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Everything posted by komus

  1. UK (AU?) Sky Broadband Sagem Router Manufacturer Sagemcom Model Number F@ST2504n Firmware Version 6.14.1a4N_UNI Battleye issues? You might want to check out: http://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Sky-Broadband-Gaming/The-Cause-of-the-High-Pings-TS3-etc-issues/td-p/529736 Seems the latest Sagem router firmware has borked connectivity in the last week - also an issue with LoL and HoN. Suggest you stay subscribed to that thread and post for more info/put the heat on the ISP.
  2. Sky UK Broadband with Sagem Routers might be interested in this: http://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Sky-Broadband-Gaming/The-Cause-of-the-High-Pings-TS3-etc-issues/td-p/529736
  3. komus

    Battleye problems
