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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Why would I want to wait through a clip or animation before the game? If I can, I disable them with -nologo or anything else I can find. Badass or not, you can watch something like that when YOU feel like it; why force us to watch it every time we start the game??
  2. Disgraced

    Pain and broken leg indicators

    Your argument only makes sense to argue against ANY indicators. The hunger and thirst indicators are much more spammy. A broken leg indicator would be much more specialized. We'll have to agree to disagree. I think additional feeling indicators as placeholders would be helpful. Yes, the cryptic nature of certain things would be ruined, but that's a argument that could be made against anything. If there are indicators, this one would be more helpful than those we already have.
  3. Disgraced

    Never Drop Anything on Stairs

    Dropping anything, anywhere poses a risk. Barn floors drop things through as often as not. I've dropped things on the second floor of a barracks building and found them directly beneath on the floor below. I think the only place that I feel safe dropping something to pick it ip again is on a paved road.
  4. Ah thanks for the explanation. I had fine ping, then it shot up to 200s, the. After a while back down. Good to know, thanks for the post!
  5. Disgraced

    got global banned for trying to increase FPS

    People delete grass to cheat and get an edge in pvp. You took a risk and got burned. Bummer. I think something like this should just prevent you joining servers until the requisite files are present. For myself, this would be a no brainier. You should have researched a little more.
  6. Disgraced

    Falling 3ft to your death!

    The search function will reveal to you that this is well known. Ad nauseum. Sorry to say, useless thread.
  7. Disgraced


    It .... Doesn't have to be not boring. I play the mod when I want the "Dayz experience" and then switch to the standalone when I want to. When I feel uninterested in the standalone... I do something else. It's a simple formula that can be applied to all forms of entertainment. I find the mod more interesting because of the greater variety of equipment. I find the standalone a little more irritating because of the wall hack zombies.
  8. Yes that's true. Quick right cocky to sight, then right click and hold to hold your breath. I thought you meant violent shaking.
  9. Disgraced

    Pain and broken leg indicators

    The fact is, not everyone is getting it. There are daily posts asking about the broken leg in particular. You guys might know but many obviously do not. There is a thirsty, hungry, hydrated &c. Indicator in the gear screen. Why so much attention to a relatively minor condition set but such cryptic behaviour for more serious things? I think it would do no harm and only help to have more indicators.
  10. Disgraced

    Confused Rant #1

    You have to take care that you are not seeing information for the MOD vs the STANDALONE. Answers would be yes for a lot of that for the MOD.
  11. Sprint. They give up very quickly atm. Also easy to lose in trees. Just don't go into a building when they are following you.... Yes, I play both the mod and sa. Very different. Can't wait for them to punch up the zombies in sa. Oh. You can aim for and punch them in the face and knock them down. My favourite way to kill them is with the fire axe. They are often unresponsive if you sprint up to them and you can kill them before they react. Likewise, if they are chasing you, sprint back toward them. They are awful at hitting you if you come up too fast. Easy to axe.
  12. Disgraced

    Firemode selector please!

    Not that it matters much anymore, but way back in the day I learned these kinds of things by playing through the training in Arma II.
  13. Isn't there a bug where it goes away after you log out and in again? I would say infection or pain but if it says you're healthy....
  14. Disgraced

    Blood on hands when searching a body that was shot

    You really, really needed to have recorded a video of this. That's pretty epic right there.
  15. Beans for trying to help the boards :D
  16. Don't worry too much. From my days as an admin, they usually check the latest posts since they logged in when they connect, then garbage collect stuff like this. It's just mid-day or later for most areas, so not many admins on. They will clean them up quickly. I know it's counter-intuitive, and I don't want to encourage anyone NOT to report things, but if you take the advice above, the admins will just be flooded with the same reports over and over. Just another form of spam.
  17. Disgraced

    why does my character eat so much?

    Because you are infected and cannot slake your thirst nor assuage your hunger until they code EATING BRAINS into the game. I'm sure they will adjust this stuff as time goes by, but there has to be some kind of mechanic for it...
  18. I think it sounds delightful. Getting close to that 'day zero' feeling. People in urban centers going crazy fighting each other so of course some head out for the countryside... Which is just as infected but has fewer people... Sounds about right to me. Now put ten times the zombies in.... And only allow 60 or so guns or 50 or so cans of food to exist at any given time....
  19. Disgraced

    Cannibalism should be an option when starving

    Search function reveals dozens of threads where this is discussed. I think most people wouldn't care if it was in, then would decide whether or not to do it.
  20. Disgraced

    "Killer rocks" - we need to have a talk.

    A haiku They have reformed, really. Igneous, silent waiting They used to all kill. I've died from SO many rocks. The worst ones are the ones that you step on and then.... You start to uncontrollably slide.. And there's no way out. You just keep sliding until... CRUNCH. I try to stay off of rocks unless it's a 'live dangerously' day.
  21. Disgraced

    Wth... are my legs broken?

    A haiku I am thirsty. Yes. So nice message. But wait.. OH GOD MY LEGS. BROKEN... Shhhhh.
  22. Disgraced

    New type of mask

    A haiku A fearsome mask, yes. You made one mistake, though, dude. Fucking machete damage sucks.... ass...
  23. It's a bummer and I hate losing 'seasoned' characters. At this point, I'm just considering these glitches and bugs as extra challenge. They are known, and I'm sure they will get looked at and so forth. I DO find it amusing how many bugs are COINCIDENTALLY in the standalone that are either in or I remember from the mod. Almost like it's not such fresh code as I might have thought. They FEEL very different, though. The controls and the character movements. Anyway, we'll all pour out some Mountain Dew for our fallen tovarisch and on we go.
  24. Disgraced

    Why did he just sit down?

    Bunch of people: blah blah blah OK, I would say that I am more of a roleplayer. I would start out closer, so he could hear me on direct coms. I would announce that I have him in my sights and he has only one chance to live- put your hands up. Or actually sit down, or walk slowly north, or lie on the ground, or 100 other options. The people who snipe want to paint everyone else as 'COD kiddies', but that is what they are, themselves. I have never sniped another player without warning, and I never will. Snipers without warning suck, and they are the weakest people in the game.
  25. Disgraced

    Why did he just sit down?

    I hate snipers. You "got the drop" on him, huh? Nice. I agree that he should have played it out, but honestly, crouching on a building and shooting someone from 200 meters isn't combat. We should not call it "combat logging" in that sense.