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About Austin/panda

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  1. Nope, would you like me to?
  2. Well this all sounds great, when you find another guy or two just PM me.
  3. About the same times i'm able to play as well. How big is this group going to be?
  4. That sounds awesome. I'll join, what times would we play from?
  5. Austin/panda

    Looking for group

    Message me your skype if you want to play with us.
  6. Austin/panda

    Looking for group

    Me and two friends are just looking to see if we could add a few on to our group, we're a tight nit group, my friend jason (taco) i've known since the 4th grade and my other friend from school. Please be mature and have a decent understanding about the game, we don't play to be completely hardcore and serious and we kind of just like to have fun. we play about every day for a couple hours and for the rest of the time we play all sorts of games ranging from Trine 2 to League of legends. so if you are interested in playing with us just post below, and fill this put Amount of time on the computer daily: Age: Are you Working or in school: Would you rather play hardcore or have fun: Bandit or Friendly: Shoot on sight:
  7. Austin/panda

    The story of The Friendly Panda.

    Yeah I understand, Well if you run into me say something, I rarely shoot first.
  8. Austin/panda

    The story of The Friendly Panda.

    Your on US 552? where are you? This guy just tired to kill me and I shot him in the head... hope that wasn't you lol.
  9. Austin/panda

    The story of The Friendly Panda.

    I'm thinking of making a video of me doing something like this but I doubt i'll get nice people or have something like this happen again, do you guys think I should?
  10. Like the title says, if anyone needs anything such as medical help, a friend to play with, weapons, just ask. i'm currently in Elektro and i can help any new player learn the Elektro loot run or just help them out in the long run with advice. if you want to play with me or want some help post your steam/skype name and i'll get back to you as soon as possible. If you want to see how i play go check out this post, but this is not how I would have acted if I was in a group and more heavily armed. http://dayzmod.com/f...page__hl__panda I've been playing for about 3 months, in a squad i'm the one the scavenges for loot or kills most of the zombies. I know how to spot for a sniper and navigate for my group of 3 when we play.
  11. Austin/panda

    The story of The Friendly Panda.

    Thanks, Just logged off US 552, found a guy knocked out on top of the fire station in Elektro, gave him a blood transfusion and an epi pen and as soon as he got up he tried to shoot me. I said in direct chat that there was no need and that I was a fresh spawn (which I was, spawned about 5 mins before this happened) and just let him kill me even though I could have shot him with the M1911 I found with 1 clip. I just wish people would be thankful and not so greedy :/
  12. So, I decided to be completely nice to people and see how they reacted. I spawned in Elektro and started doing the loot run. I found a AKM with 6 mags, a M1911, Alice pack and many other items. I found this person in the school house that claimed he was new to the game, he was up the stairs and I said "I'm armed with an AKM and an M1911, I will not shoot and will walk up with my gun down, is there anything I can help you with I have medical supplies and spare weapons (I said this because I didn't want him feeling bad for taking my weapons)." He said "I don't have a gun and my legs are broke and i'm at 5000 blood" I told him that I would be right up, I ran up there saw him on the floor unarmed, I fixed his legs gave him a transfusion and gave him my AKM. When he got up i expected him to shoot me but instead he just said "is there anything I'm able to help you with?" and I said "i'm good, just remember what I did for you and do the same for other people in the future. The next guy I came across was in the church, he had a M4A3 CCO, camo clothing, Alice Pack and had NVGs on even though it was daytime... anyways, I came up to the church and asked if i could come in, he said "Please don't shoot me this is the best gear i've ever had man." I simply said "I'm not going to shoot you can i come in?" I walked in to find him on the ground bleeding, i bandaged him, fixed his legs and gave him a blood transfusion. And like I said to the other guy "just remember what I did for you and do the same for other people in the future" Later I found the same guy at the fire station (I was observing him from the hills with binocs). But the guy from the school house was there as well. The M4A3 guy had been shot in the legs by a CZ550 and the school house guy dragged him down to the bottom floor and fixed him up. They then both ran North together and I ran up to them along the road and asked if they knew each other. the School house guy said "Nah i just saw him at the fire station and he needed help and with the stuff i took from the hospital i fixed him up, then he asked if i wanted to go to the NW airfield and i said sure and asked if he knew the way, then i asked if he had Skype and i added him. Do you want to come with us?" he asked me, i said "nah i'm good, i'll see you guys around." A day later I saw they were on the server and I had my friend pick me up in the ATV and we drove there. on the way there we stopped at stary and saw them looting the tents. Except there were 3 of them, I went up and told them who I was and asked who there new friend was, they said "we found him in Novi in the church unconscious and we helped him and asked if he wanted to come with us, he said sure and now here we are." I told them to have fun and help others and me and my friend went to our camp and called it a night. In the end it was nice to not be shot on sight by the new bunch and hopefully they help other players and not get shot. I always help people in need and rarely shoot on sight unless i'm sure they're a bandit.
  13. Austin/panda

    Graphical Issues

    same here pleas fix this ;-;
  14. Austin/panda

    Fort Friendly 2.0 - Social Experiment

    Sorry to hear about what happened, Me and my friends just came across a bandit camp and took their car, looted everything of value, blew up their tents and killed everyone that got near the camp with an AS50 and M107 we looted. Karmas a bitch. And btw we were sure they were bandits, they have been KOSing everyone on the server.