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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Disgraced

    Full auto toggle?

    Yeah it's kind of oddly multipurposed. It's for any throwing things.... And switching weapon modes when the weapon is selected. My first day playing, I got mauled while frantically throwing flares at a zombie attacking me. The other thing is when you switch weapons and switch back, it will reset back to the default, so watch for that.
  2. Disgraced

    Full auto toggle?

    Isn't it F? Ironic, considering your forum name.
  3. Disgraced

    What would you say about this guy.

    And my Scooby Van.
  4. Disgraced

    Vehicles... Rediculous

    So I have to ask.... You have this small fleet of vehicles.... But you ran around the map looking for more vehicles? So what, you needed more vehicles to not use?
  5. Disgraced

    What would you say about this guy.

    This video is great evidence for why recruit settings are just no good for Dayz. How can you call yourself a sniper when you can see name tags through terrain and the crosshairs feed you the range? So basically, he stumbled on some guys, found their name tag through a tree, used the range to make ethe shot easy... Yawn.
  6. Disgraced

    Multiple characters not working since 1.62

    I don't bother changing the keys in the registry. I just use two different windows accounts, one with each individual steam account. Works fine for us, here.
  7. Disgraced

    M4A1 CCO SD legit?

    I can confirm the PDW In that they let it use mags that are SD From other guns (mp5 and so forth). I've had great success with it. The mags go into regular inventory.. And it sounds normal to players, but does not aggro zombies, so it's my close quarters clearance sidearm.
  8. Disgraced

    SVD camo

    I had the ghillie suit before the dark times. I was lucky, though, and spawned in and didn't lose my gear.... Except the suit :( So I guess I'll hang onto it for a bit and try to hit those barracks buildings a lot.
  9. Lo! It is indeed the funkiest vehicle in the game!
  10. I actually never loot cities... Well, breezing and maybe Zelenograd sometimes. This particular life, I've just really gotten around. I have 19 steaks.... In my groovy van. I'm idling the gas dry before I disconnect.
  11. I feel terrible sitting here with 4 water bottles and 2 coke cans.
  12. Disgraced

    map shows enemy locations?

    Yes, some servers show the map markers. Also, if you put notes, everyone can see them (each 'side' in the original game can see notes, but we are all on the same 'side' in this mod). Zombies show up as orange I think and say 'Man'.
  13. Disgraced

    So. i turned into a Goat (Hackers?) or bug?

    It was funnier when it first came out and it was kind of a twisted furry bigfoot-ish WTF story... I like the quote where the guy that spotted him says it was creepy..
  14. Disgraced

    So. i turned into a Goat (Hackers?) or bug?

    Submitted without comment: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/official-goat-man-seen-among-wild-goats-in-utah-mountains-is-californian-training-for-hunt/2012/07/24/gJQAJq9L6W_story.html
  15. Disgraced

    Game Nerfed BAD!

    PDW with SD ammo hasn't changed. Ha. I put my revolver away, for the nonce. Still, a bit over-reactive here, OP.
  16. Disgraced


  17. Liking potatoes will ruin the game. I hope rocket and company will fix the game so there is no more liking of potatoes.
  18. Disgraced

    Please unban

    Ok, unbanned. I used my magic wand.
  19. Disgraced

    See someones Map Note?

  20. Disgraced

    Pending Update: Build

    I know you probably just flung this out there without reading, because if you had read anything pertaining to this particular aspect of the update, you would know that there is no answer. They are going to start looking at connect and disconnect TRAFFIC patterns. There is NOTHING that will do ANYTHING to anyone. Even those who DC in combat. This is setting up to DETERMINE what to do in the future. I hope that is clear.
  21. There are always animals in the fields north of the air strip.
  22. Disgraced

    Pending Update: Build

    Very true. All that some of are saying is we dont need to jump too extremely in any direction until the actual implementation of the idea. Then the feedback will be useful. Everyone is just speculating based on predilection.
  23. Disgraced

    Pending Update: Build

    His point was that people are bitching about a problem that kinda should not exist. There are a million choices of what to do in the world. The designer of this game is designing it how he wants to at the moment. People are complaining that it's not going to cater to their situation... Something they can control. So the choice is there... But don't expect the mod to change so people can hit the "Daddy Time" button and flit in and out. Plenty of games do something similar. That was not chosen here, up to this point.
  24. Disgraced


    After it was done, I just reinstalled my latest beta patch. I've been able to play on two servers, thus far.