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Kocaine & Tater-Tots

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Everything posted by Kocaine & Tater-Tots

  1. We've been here from the start, bud. If you're looking for experienced mature players, come join us on the CQF teamspeak. Here's the information. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2216-chernarus-quarantine-force-cqf/
  2. We are playing right now. Come join our teamspeak.
  3. If you're looking to join a larger group of people, you might want to take a look at our CQF thread. We are a semi-organized unit always looking for new people. Read up on us, and if you feel you're interested in joining, drop on by our team speak and meet some people. I'll post a link to our thread, which contains most of the information, below. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2216-chernarus-quarantine-force-cqf/
  4. We're still recruiting and active if anyone interested in joining. Drop on by, you're always welcome. :3
  5. Looks like you're all set. :)
  6. We can typically be found in team speak. In order to avoid this we have to confirm the identity of anyone on our servers, along with having a clan XML. Only those ranked among us can have it. It's the avatar that I have right now, when you click the player name, it should let us know if you're truly a member of our group or an imposter.This, along with us being a surprisingly tight knit group considering our size. You'll learn to memorize the voices and names of most of our members.
  7. Kocaine & Tater-Tots

    team up!

    If you happen to be looking for a group, CQF is always recruiting, and always lurking about. Check out our thread, it's usually on the front page. :)
  8. Shouldn't be too difficult. The information is listed on the Original Post, I believe. If you need some help after that, just send me a personal message or a poke, and I'll be glad to assist.
  9. Kocaine & Tater-Tots

    Frustrating minor bugs

    Yep. There's a lot of weird glitches like that, even from regular ArmA... Try getting out of a car going -3 miles an hour and getting shot 50 meters to your death. My favorite is clambering over a tall object, getting caught waste deep in the "concrete" and then just hearing the break of your body as you sink below the floor... In DayZ you just find stuff, kill, then die, repeat, then die some more...
  10. Kocaine & Tater-Tots

    Gahhh Inventory bug!

    It'll happen from time to time. Just keep attempting to find better gear by other means than killing other players, if possible. :P
  11. Kocaine & Tater-Tots

    Chem Sticks

    Eh, real men use NVGs because they survive against skilled players not unarmed ones. Chemlights are a safe alternative, however, NVGs can spot them from a bit further than you'd think. They burn as bright as flares, for some people. Use them sparingly. Unless you really don't give a fuck, in which case you should just light campfires everywhere, like a real man.
  12. Kocaine & Tater-Tots

    Game Mechanics behind vehicles and vehicle spawn?

    Clans horde them. That's about all you need to know.
  13. I am currently filling out an application on the site and am looking forward to a response. :)
  14. Kocaine & Tater-Tots

    Chernarus Survivalists - needs members!

    I'm actually looking for a DayZ group since my last one kind of died out. I have about 4 months of experience, and am currently just training beginning players and looting. I could use a group to travel with. I am interested in joining your group, however, I cannot add you on steam as I cannot find your profile.
  15. Kocaine & Tater-Tots

    The Best Sidearm In Dayz

    Go for whatever holds the most bullets... Larger magazine is the only thing that matters now, since they do very little damage.
  16. Kocaine & Tater-Tots

    murders+bandit kills > zombie kills

    I think the most I've had has been a 16 Murder/4 Zombie kill ratio... However, I will not shoot at any player that hasn't fired at me, or is not an immediate threat.
  17. Kocaine & Tater-Tots

    DMR Drop Party

    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. OP's a genius. xD
  18. Kocaine & Tater-Tots

    This new patch ROCKZ!

    No, no. There's the exception with the common DC'er. I shot a guy in the legs and let the zombies eat him. He fought valiantly for about 3 minutes before I decided to finish him.
  19. Kocaine & Tater-Tots

    Radios to communicate and broadcast

    To add a greater sense of realism, as well as balance, would the use of batteries be something to be implemented along with this, or would it be similar to flashlight with seemingly limitless battery life? Also, the addition of several different types of radios would be a good idea. In addition, maybe turning the radio into a sort of means to detect other players. If Player A and B are communicating via radios, and Player C doesn't have one, perhaps there should be a range from which player A's Radio would be audible to player C, so C could listen in without actually having it. (Also, you could hear an enemy that's close by via the same means) Maybe adding a type of Rare Head set would also aid in the immersion as it would prevent near by players from eaves dropping. :P Just some thoughts.