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Everything posted by Conster57

  1. Yeah, it would be awesome for a guide, and pics would be AMAZING :D
  2. Conster57


    about the message to the OP... what about quitting bitching?
  3. Conster57

    DayZ Memes

    DUDE! how on earth do u know what they are talking about, ITS FAKE GERMAN. As an american who is fluent in German, I sir say a hearty "dumbass". I kid you guys not, some are actual German words, but there are like 3.... The rest are just meant to sound like it.
  4. Conster57 Debug .. Bug

    Had the same problem here, couldnt figure out why it showed the bleeding animation, but it didnt say i was loosing blood, but after i switched it off, it was too late :(
  5. Hey, getting this error https://twitter.com/SC2TeamKnight/status/224285720376901632/photo/1/large ANY SUGGESTIONS? Using the Sixlauncher.
  6. Well, tell me what you think, something like a rpg g-mod server i play, where if you havent killed players in a certain time period, you would earn the pacifist title, and have no respawn timer. This could be applied that you respawn with your stuff, but the self defense killings would have to be monitored separately, somehow. Also, something like negative killstreaks for amount of players killed, EG - 2 - Bandit skin 4 - Do 10% less damage 5 - take 15% more damage 7 - make more sound and become more visible That's it!!! thanks for looking
  7. Conster57

    A couple I have had in my mind...

    yeah.... umad?
  8. Conster57

    A couple I have had in my mind...

    because when you get constantly betrayed and killed, the game isnt fun. now, are you the idiot asshole who thinks that people want to play a game that isnt fun to play!?