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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Didn't I see that you copied something and there were two servers 21 for a while? In that other thread where the guy apologized? A text or cfg file or something?
  2. +4.76 internets for that guy. Well done. EDIT: it would have been like... +7 internets if you hadn't used the term 'faggot' in a derogatory fashion, which I personally hate.
  3. Disgraced

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    As of this time you are not allowed to ban someone because he DCs on you during a fight and/or establish some arbitrary rules local to your server "until Rocket can offer a solution". If he says so this may change. Has not happened yet. Yes' date=' this has been classified as an exploit. No, you are still not allowed to local ban for it. You may only for ban for: RuleZ are RuleZ and you agreed to them to be allowed to host dayz. Dont like ehm? Stop hosting and ty for the time your servers have been running. Someone please blacklist Chicago 21 and 22 for violating dayz hosting rules, ty. Proof: this very own thread created by the server admin himself. I love how people are using this self-righteous justification. "You cant' ban us so neener neener neener." "WTF i wuz band u cant du dat derp" I have people disconnecting WHEN I SEE THEM. I must be some real kinda badass that they just abandon all hope when they see my mighty Winchester hove into view. At this point, I'm getting like.,. wholesale prices on ammo.
  4. Disgraced


  5. Disgraced

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    And that campaign was reasonable, and those protestations have resulted in some of these changes. Some of us would like to have a shot at vehicles, and you guys who just grab them all when your admin buddy times a restart for you, then pull them all off of the map for you and your friends get annoying. For now, going off map is allowable, but when there are only finite vehicles per server and they are being hoarded off map... that's just a cheap move. Not against any rule, but cheap and what I would expect of cheap players. I would prefer a lesser timer like three days, I hope it's significantly less than 7 (I know, it's sooper sekrit!).
  6. I'm going with admins on this one... From past posts and my feeling about the party on that side. This donkamints guy seems like he's lost it and can't have a coherent conversation without it becoming some kind of microcosmic dick waving contest. Where do I go to copyright the phrase "microcosmic dick waving contest" because it's a winner.
  7. Disgraced

    AS50+Thermal Weapon

    Yes' date=' "should". As you see there's AS50 there and while there's no mention of the TWS there is BAF_AS50_TWS or something in the list taken from the code. There's no really official note on this or then I haven't seen it. I asked about the AS50 TWS in irc the moment I found it. Someone said that it's probably hacked, some other said it's legit but just very, very rare, someone said if it shows up in tent it's legit and all this usual stuff. These hacked weapon? - threads are so common that they alone justify an official, dev-made list of weapons currently in the game. Lists compiled by random community guys or forum mods are insightful but they lack the "this is the truth" - backbone the official list would have. Players are afraid to pick up good loot now, fearing it might be hacked and lead to them being banned for playing the game. It really hurts the joy of actually finding good stuff, [b']especially since we can't just alt-tab to forums and check an official list for reference. You have things a bit mixed up. I probably posted poorly. What I meant is, when someone was banned (usually before the global Battleye ban, but sometimes after), that's their common story. They they didn't spawn anything or that they were just there for the nuke. Elsewhere, you can find a thread where one of the server admins snipped some juicy log excerpts. Everyone thinks that they are getting away with it, but it's logged and discoverable at a whim. So coming here and saying you found it won't work if they have the log. If there really was a rash of people finding weapons and being banned, then there would be a lot of posts indicating that bans had been lifted. Where are they?
  8. Disgraced

    Weapon Zeeroing

    If you go to single player, boot camp in Arma, you will have a chance to practice this on moving and non moving targets.
  9. Also, search is your friend: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=12180
  10. Disgraced

    EU21 pillory

    Excellent. I wonder if any of them will show up in the ban appeal thread with a rich tale of how they found and looted some guy on a server they can't remember and now today they're banned??
  11. Disgraced


    Do you like Steam games? I hear APB is fun, too.
  12. Disgraced

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Can we get one that says: I WAS BANNED BUT I NEVER CHEAT!!
  13. Disgraced

    AS50+Thermal Weapon

    It's been stated recently that spawning the weapons is how you get banned. By having the scripts that let you do so. In my estimation, people saying they "found" something or "looted some dead guy" are really just using the most convenient lie when they are spawning weapons. They think they are sly and everyone else is too stupid to see through it.
  14. Disgraced


  15. Disgraced

    Hacker ban ineffective

    Those are few and far between. Most are bewildered script downloaders, not hacker lords out there writing anything themselves. They can google and follow instructions on a website. The guys doing the actual hacking aren't going to come here... But they are probably on to something else by now. Once script kids can do it, the big guns are bored and parsing some other games files.
  16. Disgraced


    Welcome two more posters who just joined today! When did you find out about these forums? Where? How? Have you ever encountered any hacks before? If so, what compelled you to register in this instance?
  17. Disgraced

    Hacker haven

    Why not just open a parallel hive and allow servers that explicitly allow hacking? Then those who want to can, and those of us who actually want to play can....
  18. OMG I lost session twice last week! Maybe I was about to discover someones super secret pancake stash! Or Sasquatch! Al capones secret vault! Oh wait. It's the Internet. When an admin kicks you, there is a msessage that the admin kicked you. Not session lost.
  19. Disgraced

    Hacker haven

    So is combatting them.
  20. Disgraced


    Wow, really? The hacking seems to have gotten so so much worse in just the last few hours. I would say that the boards are showing more reports of hacking in just the last 8 hours than ever before! I wonder why hacking has increased so multiplicitavely in such a short time? I wonder how the hacking is so different that so many innocent victims suddenly sought out these forums to mention it? Well, welcome aboard, all of you new users. The community apparently owes you a debt of gratitude for your vigilance in reporting these recent hacks!
  21. Disgraced

    Winchester won't reload

    In before someone points out that the Winchester isn't a shotgun. It needs fixing but I assume it's low priority.
  22. Disgraced

    Hacker ban ineffective

    It's ok. I know that you know exactly what I mean.
  23. Disgraced

    Winchester won't reload

    1866 or 1014? There are two types.