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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. I've been thinking ever since I saw a post by a player who said they had played lots of Arma and that they knew the map "like the back of their hand"... People are "dialing in" their game experience with this mod. I see threads all the time hive minding things like "spawn points" and so forth. Where do the good guns spawn? Cars? Mil spec gear? Are people going to move to just rotating around the map, chekcing memorized spawn points and filling up a shopping list? For me, part of the fun of the game is NOT knowing such things. Call me casual or whatever, but I'm playing to have fun, not max out my gear and prove that I'm the best or whatever. I don't WANT to know where I can reliably find any particular vehicle or kknd of weapon. It's not a science project for me, but some people clearly enjoy increasing their certainty of finding what they want instead of lucking into it one day. Don't you think that puts a sheen of blandness over the whole thing? I guess it's the roleplayer I used to be, manifesting. I think it's fun exploring the map, not finding the good spawn points. I think that that stuff ruins the game.
  2. Disgraced

    Remove the pseudo-dynamic weather script

    Wonderfully ironic! I think that this stuff should be variable. But what if the setup is that this all takes place in a foggier than you expected place, then what? The irony, of course, is now that the shoe is on the other foot, the people that want to just shoot other players at 500 or 700 meters suddenly want things bent away from the supposed required "realism" just to accommodate them. Very amusing. Hell, have it foggier in the new player areas and clearer most of the time farther inland/north. L
  3. Disgraced


    If something like that gets to you, you probably should uninstall. It's going to be a rough ride. This is an alpha/proof of concept, NOT a complete game. I don't think you will be getting your gear back. Everyone just starts over.
  4. Oh, you're right. Sorry. There are a slew of respawning dead threads, too. There's a new patch imminent, no doubt there will be a database reset that will help you.
  5. Disgraced

    make zombies slower

    I'll say that I think they are a little warpy... And yes, it's a game, L2P and so forth... But they don't seem to be moving fast. Like someone said, they seem to move at well, suspension of disbelief breaking speeds. They could just as well teleport, for how it often looks. Maybe it's server lag. My ping is always 75-120 or so. L
  6. Disgraced

    Help me understand.

    I would ignore chat for purposes of such things. Yes, they think they are smarter if you trust them. I only use chat to ask game engine related questions. Nothing about locations, nothing about intentions. And I CERTAINLY don't believe anything anyone says about that stuff in there. L
  7. Disgraced

    what is waiting on server response? ??

    Not likely. Most likely, coincidence.
  8. Disgraced

    Do *NOT* Spam Connections

    I.... I hope you're female. Or at least, no mustache??? I think I'm in love.... Don't tell my fiancee... L I'd rather have a mod that alleviates this pressure on the servers than 1000 new features and bug fixes in game!!!!! :)
  9. Upvoted OP for posting this.... My twitter has cobwebs and I'm afraid to go there. Maybe this will make me. What is the feed?
  10. This? http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2922
  11. THIS IS A VERY, VERY KNOWN ISSUE. Debug forest means you are NOT connected. If you have no gear or are in a forest and cannot move, you've timed out on connecting to the server. It's well kinown and mostly due to the overwhelming demand, but more so because people keep spamming to reconnect. Guys, it might be disappointing, but this game/mod does NOT have 'patch Tuesdays'. It's gonna be a bit of a ride, and patience and canny skills with the forums are as required as skills in game.
  12. NOTHING WILL STOP YOU GETTING 'Waiting for Server Response' OR THE DEBUG FOREST ON YOUR SIDE. Those things are a fact of life with this mod, currently. Wait 5 minutes or so, then try another server. You will never be playing when you spawn in the debug forest. Essentially, you are not on ANY server at that point. You are in useless Limbo. Abort, and Retry, or Fail.
  13. Disgraced

    Drinking from wells

    There are many places where 'realism' breaks down. Makes me smile when people decry how realistic the game is when it suits their purposes. Still love it and it's the best thing out there. L
  14. Disgraced

    Spawn problem - not spawn

    These are standard connect problems. The forest with no gear, and being unable to move means that you DID NOT CONNECT. Try again. Waiting for server response is just a fact of life, right now. Recommendation is to wait 5-10 minutes, but not less. PLEASE, I IMPLORE YOU... READ THIS http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3843 ^^^^ READ THAT L
  15. Disgraced

    We just beat!

    Yes, but it is a brand new, AAA, game, right? Or is it AA? D+??
  16. Disgraced

    We just beat!

    The last Resident Evil I tried to play co-op was much worse than this proof-of-concept as far as bugs and unplayability. L
  17. Character on a passworde server = can't spawn into the collective (flag the characters, then wipe them on disconnect). Then, they can still 'look for bugs', but start on regular servers like everyone else.
  18. Disgraced

    spawn points

    There are certainly distinct challenges to playing this in a co-op vein. It would be nice if we could choose to respawn at owned tent vs random... Or the "select cards as a group" so you spawn together but don't choose the exact place.... But we live with it. L
  19. Disgraced

    pro tip

  20. Disgraced

    After help, really need it.

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3827 As I reccommended in this thread, immediately unbend CAPS LOCK stuff. Bind something to Direct comm (for the times it works). People do overreact tremendously when you use voice. And there are things that they can do to minimize it.... But yeah, imagine. It's tense... You're stalking someone... Or being stalked.... Or you're crawling through a pack of zombies... Listening for aural cues... CAN YOU HEAR ME. HE'S OVER THERE... Suddenly you leap out of your chair, half deafened and reaching for your emergency defibrillator... Those voice comms can startle... And they're server wide.... And I've heard that they cause server lag and kill kittens. L
  21. Disgraced

    Be polite.

    Tedious is in the eye of the beholder.....