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Everything posted by mgsloth

  1. Any word on a release date yet? I can understand the " it will get done when it's done" mind set and the "I won't release until it's perfect" but I find this to be very slow in the land of gaming development? and games are never "perfect" First it was the end of 2012, (yes, yes I know why not in dec) then it was "early" 2013. I hate to tell you but.. it's past "early" 2013 and a lot of people I know are losing interest and fast. Most of the people I know thought it would have been out in full release by now. Also.. trips, trips and more trips. I don't think if I was developing something people were waiting on (especially a loyal fan base)(and I will wait for them to jump on my post) that I would be taking trips and doing expo's , visiting the queen, etc. Finish it first, then you can bloat and visit with the world. Otherwise people are just going to move on... just my rant of the day and I wish you luck!
  2. While this may seem to be a good idea to some, it has been thought of in the past and always fails hard. why? it's simple... some people have a different idea of what being a admin or how to admin then others do. simply put... someone may not like you and want to ban you for personal reasons. not hard to "fake" a log indicating said user as a hacker or other.. it's sad, but realistically this does not work and there is a lot of butt hurt people waiting for the chance to screw over someone they don't like..
  3. mgsloth

    server for the over 30`s

    what we need to do is get all these memebrs together as one big group :P
  4. mgsloth

    server for the over 30`s

    just thought i would let you know, that we cannot get your server up on dayzcommander.. no matter what we do
  5. mgsloth

    server for the over 30`s

    I just wanted to post this for mature PC gamers. We have been trying for a while to get a mature gaming community up and running, we have a couple dedicated server box's and can pretty much run or have any game server we would like. we use teamspeak 3 as our main communication and steam. We are always looking for mature (non-asshat) type players , we prefer over 25 (just so we have things in common) but do have mature younger players who are the typical 20 going on 30.. most of us are U.S and Canadian based. We play Dayz, Wasteland, L4d2, CSS, CS:GO, Killingfloor, TF2 and more. depending on who is online, and who has what game. we are open to migrating with a existing community or clan and always looking for new players. send me a P.M if your interested and we can go from there! Cheers!
  6. Ok, I know that this has been asked before and that you are indeed a very busy dude. however, to keep us older (and younger) gaming folk amused and entertained for a while longer, can you PLEASE do a small update to fix some of the current bugs. one main bug that comes to mind is choppers not respawning when crashed and atv flipping.. I know this eats into your valuable time while creating a awsome standalone release and time away from loved ones but, we (community) would really like to see a fix for a few things (as much of a pain in the ass this may be for you) Thanks in advance! Sloth
  7. I don't think rolling back will help you as data is stored on the main hive or private hive DB regardless of what version you have. If your hive is private, you will need to clear your DB ( ask your hoster to do this for you, unlles you have DB access. If your Hive is public, you will have to submit a ticket to DAYz Dev's in order to reset your server. although, i don't know if they have the time for that either. I know 'm not helping much , but good luck!
  8. mgsloth

    DayZ Trailer: Blame (machinima)

    Hey ! Beans for you, well done! Think someone should give you a job :P
  9. mgsloth

    Pay to play

    Only chumps would talk about ponies being for 8 year old girls? thanks for the LOL's wow..point on point? or pointless as your response? Not sure why you have to be like that just because someone is asking a question...to act like a baby with pointless "it's all about me" responses, why not head over to the Warz forums? heard they are looking for more asshats..
  10. First of all I don't like any of the companies you listed, so I am not baised at all. Second of all, you have listed that these companies have xx number of servers running per machine based off of IP address. You do know that you can run vps machines within these and use a different IP address right? what I am saying is that you cannot base how many servers per machine per company based off of IP, so your whole thread is kind of pontless when comparing them based on servers per machine. Yes, I know you have personally tested these by connecting and playing to each server but that is also not a good way to test it. If and maybe you did or have played in a large group you would notice that each person would experience a different experience when connecting and playing, This is to do with many factors and not just the server your connecting to. A lot of time it is actually the maiin hive. (you could have a top notch server and network and still get the issues you listed above as a server related problem). I am not trying to stick up for any of these companies, in fact I can tell you that they all are most likely overselling their servers by using: Server cost + Control Panel + Web Site + Marketing + Staff + O/S - (considering it is legal) + Number Of Dayz Servers = more then $30 a month so you know that they are cutting corners at least some where. All the other stuff in your post is based on your frustration or opinion, so no comment there. it would just be nice to for you to make a thread with actual real comparisons with the above companies.
  11. Hi Guys, We are looking for mature 18+ PC gamers that like to have fun and who are active gamers. We have a wide variety of game servers and play many multiplayer games online. People are from all over but mostly U.S and Canada as we usually play eastern time. and we play pretty much every night for a few hours. Send me a message and hopefully we can have some game time with you and see how you/we fit in. We use Teamspeak 3 and do not have many rules or clan dues. Thanks! Sloth
  12. Hi Guys, We are looking for mature 18+ PC gamers that like to have fun and who are active gamers. We have a wide variety of game servers and play many multiplayer games online. People are from all over but mostly U.S and Canada as we usually play eastern time. and we play pretty much every night for a few hours. Send me a message and hopefully we can have some game time with you and see how you/we fit in. We use Teamspeak 3 and do not have many rules or clan dues. Thanks! Sloth
  13. I have seen it take that long, just have patience, they should give you one soon. goodluck!
  14. is this another "you get what you paid for" thread? not trying to be mean but, seriously? what did you expect? a lot of people think going with cheap is the way to go. if you actually looked at what the requirements are to run 1 dayz server and the cost of a dedicated server box in a datacenter, you would soon realize that the costs just don't add up.. so... you get what you paid for? it's sad, but...... it always happens.. maybe.. just maybe, the new company won't be run badly.. but... I highly doubt it. I have nothing against host altitude , I am just stating my opinion and what I have witnessed for many games and hosts simular to ha.. Goodluck!
  15. do you not have access to your server config file? if you do , let's say you access it via an ftp client (like filezilla) then just take out the password where it says password "yourpasswordhere" if not, get your host to take it off for you., just tell them you don't want a password and to please remove it.
  16. Maybe searching first would have led you to this http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/55657-start-here-a-beginners-guide-to-dayz-servers-and-administration/ :P
  17. What Is The Reason You Stopped Playing Or Reduced Your DayZ Play Time?
  18. My wife was complaining that I never spend time with my computer, only her, so I had to find something to take all my time on the computer besides l4d2...
  19. It's ok, we all start somewhere.. the reason you have 300 letters and number codes is because that is the default banlist from battleeye... it will update as battleeye updates bans and as you add bans etc. follow what xxblink said and you should be good to go. If that doesnt work, I suggest you contact your hosting provider as they may have gave you access to a copy or the wrong bans.txt file. goodluck.
  20. Oh man... you can't unban him, he will have to apply for a new instance ID or get a whole new server :P J/K You can just remove him in the bans.txt located in battleeye.. or use an admin tool to unban.. do you guys have one? there are a few around.. dart is a simple one. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/68933-dart-a-lightweight-dayz-rcon-tool-v05-11092012/
  21. mgsloth

    Guys - Advice needed

    someone spawning in a weapons box?
  22. I think a lot of people are going to start doing this.
  23. mgsloth

    What has happened in the last month?

    Hackers and script kiddies... +10000000 for them... makes the game a blast (inserts sarcasm here) , no seriously....
  24. mgsloth

    DayZ Wanters

    Translation to english gets so confused.... sice we are asking for stuff, i would like a billion dollars sent to account # 44553333444 thanks!