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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Disgraced

    Pending Update: Build

    Oh dear, I am beginning to receive private entreaties. It's nice to be so wanted, but you don't have to be so saucy about it!
  2. Disgraced

    "Traveling Aspect" of the Game

    I guess we will find out if you are right after release.
  3. Disgraced

    Sights gone Crazy

    Well.. It sounds like you are in shock. Try taking some painkillers. If you're playing on a server that has third person, you might hardly notice it unless you go into first person.
  4. Disgraced

    Pending Update: Build

    PAtch here, I've been on your systems for two days! We used some kind of hacker script to inject me in there. The THINGS you people do when not playing DayZ... tsk tsk tsk....
  5. Disgraced

    Pending Update: Build

    The closed testing tickles.
  6. Disgraced

    Houses of Balota

    Hit that supermarket at the west end of Chernogorsk... It's very close to Balota. Best place to grab Alica packs.
  7. Disgraced

    Pending Update: Build

    HEY GUYZ!!! It's me the patch! I'ma let you finish, but as you can see from my avatar, I am a bit busy right now. When I am ready, I'm going to kill you all!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAA!!!
  8. So threads and rumors abounded yesterday, and it does indeed seem that the flood gates have closed. In perusing the cheat reporting forum, it seems to me that the reports are all related to the "small" cheats. Has anyo e seen a tying hitting server-wide in say the last 15 hours?
  9. Disgraced

    Water Bottles, How Many Is Too Many?

    Use your empty water bottle for "emergencies".... I'm currently carrying four, but I'm on extended camp and hunting duty up north in the Mystery Machine..
  10. Disgraced

    Can I join my friend?

    Does not work on steam friends. The easiest thing to do is use the filters to pick the same or similar servers. So if you choose, say, US888, then put that in the filter.
  11. Yes. Don't know.. Everyone things it was the Arma patch so far. No one official has commented. Thus far, people have only speculated. 10,000 people. It iced and made new threads. I wonder how many did a simple search for "revolver" or "M1911" before hitting the old new thread button? Well never know.
  12. Disgraced


    Any Arma scripting vets want to jump in? Maybe a dayz dev? It's a pretty serious accusation (I almost always assume the person is mistaken. I've seen people say that game patches ruined their hardware, &c.) But is there a way I might leave ports open or something that this kind of thing could happen? Not to my experience, but maybe other people out there have more to say?
  13. Disgraced

    Survival days actualy counting...

    I agree. Bragging about 30 days means nothing. Just divide current life connect time by 24. Round DOWN. That's HARDCORE.
  14. Gillie suits are not currently spawning. Forecast is for the next patch. Crashed helicopters are out there, but many have gotten finding and looting them down to a science. Move around fields to the north and bring binoculars. It takes time to spot them.
  15. Everyone here is correct... But I've noticed that quite a few servers have one time zone stated in the desc, but it's way off for the actual in server time. The time in Chernarus is supposed to be parallel to the chosen time zone and remain constant, but I'm guessing with performance lag and load, it's not keeping proper track. I'm guessing it checks on startup, then goes its merry way, slowly drifting off of the actual time on the server OS. In any case, the times listed in the description are only accurate if the server admin pays attention to this little detail (I was on a server the other day where they announced, then restarted the server because it was about 15 hours off). Good luck in Your (time) travels.
  16. Disgraced

    Why don't I just go play some DayZ?

    All right, let's play. I did a search on these very forums for 'server rejected connection' I got dozens of threads. I opened these in new tabs in my browser: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46809-bad-version-server-rejected-connection/page__hl__%22server+rejected+connection%22 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46328-connecting-to-servers-error/page__hl__%22server+rejected+connection%22 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/45845-dayz-ever-since-new-patch-v-v-v/#entry436385 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/45592-just-got-new-server-cant-join-it/page__hl__%22server+rejected+connection%22 One of those led me here, which LOOKS like a solution. Unfortunately, to date, I have not had this problem, so this is as far as I can take you: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42561-new-player-stuck-on-loading/#entry404470 Teach a man to fish....
  17. Is the downloadable content the chernarus map? Usually a sign that you're not running combined operations.. Are you running from within steam?
  18. Disgraced

    Why don't I just go play some DayZ?

    Find an update guide. It's not rocket science; sounds like you're not up to date on your Arma 2 beta.
  19. Disgraced

    Guillie suits

    While waiting for the patch, I'm cruising the north, looking for tents with one.
  20. It could be, simply because the zombies are modified animals from Arma. Has anyone gone into vanilla Arma and shot up some pigs? I think it's some kind of change in the side arm physics/ballistics. I just can't see a damned thing in the notes. The only way this could be Dayz is if there was a stealth server update. Given the near-uniformity of the reports, no way. Unless they have super heroically streamlined the server update process. So, I blame a stealth change by the folks at BI.
  21. Try this guide: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/43473-dayz-from-steam-in-a-few-brief-and-simple-steps-no-third-party-programs-such-as-sixupdater-all-in-all-granting-better-experience/ But conceptually: The @dayz fold should also have an addons folder I is it. This is where you UNZIP the days files. They turn into... Pro and bi files, I think? What you are struggling with, many people also struggle with. You should be updating your dayz files (a while after new releases. If you do it too fast, there won't be many servers), but in addition, Arma is moving forward with beta content that Dayz can take advantage of. That is why you see the red version. It's not the dayz version, it's the version of Arma 2. So, you make the dayz add on work by dropping those files into that @dayz\addons folder in Operation Arrowhead. You make the beta work by copying the arma2oa.exe executable from the beta directory into the main directory (after extracting the zip you downloaded and running that installer esecutable). This fools steam into running the beta executable instead of the old one. To make it all work, you have to put in certain launch options, and you can add others that will help. Check out that guide. I've referred more than a few people to it. Good luck.
  22. Situational. If I'm already drawing a bead, finish quick. If not, and let's say I just hear it, I jump up and run to somewhere that I can handle them, and kill what I need to. If I'm just travelling, I'll peel them off rather than shooting them.
  23. Disgraced

    Found a Bike!!! :D :D :D

    Found a van yesterday. Laboriously took care to fuel it up and went held crash hunting. Bam, ten minutes later, a crash. I get out of the van and hit save. Server crash. When I got back, I was like a kilometer back, and the van was still in the field. The help was gone, of course. I was happy not to lose the van.
  24. Disgraced

    I Might Be Banned?

    Try this out: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46255-resolved-am-i-banned-you-were-kicked-off-the-game/page__hl__%22you+were+kicked%22