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Everything posted by wildstars

  1. wildstars

    Spawning with friends

    I just spent the past two days playing with friends. And when I say playing with friends, I mean running around solo for hours trying to figure out where I am, where they are, and meet up. Finally, we all met up, and played together for almost 10 minutes before we were slaughtered by zombies. Personally, I don't see the point of playing this unless friends can spawn as a new group. it offers zero advantage (3 unarmed players are as dangerous as one unarmed player) and will reduce the frustration, and enhance the play experience. Everybody says 'play with a group.' and 'play with your friends.' So, make it so we can play as a group. Running around for three hours solo trying to meet up isn't playing as a group.
  2. You start out with nothing but the clothes on your back, a backpack, a bandaid, a tylenol, and a flashlight. And you run. And run. And run. And run some more. And die. There are slight variations on this theme. Sometimes you die at the hands of a zombie. Sometimes at the hands of another player. Sometimes due to a glitch or bug. Sometimes, you kill another zombie or player before you die. Interestingly enough, you never die from exhaustion. I really wanted to like this mod. I love OFP, Arma I, II, and OA. I was looking for a "Day by Day:Arageddeon experience." What I got was the boring aspects of "Forest Gump." I realize its in alpha. I'm not being critical of the technical aspects of the mod. I'm being critical of a key design element. I suggest starting the character with a random low end firearm loaded with two or three rounds of ammo. It would certainly explain how you (the character) managed to survive so far in a hostile environment.
  3. I don't mind the travel. My logic around having a starting gun with very limited ammo (2-3 rounds) is: 1) It gives you another option if you accidentally aggro a single zombie. As it stands now, if you get a zombie on your tail, you run until you find a large building with a clear entrance and exit, and lead the zombie into it. I find that to be boring and the zombie indoor speed limit breaks the immersion. 2) It would make venturing into houses to scavange more viable. As it is now, anything without a clear entrance and exit is a death trap. 3) It would add some balance to the pvp element.
  4. Why would I reference the books if I had not read them? In the Day by Day books, the non-radioactive zombies could be snuck around and outsmarted. In my experience (and the various instructional online videos I have watched) sneaking is not an effective tactic in DayZ. And the zombies in DayZ will open doors, climb ladders, etc. In Day by Day, you had a chance to survive by climbing up something (provided there are not any irradiated infected around), and waiting for the herd to get distracted and leave.