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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Disgraced

    Homemade Ghillie Suits

    A lot of these "make stuff" ideas are good. This is one of the best. It would be very fun to play a game with just... I don't know... Tons of crap, right? Sure, there are some whole guns, but also broken ones and you can salvage parts or make improvised ones... Cleaning kits and all that crap. But the item inventory would be insane and only .000001% of the population would be disturbed enough to actually enjoy it. (fallout 3 had a bit of this, but not enough in my estimation)
  2. Disgraced

    Chewing Noises

    You're off to a smashing start! You could do a series on all of the sound effects! Like why do the bird wings in the forest sound vaguely like machine guns? How come in the forest, the wind makes tiny noises like someone's gear when they are running? How come my van engine sometimes seems to make hardly audible zombie noises and eerie music. Oh wait... Forgot my meds. Just kidding..all of the above things actually happen all the time to me. EDIT: wow, I sure am glad spell correction didn't change "van engine" to "vagina"
  3. Disgraced

    where the duck do people find weapons

    You end up with a lot of axes because people pick one up and leave them. Even people "loot farming" dont bother to take the time to shuffle them around... I also think the spawn rate is too high. Sounds like you are frequenting too many barns and sheds. Hit some apartment buildings or something. Military sites. Deer stands.
  4. Disgraced

    Chewing Noises

    I think it was a skinny, toothless grandma eating reconstituted prunes.
  5. Disgraced

    Voice over Headset, Game Over Speakers?

    Are they both the same input type? I have a USB headset and audio jack speakers. You can't cross the streams there. When I had a headset that used audio jacks, I could do this... But not now.
  6. Welcome to the end of May. It's been in deathmatch mode since then. You do realize that they are putting as many zombies on the servers as they can? There are limits to server load and net code optimization. When testing, there were servers with over 1,300 zombies. At those levels, more and more of them just sat still. So often people put up these threads and are just ignorant of reality or deliberately ignoring what they do know. Cars should fly! In my opinion, these ground based cars are too slow and why should I have to wait for lights? Hell I should have teleportation... That cures cancer! You're essentially stating things that are obvious but can't be done yet... And frankly they've been stated here before. So good post, good information... Not so useful these days because it's old hat. Sorry.
  7. Disgraced

    HUD icons?

    Looks like two nail heads or pistons hitting together with little "kaching" lines.
  8. Disgraced

    HUD icons?

    Shock. It lasts 5 minutes. If you log out in this condition, you will reconnect unconscious. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Status_Effects#Shock
  9. Disgraced

    Banned from US1085

    Overwhelming evidence you have there.
  10. Disgraced

    Off roading question

    I was thinking today... I'd like to have one of those, too. Not to vehicle hoard, but to complement the van. Then I realized. They must be so damned easy to hide. Any tree could conceal one. Never seen one in game.
  11. Disgraced

    "RP" servers

    I would prefer that the game feature players acting in a more role playing fashion. Some of my best experiences were when I first started playing and people would actually try to talk (direct comm was broken a lot, then, but worked enough for some fun times). Teamed up with people a few times. Got rescued as a noob when I picked up a flashlight and a shed ate my makarov. I ran and ran and a guy in a heli swooped in and I jumped on board. We went to rescue another guy and... Server crash. Anyway, interaction only in the form of bullets has changed the game, but things gonna change. You will not see an rp server.
  12. Disgraced

    Pending Update: Build

    I agree with you but dude, seriously. It's the Internet. A forum thread over 50 pages is like a tornado in the distance. It's not gonna show up and BUILD you a new house.
  13. I think maybe he wants to post YouTube videos of dayz and somehow revenue share from the traffic from his loyal use base? If so, it's simple. Record every minute of your playing and don't edit ANYTHING. Everyone wants to see 20 minutes of running, followed by 15 minutes of crouching and crawling, then hear you mutter "fuck, more tins". Do that for a few hours and post it in episodes. Profit!
  14. I don't know, but I'm sorry to say this guy isn't all that smart. 90% of the population? My IQ is higher that 100% of the population!
  15. Disgraced

    Pending Update: Build

    Patch here, Hey guys. Well, still being tested. They're really working me over. But not like YOU will! See you soon, I hope!
  16. Are they still in your sig? You should fix that.
  17. Disgraced

    IRC ban for asking a question

    Here's a better analogy: Let's speculate that your violin is pudding and vermillion actinides. Wouldn't you slipstream the quantification, with alacritude? That should clear it right up.
  18. Disgraced

    Disable third person when you have a sniper rifle..

    That's my solution; going to a server with everything off. There is not enough community support for it, but I prefer that the standard be all veteran.
  19. Disgraced

    Can't change my players name?

    Create a new profile. You will have to change any settings and control customizations you have made, but you will still have the same character.
  20. Disgraced

    Pending Update: Build

    No reports have been posted since the repute ban wave yesterday. EDIT: my fingers are really too fat for iPad typing.
  21. Disgraced

    Pending Update: Build

    Has anyone seen any mass teleport or other server wide hacks since about 18 hours ago?
  22. I looked at the notes yesterday and didn't see anything remotely close to ballistics changes. Post your source, please. EDIT: of course, the latest change log stops at 309... So who knows.
  23. Disgraced

    Pending Update: Build

    And also not in any patch notes over there. Rest assured, my patch notes will be immaculate!