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About medic0987rules@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. medic0987rules@gmail.com

    Why the heck is Arma 2 so Blurry

    Still didnt fix it for me really.
  2. medic0987rules@gmail.com

    Why the heck is Arma 2 so Blurry

    Always has been that way. UPDATE: I was launching it with SIx Launcher. Now Ive tried it with Steam WINDOWED and its gone... thats WEIRD.
  3. medic0987rules@gmail.com

    Why the heck is Arma 2 so Blurry

    This problem has been fixed thanks for all the support provided! What I had todo was specifically set the settings to fit my monitor exactly. Then it reverted back to the way I used to have it. Again, thanks!