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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Disgraced

    'Soldier' class?

    Bandit on a server with name tags... So skilled....
  2. Disgraced

    Anyone know where Alice packs spawn?

    Got one... "supermarket" in uh... A place... When I got it, I must admit, I said "hello, Alice" out loud. I have a bit of an Alice in wonderland... Thing...
  3. Disgraced

    Babies! (Well, society)

  4. Disgraced

    What do matches look like in a loot pile?

    Matchbox. They look like a red and white little box. Usually in residential spawns. I was in a market this morning and there were three.
  5. Disgraced

    Six Updater download issue

    I'm sure people do. But that in itself is opt out bullshit.
  6. Disgraced

    Six Updater download issue

    SHOVELWARE You're better off understanding which files are on your computer anyway.
  7. Disgraced

    WTF... spawing

    This happened to me once. I got into a gun fight at the fire station in cherno, and lost. I respawned about 200 year away and was able to come back and loot my own body.
  8. Disgraced

    Possible major glitch

    Is the server running when you and your friends are not connected? Maybe... *gasp*... Other people besides you and your friends got the vehicles? Am I missing something or are expecting that the vehicles will be available for just you?
  9. Disgraced

    Found my first vehicle

    Don't put anything in it, and realize that it will disappear while you are offline. If there are helicopters on the server, they can see your vehicle on radar and the owners will take it. Enjoy it while you can.
  10. Disgraced

    Little tip...

    Yes, some infected have guns.
  11. An overrated TV show with b-actors that every hipster loves. Jesus, can't anyone like anything anymore wiout some douchebag having to denigrate it? People like things. I'm suremyoumlike things that other people don't. Why is something that you don't enjoy a piece of shit? Open your fucking mind.
  12. Disgraced

    Best locations to place a tent?

    Yeeeeeah, I just found my first one this morning... And I have NO IDEA what to do with it! I figure someone will just find it and steal my stuff. Plus, I'm mostly a server wanderer. Suddenly, I have to pitch this tent somewhere particular and then come back to that server. Anyone have a west coast server (Veteran) that seems good?
  13. Wait a minute... Players... can be hackers... But... server admins can't be hackers ON TOP of being server admins??? Seems much easier, to me. WHo watches the watchers? THIS SHIT IS RAMPANT, DO NOT FOOL YOURSELF. There are always hackers.
  14. I noticed the other day that I was on a server that sent a global message at intervals, letting the players know what times the server was set to restart. Does everyone set their servers to automatically restart on a schedule, or is it up to the particular admin? the reason that I ask is that the server that had the message was running well and had good gear and loot drops and so forth. I've been on a lot of servers that look very picked over, even in fairly remote locations, so i was wondering if those servers maybe aren't rebooting? Bonus question: Do crashed helicopters spawn only at reboot, or randomly at any time?
  15. Disgraced

    Server question: Restarting

    I guess what I am looking for is a west coastish server that restarts reasonably so it's not looted out all the time. If it seems homey enough, will donate.
  16. Disgraced

    Killed players tent location

    Dude, way to whip out the asshattery. +1
  17. Use a separate Windows account for each of you. If each of you logs into his own Windows account, then into his own steam account, you should be fine. Be careful; Steam might not log you out and you might forget to check, and end up playing one another's characters. (That has happened here, occasionally).
  18. Disgraced

    How to deal with Barbed Wire

    Great advice. I hope I find a toolbox. The only one I've found was on a corpse, and I died .5 seconds later.
  19. Disgraced


    Yeah, but it's those guys that log on AFTER #30 or #40, they're really causing all the mayhem!