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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Disgraced

    Tell me your stories of the M136!

    I've seen two threads lately stating that the animation for firing it is broken and it's not working.
  2. So.... You join a particular server and it happens. You can disconnect, and reconnect to tht server multiple times, but it only happens when you connect to a new server?
  3. This guy: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/38611-spawning-unconscious-with-ridiculous-countdown-resolved/page__hl__%22spawning+unconscious%22 Says he had someone come and kill him and that did it. Someone suggests making a new arma character profile, but some people say that did not work. In this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10533-fix-spawning-unconscious-fix/page__hl__%22spawning+unconscious%22 It is again suggested that you allow yourself to be killed.
  4. Disgraced


    Way back when, someone was going to contact Hostess about getting permission.... Here it is: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4161-stop-all-development-this-must-be-added-immediately/page__hl__twinkie
  5. Disgraced

    Pending Update: Build

    Actually, one of my early deaths went like this: It's dark and I'm near a lighthouse, but I just got my first binoculars before logging out the day before. I decide to climb the lighthouse because there is a bit of light in the east. I get up there and fool around a bit. After a few minutes, I notice another player coming. This was right at the cusp of the shoot on sight days, so I watch him approach. He comes up the ladder. I could have shot him many times over... So he gets up to the top. I look at him. He looks at me. He salutes (remember that?). I salute... BANG. He shoots me dead. There're is no surefire way to stop shoot on sight. It's now part of Dayz culture.
  6. Disgraced


    Happens all the time. Part of the hazards of trying two mains.
  7. Disgraced

    what Dafaq? banned!?

    You're really gonna have to ask the admin on this one. I can't search for forum posts of banned users to even form an opinion. You never know, maybe it was an accident.
  8. Disgraced

    what Dafaq? banned!?

    Maybe you should pm ubiquitousbadguy?
  9. I have seen a couple of people mentioning this...but they weren't very persistent. I think it went away because they stopped asking about it. I think that even if you weren't in shock, it was somehow registered that way. Also, the small version of your avatar on the right side of the front page looks like underwear.
  10. Private servers are invulnerable to hacking?
  11. I suggested this in the hundred page thread dedicated to me. Essentially, rocket in one thread and the rest of us in another so we can see the official bits.
  12. Disgraced


    Well, you stepped in it there. Smoke! Cue the firearms guys and....... Action! I expect at least one illustration of a ballistic trajectory and some kind of comparison between different drop rates below.
  13. Disgraced

    Pending Update: Build

    But if you're both not pointing guns at each other.... I guess this discussion has been done and should be elsewhere. And when I admit that, it's egregious.
  14. Disgraced

    Pending Update: Build

    I think the ability to walk around with a gun not pointed at everyone, and weapons slung/holstered would do wonders. We'd need some kind of weapon draw feature, though, rather than having to go into inventory and unstash stuff from our backpacks. I realize it's not in the Arma engine to do it. Human interaction is very subtle. If there was a "peaceful" hand gesture, there could then be that "moment" when two people meeting have a choice. Draw their weapon or show the hand of friendship. Sure, people would fake it, sure they could lie... But it would stop that moment of panic when a gun is in your face. What defeats any of these efforts is the ability to just jump to another server and do it to other people. Killers should develop a reputation as people move around. I don't see a reasonable way to do that.
  15. Disgraced

    Pending Update: Build

    Don't worry guys, I'll be the best patch, ever!! Gold coins, classes, professions, safe zones. Wait... What are you doing with that knife..... Gack! The closed testing really does tire me out. Yawn.
  16. Disgraced

    Pending Update: Build

    Ok guys, any advice? My next post is my 1,600th!! EDIT: Shit!!!
  17. Disgraced

    Pending Update: Build

    What can I do you for?
  18. Disgraced

    Chewing Noises

    That's what she..... Nah, too easy.
  19. Disgraced

    Huge amount of Zombies???

    Shrug. Ya I see this sometimes. I just keep on Rollin. Unless I am starving or dying of thirst... Which hasn't happened in a long time... Then sometimes I'd shoot them hoping for food/drinks.
  20. There will be changes to inventory but remember that this is a mod based off of Arma. Lcan the way inventory is structured even be changed?
  21. Disgraced

    Not playing DayZ until it's fixed.

    Did you just call your own post amazing? Oooooooo kay.......
  22. Disgraced

    Homemade Ghillie Suits

    Burlap sacks. Could also be used for sandbags, right?
  23. Disgraced

    Not playing DayZ until it's fixed.

    Cool and all. Sincere question. Why post? What did you hope to accomplish? Have fun doing what you decide to do!
  24. Disgraced

    I am a beginner. Tips?

    Firstly, enjoy your first hours or wonderment. I would recommend taking time to familiarize yourself with the controls. Spend a few lives figuring out how to avoid dying. Don't worry a out dying for about your first ten hours of playing. Learn how to not aggro zombies, how to do it on purpose, how to jump up and run someplace safe when they make THAT noise, even if you aren't looking at them... Any main weapon (rifle,mshotgun, &c.) is serviceable. Some are better at shorter or longer range, but as long as they can hold enough ammunition (I'm looking at you, double-barreled shotgun), you'll be fine. Refine your weapon choices and collection as you learn more and see fit. As for houses and loot spawns... Either figure it out yourself, which is more rewarding, or find a map online that shows loot spawns and use it.