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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Disgraced

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    But the rainbows have always been there!
  2. I wonder if you mean this? Once on the multiplayer screen, click filter at the bottom and type "dayz" into the "mission" box. That should help (I also filter out full servers, and those >100 ping).
  3. Disgraced

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    I hope you include a way to stop people asking for every little thing in this thread! Oh, wait.... People of Earth. How this works is you just wait and see what's in the patch. Listing "will it include.....?" won't magically get it included. Wait and watch, don't whine.
  4. Disgraced

    Inventory/Backpack Space Utilization

    I don't mind the space, but having items disappear when there is not enough room for them is a huge headache.
  5. Disgraced

    Seattle 20

  6. Disgraced

    Your stupidest death

    Ladder kill, but not the normal kind, and after the ladder fix was in. On that big southern island is a boat house. I was in there checking for fuel for my PBX, and I stupidly decided to climb the ladder to the second story, kind of a big shelf. Nothing. I climb back down the ladder and discover that the floor isn't designed wide enough. My character sloooooooooowly sunk into the water. Miraculously, my pack doesn't fall off. Unmiraculously, it falls off after I swim about 3 meters. I can see my stuff, in about 2 to 3 meters of water, lying on the bottom as I tread water. Sigh. I turn about, thinking that I'm worse off than starting over, when I bump against the side of the boat house... Instantly down from 12k blood... To 3k. Eff it. I just swam up on shore and started emptying my 1911 into the local zombie population until I passed out, was swarmed and died.
  7. " " -- quoting the reply of the dead horse you are all beating in this thread. It has degenerated into "Nuh uh" "uh huh" and repetition of the same points and counter points over and over. Thread is dead.
  8. Disgraced

    Major Update Pending: 1.7.0

    The people on this board, treating this like a AAA MMO that they've paid prom prices and monthly sub fees for is infuriating me. Entitlement lives.
  9. Disgraced

    Removing High Powered Weapons and Silenced Weapons

    OP really stepped in it there. You've touched the manliness nerve on a lot of the playerbase. They are way too attached to those weapons, and don't care that they are WAY over represented in the hands of players. It's realistic! I believe, however, that having fewer high powered weapons would make for a better game.... Also, all of the "ME KNOW ABOUT REAL GUNZ DURR" people are going to start posting ammo specs and talking about grain weights and stuff.
  10. Disgraced

    Retrying to Authenticate

    You guys can use the updater if you must. I believe that the problem that you are having usually stems from trying to run 1.6 on 1.7 servers. Trying to authenticate disappeared in 1.7 and should not show up at all. You need to remember THREE things: 1. You should be running the latest DayZ files. This is usually pretty easy for most of us. 2. You need to see if the server requires beta. If it does, Google Arma 2 beta and you will find the page. The latest beta file is in the BAR ACROSS THE TOP, not at the top of the descending column. 3. With the beta in, you HAVE TO run Arma as beta. Otherwise, you're running it without the beta patch. Essentially, there is a batch file that you can download that will run it. The thread where rocket announced 1.7 weeks ago has instructions. There are servers that will let you play 1.6 of Dayz, still. As far as I know, they do not require all of this, but you will have 'waiting for server response' and so forth like the rest of us used to a month ago. I'm not sure what makes the game break for you, these are just the steps I've been following since the 1.7 patch was announced as a test and I've never had a problem connecting to any server. I played on two servers in just the past few hours. No connection problems, none last week on probably a dozen different servers over the course of days.
  11. We've all gotten used to the current environment, since the development "cycle", as it were, has slowed down (sure, it's E3, or whatever). The point is, I would urge the "dev team" to take the bull by the horns. There is a thread here for the players to put in their "top 3 fixes" and "top 3 improvements". Rocket, do that. Set your mind to the top three or so big improvements, and top three additions that you think the game needs. Take your time. Make them work exactly like you'd like. I know it's alpha, but legions of us are wanting and waiting... So do it. Put those together, with whomever it is that helps you. Don't release the next version until it's what you want. Until those 3x3 things are working. Call it 2.0. We can wait. Or better yet, figure out what you need to to do to feel that you can call it beta and let's go there....
  12. Disgraced

