sniper is watching it. Either way, it's not good. Once again, pretty sweet video.
  19. Godparties

    Into the mind of a bandit.

    I run with 7 IRL friends. Only people I'll trust fully. I will not kill just because. It MUST benefit the group before. I've watched people on one end of the NW Air Field that I could have easily dispatched. But my team was looting the opposite end. Those players never knew we were there. If they had gotten close, I would have dispatched them. I kill to survive, not just because.
  20. Godparties

    How to loot ghillie suits from a player

    No can do, braski.
  21. Calm down champ, it's just a helicopter. Haha.
  22. Godparties

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I had my character for 8, "in game" days. Which is a long ass time for me. And, I had 17 player kills. Also a lot for me. And my character fell through the floor of my van today and died. Randomly just fell through it. I died with 7106.09 health. I was so upset. ):
  23. Godparties

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I believe you definitely. I'm not questioning you. I'm just running off of myself, and my entire 7 man team.
  24. Godparties

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    It wasn't pushed from there. It was BIS that pushed it to the actual ARMA game. It wasn't an update for the mod. To be honest, i'm not really sure why you didn't get it, but I still as of 2 minutes ago, can't kill a zombie with less that four body shots with the M1911.
  25. Godparties

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    My stats also reset, but after a server restart I got all of my stats back.