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Posts posted by rynkrt3

  1. Hello everybody, I have been playing DayZ on and off for a while now, and I am starting to get really bored of the "Solo-life." I would love to find a group to play with reguarly. I don't really care what we do, just as long as it's not going aroud killing innocent people.

    My skype name is: Rynkrt3

    Add me on skype if you want to play, I'm on everyday.

  2. Hello everybody, I just got dayz yesterday and have been enjoying it... a little. I really would like to join up with some people and start doing the cooler stuff in the game ( all ive done now is run around by myself town to town and find basically nothing, then die from zombies.)

    I have skype: Rynkrt3

    If your interested in playing with me just drop me a message here or on skype.

  3. Hello everybody, I just got DayZ yesterday and have really been let down with it. There really is no point to the game, you just run around and find stuff, only to die 20 minutes later. I have created probably 20 characters, and have died 19 times just by trying to find basic stuff right after I spawn. One game I had a few minutes ago I finally was able to gather a hatchet, would enabled me to fight my way through zombies to an airfield, where I found an empty AK-47 and nothing more, on my way out of the airfield I spotted a fellow player runing torwards me.... then he shot me.

    It just seems like you really can't do anything or get anywhere unless you have people to play with.

    -Also, is there a way to "save" a game and come back to the same character?
