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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Disgraced

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Nope, we'll figure it out in game.
  2. Disgraced

    Probably A Really Nooby Question

    The chats point to the base game. You might use them to communicate to other guys on your team in vehicles, or people local to you on the map, or both sides in a two sided conflict. This wasn't a priority when the mod was originally made, but it became one with people connecting to servers and talking on one of several channels that could be heard server wide and caused lag when used.
  3. Disgraced

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Oooooh. I didn't know that the one guy who posted before me had collected everyone's votes into one tidy post. What an asshat I am. Oh, wait. You're assuming because you agree with him, you both represent everyone. I disagree. You are both wrong. But let's not try it. Let's all knee jerk away and fold based on you guys.
  4. I have plenty of food, plenty to drink and enough bullets to shoot 50 or so things that need shooting. Plenty well geared :)
  5. Disgraced

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    It's not a question of my technical ability, it's the question of the hassle. I'm more than competent and confident enough to get the game running. I did so in 1.6, and I could do so again. My job has far more complicated things going on than this, spanning 3 operating systems. I don't want to spend over an hour trying to get all my friends up and running to play again. I probably will, but it's a PITA. The proof lies in a ton of the posts on this thread asking why they can't get their installation working. Funny, I'm a complete doofus and have never had any difficulty installing and running the mod. Install base game, add dayz files.... Then, with arms beta incorporated, it's just get latest beta, get latest dayz, make sure to run arms in beta..... Works like a charm, from 1.5 to present. Maybe your knowledge over complicates the task. Edit: I was thinking... I'm pretty sure I saw or heard rocket say that an easier install method was a priority. Not for this patch, but as an overall goal.... So maybe as you say, wait it out.
  6. Yeah there is weirdness with the Winchester. Some day, but I bet it's super low priority.
  7. Disgraced

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Should have alleviated with 1.7.0.
  8. Just clicked the wrong thing. Inattention, that's how. they DO both have General in the name...
  9. Disgraced

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    THey are found in hospitals and sometimes on urban rooftops. They look like cardboard boxes and contain ... med stuff. Bandages, blood, drugs, skimpy nurse outfits.
  10. Disgraced

    The map...?

    It's a server side setting, yes. It can be toggled on and off.
  11. Disgraced

    Dallas-24 Everyone just died

    Nope, this happens from time to time.. Time to start over....
  12. Yes. If you use your original Steam shortcut, it runs the regular, non beta-tized version of Arma. The batch file jiggers your registry to point to the beta executable and attendant files. You can add it as a non-steam game, but I don't use the steam interface while playing, so I prefer the performance boost that I get by NOT having steam running.
  13. Disgraced

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Can we have bears and rabid wolves? Unmarked mine fields? Meteorite showers that randomly kill players? An exhaustion mechanic, so we cannot run forever? Tainted food? Water? Dud or misfiring ammo? Weapon jams? POisonous snakes and insects? Splinters, hang nails, sasquatch, chupacabras, men in black, little green men, carnivorous plants, &c. &c. Needs more randomly deadly stuff.
  14. Very good illustration. Thread needs more copies of this illustration, in a row. EDIT: It's creeping left.
  15. Disgraced

    bin/config.bin/Cfgweapons ERROR

    It is a weird thing though. I get this on some servers. Sometimes in the lobby, sometimes on log in, sometimes out of nowhere an hour into playing. I do just click ok, but I wonder what is triggering it and why.
  16. Disgraced

    Major Update Pending: 1.7.0

    Finally, that worked. Took all day.
  17. Does arguing that someone else isn't, when that person said they never tried or wanted to create some kind of post-space disturbance?? I felt the way that the OP feels, a few weeks ago, actually. I just changed up my game and I'm having a great time playing.
  18. "You're". YOU ARE This thread is starting to feel like a conversation with http://cleverbot.com/ Wait' date=' a total reversal? I thought he said he was not? So confused. Am I admin material??? [hr'] SUFFER!!! POSTS FOR THE POST GOD!!!
  19. This thread content is new, and fresh, and hasn't been discussed over 87 pages in another thread about bandit skins. More insight, please.
  20. Disgraced

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Digging on these infected changes... People are too used to the ranges and now it will be a slightly new game, there... Mocap! (It was only 5. It just SEEMED like 30).
  21. Disgraced

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    another one bites the troll's line. OK, I'm done. It was a good run.. Can't wait for the next update. Always fun when the game changes... I just hope the zombies do that little making fists and hip thrusting a la Beavis and Butthead every once in a while.