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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. The first rule of Chernarus is don't get attached to your equipment. As a non hoarder, this will have little impact on me. My big interest in the "wasteland" camps is vehicle hoarding, since there are a limited number per server.
  2. As a non-hoster, I have to say that I think that the 'reserve slot' system is the best interim fix to give SOMETHING to server admins. It seems to me that I see people being asses on both sides of this equation (takes one to know one), and sometimes the posts by players seem very suspicious, but sometimes the return posts from the host/admin seems like maybe just based on attitude, the player has a point. Anyway, I feel like the hosters really do deserve more than the run of the mill player. And to me, until there is a more stable means of funding for this mod overall and server hosting in particular, I would say the best interim solution IS reserved slots. 10 of them per server hosted. I used to play at a place that hosted TF2 servers (yes, I know, it was already fully developed), but, they had silver and gold subscription rates to support their servers. Gold subscribers had the capability to connect to a full server, and a non-supporter would be notified why and kicked. Too bad for the non supporter. You want to use the equipment, even in a buggy, ever changing alpha, then pony up. I'm tired of freeloaders expecting 'fair' treatment, when they are shelling out no money for the servers that they use. Entitled brats. This would most likely clean up the community some, too. It's interim, though. I think that there should be a $10 monthly fee to play at all. That would REALLY clean up the community.
  3. Disgraced

    Too much starting gear

    Im for starting with nothing, once the zombie reaction distances and ai stuff is worked out. No pack, no. Nothing. Find it all. If zombies were working better, would you?
  4. Hot fixes should have what they decide to add. You are too attached to your stuff at this stage. I think calling them hot fixes is the mistake here. Just call them updates.
  5. Disgraced

    TX20 Receiving Special Dev Treatment?

    I don't think those chats were removed, but the capability to remove them was added as a server side option, like 3rd person or crosshairs. I think there is no crime here.
  6. Disgraced

    Hoping for some cool heads...

    For myself, my main frustration is people wailing so much about the current state. You check the forums, see that someone has elucidated the problems (as you have here, and others have), and then wait to see what the next update brings. All of these people talking about the game being ruined. ..... It's travelling a path, not at the end of one. Patience... But they seem to have none. They just want to denigrate those who are making this the great experience that it is and not give them a chance to work it out.
  7. Disgraced

    Hoping for some cool heads...

    I feel that a mountain of feedback is in, currently, and it will be heeded. Your post was interesting, but I don't think I've see a point here that hasn't been made in the thread that has been put therre specifically for feedback about the patch. Nice post, a little redundant, remember that the mod is always changing. Next patch will be different in its own way.
  8. Disgraced

    Careful not to RANDOMLY DIE during this "HOTFIX"

    Wow, people so attached to their characters and gear. I hear you won't lose stuff in Fallout 3..... Give that a whirl. I've lost stuff to plays, bugs, stupidity, random respawns... You name it. It's unstable right now. Don't expect a stable experience.
  9. Disgraced

    Global Ban

    you came to the right place! Here is how you clear that up: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=11949
  10. Post your opinions of 1.7.1. In 20 words or less. Best to keep it useful and constructive since "it sucks" will just be ignored. They will want to know what we think needs changed. I am going to play for a couple of days and then respond to my own thread. I can't play much today and will get some in on Monday.
  11. Disgraced


    Here is one of the responses to feedback that is all to common buy the people Rocket has chosen to listen to. The wrong people. So this is feedback?: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=13479 Doesn't understand alpha. Too many mmo "open betas"? This isn't a marketing ploy to drum up buzz about GW2. We are testers.
  12. Disgraced


    If you want the game to be easier, not harder, please leave. If you don't understand the difference between bugs and game mechanics, please leave. If you don't understand the difference between experimentation and game release, please leave. If you don't understand the difference between insulting the dev team and other users, please leave.
  13. Disgraced


