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Everything posted by reid_1

  1. You could have an infection. In this case look in hospitals. They can spawn underneath the cardboard boxes sometimes. If you don't see the option of "open gear (medical box)" or something along the lines of that then it may mean there are tin cans, empty soda cans or even antibiotics underneath it, so open the gear over every box before leaving. If your character coughs every 30 - 45 seconds it means he has an infection. If he is not infected then what has happened is a quite common bug. It occurs when you receive a blood transfusion or bandaging or almost anything that has an animation and affects your character. It is a pretty simple fix. You need someone to give you a blood transfusion, morphine, painkillers etc. If none of that does the trick then just respawn. If it continues on respawn then I would assume it would be a serverside bug.
  2. reid_1

    Vehicles fixing themselves

    Its usually something that happens on private hive servers with added items or guns for example more cars, added guns and even alternate maps. It happens due to something in the files I think. There really isn't anything we can do about it until it is patched. Until then I'd advise driving carefully.
  3. reid_1

    Hacker controlled my body, then lost connection.

    If you can't connect to only that server then I don't think it should be a big deal. If you need to find a new server then go ahead. If you cant connect to any other servers then contact Battleye
  4. Any feedback from a Dev on this subject would be superb.
  5. I still have the bug where I lose all my items upon logging back in! I'M FUCKING FED UP FIX THIS SHIT
  6. This has been happening for at least a week and a half for me. Even before the newest patch. Worst part is that they said they fixed it but here I am waiting intently for a patch and when it does come out I just get dissapointed once again by DayZ's grade A work when it comes to updates and patches.
  7. reid_1

    Losing items when logging out

    This same thing has been going on for me for about a week and its still going on even after the patch on every server. I'm getting very restless at this point.
  8. reid_1

    Spawn Bug

    Anyone else having this problem?
  9. Yep same thing happens to me. Even when I died I still lose all my items upon connecting
  10. reid_1

    Error Fixes

    I lose all my items upon spawning as if my character had been killed.
  11. Every single time I log back onto DayZ all of my items disappear including backpack and guns. Everything goes back to just a bandage and painkillers as if I died or something. The only thing that stays the same is my zombie kills, blood count and whatever else is on the debug monitor, this only started happening when this stupid useless patch came out where they released bear traps which are useless. Everytime they patch a new problem arises its frustrating and makes the game un-playable. They want us to test the game and report bugs but we can't play the damn game when all of our gear resets and they don't patch it. I am very annoyed by this and I am sure a lot of others are as well. Rocket and his team have developed a gem of a game but when shit hits the fan with bugs and retarded crap like this they take a long time to fix them and release bear traps instead! Like WTF?
  12. reid_1

    Spawn Bug

    Regardless of why this happened it is a pain the ass. The game is becoming un-playable due to stupid patches that give shitty features like bear traps! Instead of adding stupid features they should focus on the damn bugs that are preventing people from playing the game.
  13. reid_1

    Spawn Bug

    Everytime I log off I lose all of my things. Always
  14. reid_1

    Spawn Bug

    This has nothing to do with computer specs. Its a bug in the game and its making the game un-playable its a complete piss off
  15. reid_1

    Spawn Bug

    Yep! This shit keeps happening to me too! It is making me really angry at this point
  16. reid_1

    Items keep rerolling

    This happens to me also. It only started when the new update came. I recently died so whatever I pick up gets rolled back to just a bandage and painkillers. =\ I can't play until the new patch comes I guess.