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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Yes, I prefer more difficult, more threats, more things to challenge. There are a million games out there for entertainment, for the cinematic experience or whatever.. A challenge and something difficult is needed. I like that the bear traps are being added. The forests are the easy havens, right now, and they need more challenge.
  2. Disgraced

    Dayz rp server?

    Both right. I think of these kinds of things, too, when people suggest two way radios, radio stations, graffiti and notebooks, journals and other things that would make for an awesome experience in theory... But the griefing Garry's mod crowd would just spam shit everywhere while giggling into their diapers. We'd just be constantly getting juvenile dick jokes and screaming metal music spam on audio. It's too bad, really.
  3. Disgraced

    Why tactics matter.

    But being geared and having numbers is certainly a tactic... I don't disagree with the op or the detractors, but this sounds more like a group that should be playing regular arma, where they will need some deeper tactics than "overwhelm section of map". The interesting thing will be the response thread where two guys with basic gear and guerilla tactics wipe out an overly confident group like this.
  4. Why do you throw it on the ground??? I the the rest of the cake, too!
  5. Disgraced

    Killed by a rabbit

    That rabbits dynamite.
  6. Disgraced

    Night Vision Owners Club

    So this is the people who got them legitimately (like .5%) And the rest of the club is farmers, hoppers, dupers and those who kill dupers?
  7. Disgraced

    Seattle 102 Admin Abuse

    Admins don't have a special vehicle locator tool that I have heard of. Are helicopters active on this server? They can see vehicles on radar quite easily. In addition, I think that people in this mod over estimate the effectiveness of their hiding places.
  8. I play weekdays, stalking the woods. I just got my ghillie suit. I can survive indefinitely in the woods, you know what that means. My current main is a an M16a m203. I am feeling the urge to find something to snipe with. Which means... I would be hunting players. I've pretty much spent the last couple of weeks slowly accreting my gear toward this insidious goal, but I have up until now avoided being "that guy" who hunts down other players. So should I continue to play the "good guy" woodsy helper and risk dying by letting people live, or should I find that scoped weapon that's been haunting my dreams, and let the anarchy inside? What do you think? I play again on Monday.
  9. Disgraced

    The moral imperative

    Interesting thoughts. That was my first player kill. Someone that I observed ambushing another player. So kind of a hunt the hunters line of reasoning. I will have to infiltrate the bandit area of these forums as well as pretend to be a normal bandit so I can gain their confidence.
  10. Disgraced

    this mod is stupid now

    I often think that this mod would make a great psych test for ADD/ADHD. (although I don't quite believe in either. I prefer to just refer to those kinds of attitudes as impatience and immaturity). Too many Veruca Salt players.
  11. Disgraced

    G17 is too weak

    BOOM. headshot. http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Glock_17 You're clearly not Australian.
  12. Disgraced

    If I update, do I lose all my stuff?

    Nope. You will lose it soon, though (see below).
  13. Disgraced

    i got kick out for my ping being high?

    Um.... It shows on the server list when you connect?
  14. I stocked up at the hostpital, but I ran across some this morning in an air traffic control tower at . It's the classic case of never there when you need it. I try to plan ahead, as a solo player, and be ready for those bone breaks.
  15. Disgraced

    PDW Found in a Normal House?

    Yes. Its by weak. Right now, I am using one because it uses a variety of mags. I pick up sd mags so that when I shoot zombies, the others do not hear. There is more info on the wiki: http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=PDW
  16. Disgraced

    This game is becoming less fun.

    This sounds like a news article on theonion.com Local man feels that game has become "less fun"
  17. Disgraced

    How do you lose zombies?

    A hilarious way to escape is to run down a steep hill. They trip, fall and die.
  18. Disgraced

    Found a bus, what now?

    Um, there are bus stops in the game. Do I have to... DRAW A MAP?? I think we both know what needs to be done.
  19. Disgraced

    No guns. Glitch?

    Shrug. Bad luck, or you are trolling.