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About axio

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  1. The first patch went out verry quick and I'm happy about it! Now, my biggest consern is the server hoping... you can leave a server and join an other 5 seconds later.... it need a 5 or 10 minutes lock out. Some what like you cant join a different server for 10 minutes but you can go back to the one you were already in. And of course something to stop combat logging. I guess, after that would be tents. My 2 cents ;) Good luck y'all!
  2. axio

    Community Banlist

    I dont even know when or on witch server I got banned because i didnt play on any other server then my unit servers for a long time. As I said i know the admin is a retard because I didnt cheat and I didnt get ban so long ago mabe 2 or 3 months mabe a long time for you but for average people it aint.
  3. axio

    Community Banlist

    I would much rather see he's proof that I hacked so then since he wont have any you'll see he is.
  4. axio

    Community Banlist

    All right I would like to appeal the ban #1244 fd47ea709a3949c3e3277613d4e6305a I have been ban for no reason by a retarded admin that didnt like to get kill. Edit: I want the proof that I cheated!
  5. fd47ea709a3949c3e3277613d4e6305a
  6. I dont know what is my guid how do i get that?
  7. Still waiting one some sorth of responce :(
  8. axio

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    for a game twice as fun
  9. I have been ban for no reason from a server ( dont know witch one) but he then put my shit on the community ban list so there is a lots of server i cant join now... one of the is us264 since they are using this community ban list. they cant have proof of me being a hacker since im not. I have heard of a lot of CQF members that got on the ban list for being in the unit so ty for you time!
  10. axio

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    It as been said that the price for the mode in alpha would be around 14$ and at the end, when they release the real game it would not be over 30$
  11. I just hope he get ban for real man. At the time I was not with CQF just playing on this server when i found that specific car like few hours before that video..first car i actuly found. they were nice enouf to drop it somewhere safe in the NORTH WEST forest near the air strip. When i went back cpl hours later the car wasnt there. dosnt take much to figure out who took it!