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About Countercruel

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  1. I meant no offence Jack, so try not to take none. If you dont agree with my observations as a factual place then fine. But respect others for having a different view. Thanks. Also, me asking people to look at this at a unbiased way isnt me telling anyone the rules, if this is the first time you have been advised in life to maybe look at something differently and then be offended by the notion that you can be told what to do (which i wasnt doing), then i feel sorry for you.
  2. So as we all know, this game is still in early access alpha, and everyone understands that and some even use it as a weapon to defend the game which by all means go ahead. What the problem lies with is the engine and the struggle i and many other people have seen when it has come to making a standalone version of a mod that already had a better foundation then the standalone will ever have even if they did add all the stuff Dean added in his presentation. <--- sad truth. Lets not forget that the Arma 2 engine on the mod is not great either (and i mean that, its annoying aswell), i am looking at this from a unbiased perspective and hope people agree. Ok, lets get to the meat of it, my thoughts just as a gamer and someone who has played DayZ for the last two years. The game feels like a constant battle with the dev team (just look at the struggle they had with the development time just to add the new ui/animations/zombies and backpack/weapon systems. And of course the dev team is small but i feel like they could of achieved so much more if the engine wasnt so hard to push. Early access can be a god send to a new game or a killer, and i currently feel like the early access has killed this game, not because of the battle of the dev times and false and pushed deadlines constantly, but because early access gave the players a chance to experience the whole game through to the end and now ask "so whats next dev team?, because were sitting here with m4's with no vehicles to quickly get around... so im just gonna pop onto a mod of the DAYZ mod and enjoy shooting down helis" thats what we expected some people to say right?. Now, look at where we are now in this game, look at it as unbiased as you possibly can and finally say "this game... should of just remained in mod state and added onto that with the full dev team supporting it". Thanks for your time and i hope some agree to at least one of my points.
  3. Countercruel

    The Road experience

    But you can see what im driving at dont you? more suspense.
  4. Countercruel

    The Road experience

    For all those who have seen The Road, you would know of the intense scenes that has in the film and the underlying effect it has on the viewer. This is what i want from a part of the Standalone, being able to survive a long time with rugged clothes and a bushy worn beard... then coming face to face with another player at gun point and warning him and shouting at him in panic that if he dares to make a noise to his fellow friends or threaten me i will shoot him in the face.... just for the pure instinct to survive and not to get zombies alarmed to our presence. "Now!, we will just turn around and walk away!, no games, no warnings. just leave... please i dont want this to be the end of us!, you dont want this." And as a quick question, Because the sickness and health issues in the standalone; do you think throwing up or coughing would be a decent tactic for bandits to track where you are? and it has been confirmed that you can no longer tell when a player is in the area based off the zombies spawns.
  5. Countercruel

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

  6. Countercruel

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I raise you one dookie <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/lE2EBK4HRv8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  7. Countercruel

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Rocket, i need your game in me! now!!!!.... sorry didnt know where that came from. But seriously feed us news pl0x :)
  8. So i had a brainwave for zombie behavior again, this time focusing on sound. For the purposes of this suggestion lets focus on lightning and thunder as a prime: -When lightning strikes at night, zombies automatically look in the direction of the flash, this gives a sense of a creepy nature when all of a sudden when your looking down at elcktro at night in the rain a lighting strikes behind you and all you see is the zombies around the town looking up towards the hill with a dull lifeless look to them, almost alerted to it and some may even go and investigate. +Benefits: Causes bandit or survivor snipers to reposition, less being caught red handed and making other players without scoping or binoculars aware that someone is up the hill or over the ridge. -When thunder screams throughout the forests and towns in day or night, again the zombies will be shocked and jump out of there skin in a alert state, some getting off from the ground to investigate. Thunder can possibly also cause hordes that travel in the direction the thunder came from. For the purposes of the final suggestion, we will focus of the sounds made by the player and smell. - The player will have a meter of smell on there screen that shows how much there scent is covered by such things like wind. This can also be covered by crawling through thick grass, after a certain time doing so a message will pop in the corner of the screen telling you that your scent is now 100% gone. - If a player causes a explosion or fire in a area where zombies are most prone to be in, then the fire itself will cause the zombies to be confused to its presence and some, not all will investigate. They will stand by the closest place by the fire and look at it in wonder because they have no idea what it is thats causing the noise and heat. Hope this is good enough for discussion. thanks for your time reading this. A Bean eater :)
  9. Could i join the server please?. my traits are: .British native .Survivor who helps anyone in need .Bandit and hacker hunter .Uses mic when needed to chat to fellow suriviors. .has no history of hacking and find myself disgusted by them, hence asking to be whitelisted here :P. my name ingame is: The lone wolf.
  10. Countercruel

    [Suggestion] Zombie behavior

    So because rocket said a while back he was trying to implement a basic ragdoll system into the game, it got me thinking. What about adding specific weaknesses to the zombies decaying impairment themself by introducing the ragdoll physics there. For example you have attracted a zombie or two and wanted to escape up a ladder, because of the decaying body of the zombie. the zombie may struggle to climb the ladder or even fall off it by losing its grip. granted we could have the old fashioned way were zombies cannot climb anything or open doors but thats no fun :P. Also another example is specific point breaks, for example. you could shoot a zombie in the leg and its leg would burst off his body and instant ragdoll him to the floor. what are your thoughts on this?
  11. So i thought of a decent idea today for the new zombies that are implemented into the standalone and i came to a conclusion. How about we have zombies that have the same light source characteristics as the infected in I Am Legend?, The features im liking are: .Zombies turn there head facing the direction of the light that is being beamed around at night, Meaning zombies will see you if your shine a torch in there face as they will be looking at the source of the light itself .Some zombies stand in one spot with there shoulders bent over just looking at the floor or around sometimes . Possibility for zombies to be blind from flesh decay or being shot in the eyes or around the eyes. .Zombies are more deadly in daytime, an example being there could be more around in daytime. Hence why you probably see in some games and films that the survivors only travel at night. .And last but not least, having zombie groups walk alongside roads or woodlands like we have seen in The walking dead., making it so that even though you think your save, you will need to stay on guard everywhere. Tell me what you guys think of these suggestions and if any have been mentioned before then i send my apologies.