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About dblxross@yahoo.com

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  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    California, USA
  • Interests
    Playing games, watching anime, watching doctor who, reading, and solving tactical situations. Oh, and Dubstep isn't bad either :D.

    Languages Im currently learning:

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  • Bio
    "Mea cadent inimici."

    Im a 18 year old guy who lives in the middle of the freakin desert. I like video games and watching anime. I also enjoy watching doctor who. (Its more of an obsession really, I even own a sonic screwdriver.) Most people seem to think im funny and smart, and i would like to agree. While i can be overly hot headed and quick to judge, i also know when to control my temper at not judge a book by its cover. Im generally pretty immature, but I know that there is a time and a place. Im a pretty cool person, or so people say, and if your reading this I hope you take the time to get to know me better before assigning me to a stereotype. As my friends know, I am no stereotype. Well enough of these ramblings, its time for some wub.
  1. dblxross@yahoo.com

    Where can I find these items

    Batteries dont spawn in the current patch, you can find the handguard rail as a railspawn at any military area, mainly the guardhouses in the current patch though this will change in 0.58. The mp5 stock handguard can be found in police stations, and the regular stock is usually on the gun itself. Netting can be found on the coasts, where any fishing boats lie.
  2. dblxross@yahoo.com

    Past DayZ-This is my story.

    Maybe I should pick this up again?
  3. dblxross@yahoo.com


  4. dblxross@yahoo.com


  5. dblxross@yahoo.com


  6. dblxross@yahoo.com


  7. dblxross@yahoo.com

    Attempted fix for crashes after joining a server

    What about the crashing issues for the DayZ Mod? Thousands of people are still playing the mod over SA because there isn't currently enough content. Currently, there is an obscure bug that seems to effect a couple hundred of players, most of the bug reports being found on these forums and Epoch's forums. I'm one of the affected, and I have tried everything from reinstalling the game, to verifying the cache, to re-DLing battleye manually, and even re-installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86). No luck so far. I'm pretty sure its a battleye issue considering it only crashes when the client is initialized.
  8. dblxross@yahoo.com


  9. dblxross@yahoo.com


  10. dblxross@yahoo.com


    I am no longer affilated with Hell's Playground.
  11. dblxross@yahoo.com

    Past DayZ-This is my story.

    For those of you whom have enjoyed my story in the past and those of you who wonder where it went, please read the top of the OP for info on where this will be taken.
  12. dblxross@yahoo.com

    DayZ SA Day 1 In a nutshell.

    I suppose that is an accurate description.
  13. dblxross@yahoo.com

    Past DayZ-This is my story.

    It's been a while, sorry. Honestly I've just gotten caught up in life. I will work on it asap, but don't be afraid to pester me until I do.
  14. Name: Chris Username: Dblxross Skype: Dblxross Age: 16 Timezone: PST Primary Job: Economic Specialist Secondary Job: Handyman/ any job that involves infantry. I am a skilled ArmA player and have over 100 hours in-game flight time. Tactical Realism, Casual, or any other playstyle (won't affect acceptance): tatical realism. I have been involved in several different milsim units and actively play realism mods such as ACE and ACRE. Will you stay loyal to the Chernarus Conglomerate Clan?: For as long as people are active and I enjoy myself when playing. I am currently on standby for training for a Milsim group, but that shouldn't affect my play time with the clan.