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Everything posted by Sputty

  1. Sputty

    US Hardcore 1 server...

    Are you sure you were kicked and it wasn't a technical issue? It could be something as simple as having an incorrect version of the mod. Since the patch just came out you may have updated earlier than they have or you may not have the update while they do.
  2. Sputty

    Zombies--Too many now

    I registered to post my opinion on this. When I was hearing about this mod from a friend a couple weeks ago what interested me most were the weird stories about dealing with people. The stories and events that happen in this game are based a lot on what people do with each other, friendly or hostile, in a tense situation. Scavenging can get you rewards as can murdering people but how you deal with other players seemed a big part of this game. The zombies were necessary; a constant external threat beyond players was needed to occupy people, offer a common goal and an ever present danger. My issue with the change is that the zombies are so numerous that it hampers the player interaction. Grouping up just to kill zombies isn't half as interesting as grouping up to just be safe from other people to me. The reason I peak around ever tree and hide in a forest was never the zombies, who I could work around because of their AI, it was the fear of someone with a gun across the valley as I left cover. I feel like the current zombie numbers have really negatively impacted player interaction. Banditry and Scavenging have taken off different meanings that I feel are worse than they were. I think the game will become about just surviving being attacked by, and abusing the AI of, a bunch of zombies in a way that sort of takes away from dealing with people. I feel like zombies have become the primary threat and task in this game. If that's the desire with this change then I feel this mod will have lost a bit of what made it really unique. Surviving against the zombies was interesting but the events that I remember most fondly are dealing with people. Making friends, fighting people or just getting in a stand off was all really interesting and whether I died or came out on top I always felt that it was rewarding in some way. Being overwhelmed by zombies doesn't leave me with the same impression as getting stuck in a gunfight over some beans or travelling across the map with someone I just met to get some supplies.