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The Dyne

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About The Dyne

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  1. The Dyne

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    What is this "it" you speak of?
  2. The Dyne

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Do want update on Six
  3. It's a sad day when a joking post in response to a thread gets treated like a legitimate post... unless I'm getting trolled right now. This is getting too meta.
  4. The Dyne

    Wait... what?

    I assume they're trying to ruin those masochistic types' fun by making them have to throw away good gear to maintain their "immersion." No offense to anyone who tries to play DayZ in whatever way they happen to enjoy it.
  5. Infection rampant A helicopter crashes Players shoot on sight
  6. The Dyne

    Advanced swimming on a land tactic

    Dem tags
  7. The Dyne

    Amazing Luck

    I don't know man, I've seen crashes in some pretty stupid places, like right outside a barracks
  8. You try to reload your crowbar before use
  9. The Dyne

    US1101, admin abuse

    Does anything even happen with these complaints? Or at the game's current state as a mod is it too difficult to enforce these types of things?
  10. I had logged in to US1101 about 15 mins ago, and was immediately kicked. I tryed many more times, and after actually being able to join the server for more than 10 seconds, I noticed that there were other players in the northern barracks at NWAF, and was immediately kicked again. It seems they're just trying to keep the server to themselves for loot. The admin online at the time was Loot Master, but then changed to TibzFox and back after a few logins. Ugh, can't screenshot without Fraps Edit: Best shot I could get
  11. Crawl though doorway Go into shock, no broken bones or damage, but shock "AHH DOORWAY AHH I'M GONNA PASS OUT"
  12. Guns don't get "balanced" because one is better than the other irl. Guns should have their more realistic damage values compared to their real weapon counterparts.
  13. The Dyne

    Joining servers by IP

    Yes, click remote at the server list screen and type in the IP, but you also need the port Wouldn't it be better to just filter by name of the server?
  14. Strange, just happened to me too