    Seattle 22 Admin Abuse

    Zzzzzz. Waiting for the truth, perhaps. There are always two sides to the story. There are so many servers. Move on?
  13. Disgraced

    All dead

    It's no surprise that people think Admins can do this, if they don't frequent these forums. I would bet that something like 5% of registered days users are registered here and actively participate.
  14. Disgraced

    2 steam accounts on 1 computer...

    Nope, resetting the cd key is not necessary (indeed, when I tried it, it reset itself back to the original!) If its working for you, great! What I did was set up two windows user accounts on my computer, buy two copies and switch between steam accounts AND windows accounts for each of us to play. No regedit necessary.
  15. Disgraced

    Stop Adding Things and Fix The Game

    You are, however, incorrect. Rocket is, of course, exactly right. This is a person who wants a stable game experience and is not going to get it.. People constantly saying "alpha, alpha!" might be annoying, but they are right. This is not a release game. It is an ongoing experiment. Don't ask for your stuff back. Don't ask to be moved back to your old location. Don't ask for anything. Play as you can. Check the forums when you run into bugs. If theyre already being discussed, leave it alone. If not, post a thread. That's it. People keep acting like this should be or be striving toward a release model and it's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
  16. The Internet does not have enough face palms. Vehicle loss is, unfortunately, a very common occurrence. I doubt it had anything to do with the security issues. The reason that there were no vehicles for quite some time, then a lot of them is elucidated, I believe, elsewhere in these forums (essentially they were broken, then a server side patch brought them back in with some enhancements like bicycles). Keep calm and carry on.
  17. Disgraced

    Do the Dev's Ever Respond?

    Have you ever worked for free or had to deal with myriad issues on the fly, with a disconnected group of volunteers? Not easy.
  18. I thought there was talk of a gargantuan single server or something. It would be awesomely impressive to have one basic sver, may e a couple of instances or something, but I'd like some real persistence..I'd like to be able to start having real communities where rumours can spread and you can get to know the people who are around instead of them hopping around.
  19. Disgraced

    Green Mountain

    I like to visit the radio towers. Theres a bike near the northeast one, and I went and climbed the tall one on the large southern island. I think this game has a lot of creepy/mysterious factor that could come into play with radios and the history of the Russian towers with the strange numerical transmissions.
  20. Disgraced

    About the Security Issues

    Everyone needs to relax about the forums. It happens to forums sometimes. I'm shocked that people are so bewildered about it all. Last night, the moment that I looked and saw that the posts were dated 5/29, I looked in announcements and it was easy to figure out. It's 2012, people. Game should have an IQ test.
  21. Disgraced

    "Re-arm" Button in Gear - ?

    Rearm just takes every Item of the same type that you have in your inventory' date=' doesn't necessarily have to be ammo you can re-arm with empty cans too. Yep altho i think it gives you the ammo for both primary and secondary weapons. Also what the OP is trying to say is that he wants to be able to merge his ammo mags so he doesn't have some with 1-2 bullets taking up space in his inventory. Yeah, I meant both weapons by "active"... Agreed about having the ability to "clean up" ammo... But I don't think this feature addresses that.
  22. Disgraced

    About the Security Issues

    Yeah, people, please, just keep it on topic IF you can contribute about the security issues, which I doubt. This is not the "grab rockets ear and while like a b*tch" thread. You CAN whine, just not here nthere is a place for that. Think.
  23. Disgraced

    "Re-arm" Button in Gear - ?

    I'm quite certain that its just default on certain container types. IF that container contains (!) an ammo type for one of your active weapons, I assume it gives you more ammo. I'm sure this is generic arms behaviour that doesn't happen all that often in dayz. L