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Everything posted by Denzilla

  1. Denzilla

    Holy Craps BE!!

    What is this Battleye crap even for? I understand that hackers will be everywhere, in every game, but is Battleye even doing anything? All my admin controls work ok. I'm assuming its on, and I installed everything properly. I can not believe the amount of people hacking in DayZ. Not just hacking to be a little better than someone else, or take the edge..... I mean straight up, I'm gonna ruin your fricken night, and make you eat my shit kinda hacking!!! Why people want to be this way is beyond me, and makes me and everyone else I know puke in our mouths a little! This mentality is why we live in such a F'd up world. Grow the hell up and learn to be a good sport at least. Battleye needs to pick up the pace, and you hackers need to grow up a little. At least do something for the better of mankind with all those hacking skills. This statement excludes you "SO CALLED HACKERS" who go and by the silly shits. There are no words for you folk....... One more thing, I'm sorry if I banned someone I shouldn't have, but by the time I got the BERcon up, and the command typed in, the player ID had switched to someone else, I THINK. But if you read this, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to get a grip on all the little kids that want to ruin every ones good time. Good Luck all
  2. Denzilla

    Holy Craps BE!!

    Dude, you don't read well, or you read me wrong. And maybe I do want to cry a little. LMFAO! I put 5 fricken dayz into getting my server up, 2 days later, ruined by fricken hackers. I do believe I said it would never stop, and I do understand that......... but this Battleye DOES NOT work as well as all the others, at least at this time. Is it because we are in an Alpha that make it harder to detect hacks? Is it just the fact that Battleye sucks..... I don't know!! But I damn sure don't learn well from trolls! On a final note, If anyone else has ran a dedicated then they may know how frustrating this is....... I pay for this part time job they call DayZ "I LOVE IT" And I'm serious "just like a lot of other people" I know Im not the only one. I want to do what I can do to make this game be the best it can be. One thing is for sure, Battleye isn't getting it done ATM. Yes, I understand we are in alpha, but like I said, I pay for this part time job, and I'm gonna voice my opinion. If you don't like it.... keep you trollin mouth shut and move along. I'm only interested in people who may want to help out the DayZ community, or make me understand what I'm doing wrong, if anything.
  3. I have a server through Vilayer.com, and these guys are great. Not only the prices, but you will not find better customer service anywhere!!!!
  4. LOL, incriminate myself? I guess you have never ran a dedicated. "I have little experience, and this one is a little more difficult that the last ;)" I opened it up to the world last night, and guess what...... HACKERS 3 hours later, and I couldn't do anything about it!! Guess what I did..... closed shop, read up on a few thing this afternoon, then pass-worded it, and played with BERcon until I finally kicked a friend. Now, I'm restarting the server and hopefully all is well. I'm trying to make a nice running place for everyone to enjoy. I bet US 1212 is gonna be a popular server because of all my hard work. Find something better to do than hate fella!
  5. 3 hours after getting US 1212 up and running we started having some weird problems with lag, and it turns out we had a couple hackers. I found a gun that isn't in DayZ "I thought I had taken screen shots, but I can't seem to find them anywhere" (I'm using FRAPS now) I have the list of commands for admin, but nothing was working last night, I logged in at first and it said I had logged in as admin, but when I tried any command... kick.... ban, on the people who were hacking, nothing was working? I tried to go to server controls on the login screen, and Battleye kicks me.... I see a few issues elsewhere with this problem "battleye #54 sumthin" but not sure I understand it? After some searching I finally found the commands for BERcon. I'm gonna do a few tests then we should be live once again!! I'm very sorry to all in the server at the time of restart, it seems my admin chat was not showing up in the chat screen..... "another issue I'm working on" I get no chat messages of any type, I'm not seeing deaths on the bottom left either? I think I have the BERcon fingered out, but any ideas would be really helpful on the chat window issue.... "I see nothing in the chat window, after the server messages at the beginning, while loading into game." THANKS! For any hackers who read this! Why!? What does it do for ya? I'f ya don't play games for the challenge, you must do it because there is a lack of power in the real world somewhere, somehow. You come into a game to ruin someone elses game time? Why not do something F'd up to someone in real life? Oh, you would get your face kicked in that way! Try this... take a bath, put on some clean underpants, and go get some social interaction for a change. Learn how to interact with people, maybe get a friend in real life! Learn how to work with people and be a team player. Damn, could you imagine the planet earth if no one had this sort of mentality!! "The mentality of making someone mad, and miserable..... just because" You sir's, make me sick!!
  6. My server is pass-worded because I keep getting Battle Eye Errors. It's a huge hassle and it pisses people off when they think they are getting in then you need to shut the server down again. I have been cussed out in my own lobby a half a dozen of times. That's just what a server admin needs that is trying to get a server running right for everyone to enjoy....... 6 people calling him everything but a white man, while having extra server load. Sorry, I'm locking it until the server will load up completely, and battle eye works. If I get blacklisted for it, I get blacklisted for being a good admin. I don't want to waste peoples time..... mine has been wasted enough trying to find a server just to play in. That was one of the deciding factors for me going dedicated. I don't have to wait for another admin, I can change my own time zone......... but now I seem to be waiting for days, before anyone from DayZ answers my ticket. Common meow!!! LOL
  7. Denzilla

    Battleye update failure.

    I am having the same issues, and I have tried every idea I have seen on the forums to fix it, and it isn't working. I have updated from Battle Eye manually on both my person computer and my dedicated server. I'm still getting the " Failed to receive from BE Master (2) I tried 3 other servers, and I seem to get into those just fine.......... and suggestions would be GREAT!