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Everything posted by Silvertain

  1. Silvertain

    Killing unarmed survivors..

    rest easy in the knowledge that karma has a way of paying people back in this game very fast so while it was fun this time remeber what its like when you are the one getting shot probaly in the next few days
  2. Silvertain

    Fucking Humanity...

    Guys i have the same problem i have only killed in self defense and i had -16k its like -10k now but still why the hell should i be punished for defending my self from some douche who shot first? the worst thing is this affects my gameplay as I was always a ask if someone is friendly and would always help people now people either run from me or more than likley shoot me in the face.. not that they didnt anyway i guess so im not sure if this has affected that much after typing this lol
  3. Hey guys, i was wondering if anyone has had a more satisfying revenge kill on a lowdown dirty bandit that killed you? here is my story of delicous revenge I spent all day savouring how much the douche deserved the kill:] For some reason my guy spawned near the beach which was wierd so i decided to cruise into cherno check out whats happening see if anyone needs blood to gain humanity. I was in the firestation seeing if there is some nice loot when suddenly instantly killed like - 100k blood? I figured the only place this guy can be is on the tall industrial building. Pretty pissed off that a weeks worth of surviving was killed by some turd with nothign better to do I respawned as luck would have it I spawned at cap golovy or what ever its called this is perfect i thought. I took a detour on the way to get tooled up at the barn near the cap to see if I can find a lee enfield no luck there however found a nice axe. Making my way to Cherno I made a bee line for the tall building and started climbing the ladder until I noticed blood pouring down and I noticed I could hear flies I could see a body on the 1st ledge its at that point I realised the dick must be in the building oposite made my way there instead and started climbign the ladder to a point I could just see over the floors edge and sure enough the guy was lying there waiting for someone to climb up so he could shoot them in the face. I waited for a good 5 mins thinking he will aim somewhere else he didnt i thought sod this im going in death or glory I said "its time to chillaxe!" on the general chat and ran as fast as I could to the gimp funnily enough he managed to shoot me unfortunatly for him it broke my leg but I managed to hit him once with my axe and down he went lol. So thanks to some numpty sniper I now have a nice m104,range finder the assualt rifle with the Grenade launcher on and best of all I used his morphine to repair my bust leg so thanks "Dani" the bandit maybe next time think twice before shoot someguy who would have helped you and thanks for helpign me upgrade from a hatchet lol Silvertain
  4. DayZ Name :Shane How long have you played DayZ :2 months Time Zone:GMT Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes very(no if I see hacking or duping then I wll leave) What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer)Medic /support
  5. Silvertain

    Bad Luck

    you found a huey in the first place thats not bad luck
  6. Silvertain

    Can anyone top my story of revenge?

    Hey Jesters I assume you are saying im talking bullshit lol the server was DE 959 and it occured about 10am GMT and the guy was called Dani unfortuantly there is no way to prove it unless the guy or girl in question happens to read this.so until then maybe just get into the spirit of it and tell a nice revenge story:]
  7. Silvertain

    need help im not a F*cking bandit...

    I have the same problem mate I killed only in self defense apart from once and im a bandit apparntly then sometimes I have positive humanity and I loss my backpack as it changes my outift to a civie one and my bag changes to the coyotee one
  8. Silvertain

    you were kicked off the game

    ok wierdly i got it workign in si launcher but dayz commander i have the kick probelm wth is is wrong with it?
  9. Silvertain

    you were kicked off the game

    guys i have the same problem but i dont use steam how can i try the same thing to resolve it? thanks in advance
  10. Silvertain

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    Age:34 Ingame Name:Shane TZ and Country:GMT England Are you willing to use TS3:yes Are you willing to use the website when it's operational:yes What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) im exforces myself so teamwork and following issuing orders are second nature What type of role would best suit you:support/medic
  11. Silvertain

    [AURA] Clan Recruiting New DayZ Members

    In Game Name:Shane Location:london Steam name (If Available): Experience:2 mts Age:34 When Available:most evenings Any additional information sick of lone wolfing :]
  12. ok i have dayz commander I dont see a update button?
  13. Silvertain

    No more Perma Death....

    ok I got dayz commander I still dont see humanity is there somewhere I can go to download the latest patch?
  14. Silvertain

    No more Perma Death....

    I dont see my humanity at all do I need to download a new patch ? as six updater just had a new patch
  15. Silvertain

    Stay away from these guys

    Good news and bad news ... Good news is I spawned in your server UK666 from where my base is on the server i play and found your nice Heli:] Bad news i have never flown before and it blew up when I tried to take off:[ oh and more good news I survived the crash:]
  16. Hello, This is basicly a post in the hopes my victim will read this. In all my time gaming I have never had a experiance that has played on my mind so much I have literlay lost sleep over this lame as it sounds but this is how bad I feel about it. Basicly after trying to be a nice guy and getting killed constantly I would always say friendly no matter what and 9 times out of 10 get shot in the face! Anyway after all this I decided I would avoid all human contact and its worked my guy has survived for weeks now and he has scavanged every piece of gear you would want I found a DMR and was tramping around stary at night with NV on and spotted a flare by the tents. I watched a guy loot tents through my scope and I honestly dont know why but I shot him! I watched him lie there with a fountain of blood pouring out of him for a few mins then decided to have a closer look. Once I got close to this guy I realised he wasnt dead he was pointing his pistol at me but didnt shoot however this is the bit I feel horrible about when I got within range he said over the VOIP "Please dont kill me" or " please dont hurt me" I couldnt quite make it out but I shot him with my pistol. The thing that gets me is he sounded so sad when he said this like I was ruining his fun for no reason which I was really and I wish I didnt do it I wish i could go back and shout out to him maybe we could have been friends who knows. I couldnt even bring myself to look at his gear I was so disgusted with myself now I cant really bring myself to play dayz as I know at some point I will have to interacte with people. i have over 550 zed kills and this 1 murder always reminding me of the guys sad voice:[. When Karma catches up to me I hope its you mate who gets the kill and my gear and if you are reading this I really am sorry.
  17. He probably wasnt a bandit I had a situation where all I had in the NW airfield was a crappy CZ550 that had ammo no pistol ammo I saw a guy crawling and didnt shoot and guess what he blasted me in the head! unfortuantly I end up shot in the face after 98% encounters I have with the morons that frequent this game he probaly decided he had no other option than to fire on you.
  18. Hello, I had the same thing as this tonight exepct with a SA80 or whatever its called (lol at my old british army days) I found one with a thermal scope in a chopper site tonight played for about 3 hours logged off then went back 30 misn later and was at my original spot before finding the rifle which made me a sad panda :[ Shane