    Respawns happen all the time. The lesson that I learned was not to get connected to your stuff. Many people have reported what happened to you previously.
  14. you are aware that rocket is practically asking to get these kinds of responses because of the way he words things i.e. like a total cunt Handsome is as handsome does. He's been a cunt to the asshole hackers. Considering the strain they those people put on the limited, volunteer resources making this mod happen, it was justified. A lot of the other posts are in good fun, talking about making the game hard and so forth. Not a problem for some of us. Perhaps you, too, are not right for this environment. Constructive criticism and opinions, sure. Just bitching out the devs and acting like its THEM, not you... Stfu, gtfo.
  15. Alright' date=' fine! Point 1: He didn't actually get the essence of the problem here. YES the fucking beta works with Steam. It's the convoluted chore of getting it working and the potential issues down the line that bring out the problem here. Point 3: This isn't an argument. You can't just stamp Alpha on a turd. This update was completely irresponsible in almost every way. Yep, pretty fucking mad, because I have to write OBVIOUS topics about OBVIOUS problems instead of playing the game like it was yesterday, and dealing with the average fanboys who like every piece of shit idea hurled at them. You people are the embodiment of what's wrong in this industry. Just cheering devs on as they rape their own products in front of your eyes, you just sit perfectly content because "oh well, it's their creative right, might as well enjoy it and develop a taste for diarrhea". You see, you confused pile of misfiring neurons, your "obvious" points really are obvious, despite you wanting to feel like the Stephen Hawking of game observation. Other people have made your points, and discussed them, elsewhere in these forums, both before the patch and after it. What you did is fail Internet 101. You tok something that other people were already saying, repeated it, showing that you are ignorant as fuck at using forums, then you made sure we all knew that on top of not knowing how to read, and thinking that you are so important that we masses simply must hear your point, you made it in the most foolish, insulting way possible, making it clear that you are a total ass. Congrats. That's all on top of not getting how this all works around here. Are you 12 or 13 years old?
  16. Bottom line, you belong in the safe consumer world, playing games already play tested but a company like Valve. I love the shit out of some Valve games, and they are just as smooth as you seem to need. Spend your day doing something you enjoy, and leave this mod to those of us who understand what we're doing and enjoy it. Your fucktardery probably crosses over to the real world, so go beat your kids for not already being millionaires or slash your car tires because it doesn't fly. I feel for the people who made this, that they have to deal with patsmall, small minded, mean spirited people such as yourself. You have my pity.
  17. I often think people move too slowly once they are spotted or they are not practiced at jumping up and running, or having an exit path planned. During 1.7.0, I did a little test. Three lives worth, I just spawned, dropped everything, and ran. I ran down the coast road. On near full servers with 300-400 zombies. I ran for long periods. I ran through Balota, Kamenhka, Electrozavodsk, Chernogorsk. berezino. I literally aggro'd every zombie that's I could find. Sometimes there would be scores chasing me. Oh yeah, and I dropped all of my gear, backpack included, on the beach before I started. Sometimes I died. But I was also able to evade them, even in the old mechanics, by running through a few barn buildings. I ended that life this morning, on an apartment rooftop in Berezino, in the dark, testing the new horde mechanics. I had a 1911 with three clips, and a Winchester with 5. A backpack full of food and supplies. If I tried to hold my ground, or ran into a fence, or didn't have my path through town planned, then I got hit and bled out. Only once was I shot by players.... Because I ran past them and brought my horde in their direction. I think they survived. In any case, the old methods of crawl and crouch will give way to new methods, and no doubt there will be some tweaking to how the zombies act and react. Patience.
  18. Disgraced

    Hardcore fanboys Vs General gamers

    Absolutely wrong, in a lot of cases. See, theres expressing an opinion and ignorance. Most people posting are not using their wits and just blindly posting. People should read what's already there and avoid providing feedback about mechanics that everyone is obviously experiencing. Stop trying to act like opinions are being suppressed by the "hardcore fanboys". There are a group of people out here, too, who are taking a measured approach, know what they got into, and don't intend to give feedback derisive of the development team, or to sound like a twelve year old who is pissed that mom unplugged the DSL. if you deride the mods and call them names, I will mercilessly troll you and be as irritating to you as my time allows. If you are repetitive about reporting something that's common knowledge, I will say so. If your criticism is constructive, I might say so. If you whine and rage and talk about how "the game" is dying, I will deride you and try to make you leave. Opinions, fine. If you some into the house and immediately take a shit on the coffee table because you don't like it, expect the doorknob up your ass on the way out.