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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. That's right. I think there is s secret nerf out there. A critical mechanic has been removed from the game. Or might have been. Or maybe I just have had odd luck... I HAVEN'T FOUND ANY SARDINES IN WEEKS. HAVE YOU??
  2. Ah ha!! It's a conspiracy to keep ME from having delicious sardines!!
  3. URL spawns with svd mags? Drool.
  4. Disgraced

    Seattle 35 Removed

    No blood for beans!!
  5. Those who decide what's right have changed what that means, haven't they?
  6. WE don't go to Skalisty any more.
  7. It's supposed to be 'L'. I have seen threads that flashlights are questionable right now as far as functionality.. AND even when working, they only work at night. I'm not sure what defines the border between night and day, but I've been in dark dusky situations where I sure wished it'd have worked.
  8. I like the settings and have been dabbling in this server. Any feedback from anyone? Seems pretty good. I got to take down my first wire kit on here this morning, across the doorway of the NW North Barracks... Was ... fun? Anyway, I've been lugging some stuff around and need to find a home server to pitch camp. Anyone?
  9. Disgraced

    [Forum] Tapatalk!

    Hrrrrm.... it's 2.99....
  10. Disgraced

    Seattle 35 Removed

    I need to was now I think. Ok, so that page or so of passworded servers are just acceptable unconnected to the hive servers. As long as those guys can't take what they get there and move it into the hive servers, I would have to retract my name calling. Dammit.
  11. Disgraced

    Seattle 35 Removed

    But stuff like this is ok? Saying Bettleye: 0 seems a bit provocative. And oh look, passworded, with three wimpy clan members doing... hmmm, I wonder what?
  12. Disgraced

    Seattle 35 Removed

    Here in California, they CAN tell you what color to paint your house... and make you water your lawn. On YOUR house...
  13. Disgraced

    Is PvP an American thing?

    Shrug. I'm American, and I've never owned a gun. I'm over 40. I guess it might be parts of some sub cultures, but I've only ever had two friends who were "into" guns. I think that from a distance, things look a little different. It's a big country. Maybe you are seeing some aspects of it, for a certain percentage of the population, and assuming. But then, maybe not. I certainly do t think of pvp as something tied to nationality or other demographic, except that everyone playing is a computer gamer type.... No matter what nationality.
  14. Now you and your clan have a new objective. Protect the assets you hold so dear. This is part and parcel of survival. Before this was even implemented me and my clan would hide our camps within map borders and actively try to protect and defend said camp. I find this a lot of fun and adds so much to the gaming experience and immersion. You must have such a boring game hording all your gear in a location where there is absolutely no threat. There might as well be locks on tents and vehicles and players are unable to be looted. I'm yawning just thinking about it. Oh well, it has been implemented now and IMHO it's for the better. This means players will now have to actively camp within the gaming borders instead of cowardly hiding with all their cookies out in the middle of nowhere. GJ Dev team, another step in the right direction! Look, everyone, an advanced player, right here. I agree with everything said here.
  15. Disgraced

    Tent space?

    But if you extend that out, Sidearms take 5 'slots'. So you could put 20 sidearms? Get some dupers/clan members in here to answer :)
  16. You have made an effective argument as to why the devs chose to stop the off map camping. Well done.
  17. That's all good stuff. Sounds like your next challenge was how to make camp and stay in bounds as they are now defined... And you're folding. But that's cool. I understand that sometimes things get too hard, even for the advanced players. I haven't been playing for 2+ months yet, so I can't give you any answers. Maybe start a thread in the general section to solicit opinions?
  18. So you feel challenged that you have to run back to your off map camp? I know that you feel superior and like you are an advanced player. Condescension drips from your posts. We all bow to your advanced skills. But seriously, all that you've done is teamed up with people to gather things. When you die, you must get more stuff from the pool. I understand your problem. I don't know why you're playing, either. Maybe having your stuff on map will bring back some challenge, even at your level of skill.
  19. Acebane and the other hoarders... You know, if you ke the military gear and hate looking for it, and you like working in squads... There's this cool game that's almost like Dayz. And you don't have to log in to drink soda or eat beans or avoid non-threatening zombies. What you really want to be playing is Arma II. You should go do that. You can team up. No zombies (since they mean no threat to you). All the vehicles and weapons you could want without all that boring duplicating... I mean server hopping... I mean amazing luck that everyone has a super rare weapon, full kit and NVGs. Too many people want to play Arma but hang around here and circumvent the spirit of the game to play Arma with zombies. Maybe the real Arma players are too skilled for you, so you'd prefer popping noobs in Stary Sobor so you can feel like Carlos Hathcock or whatever his name is.
  20. The tears of the hoarders. They are delicious. This must be one of the best changes to come around in a while. It has pissed off the clans.
  21. Disgraced

    map doestn work?

    You have to find an actual map in game as loot before you can do that.
  22. First off, tip of the hat to the OP here for keeping his cool and shrugging off the flaming retard brigade. Secondly, I know that they want to deal with the exploits as they can, and some of the issues causing them are deep rooted. Lastly, yes. I agree that a gear reset is in order when the powers that be feel that they have gotten the duplication bugs out. I would guess a huge percentage of gear out there, even if in innocent hands, is from duping.
  23. Excellent. As someone who's only found a bike and a PBx, this will be fun.
  24. Disgraced

    Role playing

    I'll assume that was tongue in cheek because we both know that's not true. :rolleyes: DayZ is the purest rp game I have played in a long time. It's one of those games that makes you forget you are playing a game. If I want fast I'll go play some counterstrike and I can still make some mean headshots even though my teens als long behind me. :D Alas, it is only partially tongue in cheek. This game used to have a lot of player interaction. I am now playing the role of the guy in the woods who avoids all other human contact because no one tries to talk to me, except with flying lead. The potential is the, but no one wants to take it, these days. I'm not pushing for anything to force role playing, and I agree, this game is very immersive despite the bugs. I actually enjoy just trekking from place to place.... But the other people on the server with me don't rp anything except murderousness.