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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Disgraced

    Keep starting as a woman even after default change

    Yes, once you make the change it won't happen until you respawn.
  2. Disgraced


    I've also played all of the Fallouts. I literally broke the fallout:tactics disk in half and threw it in the trash. I spent the latter half of the game fighting with a power fist or some such (Melee weapon) but the end boss couldn't be reached by it and there was no way to go back to get another weapon.
  3. Disgraced

    In wich topic i can post idea's for the game?

    You will be wasting your time.
  4. As much as people seem to want to say that the standalone is different and not a mod and the devs have access to the engine.... Have they released much besides more building access that we haven't seen in the mod? Nothing seems better than even the early days of the mod and so many of the bugs are the same. Seems like another mod with some different graphics to me, so far. I'm waiting for great performance and a hive that works very well, not more item testing and cooking.
  5. Disgraced


    It will never happen. The engine will prove to be un-portable. Guaranteed.
  6. Disgraced

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    Problem is that 1.8.1 is being held up for Deans approval(?) and because of licensing issues(?) I guess because of the drink cans? Anyway it's obviously been left to languish by its creator and the propel left in charge of the mod apparently have their hands tied for legal reasons. The official mod may just be dead, so to speak.
  7. Disgraced

    Mega Bug

    In local parlance, this is called "being born again".
  8. Disgraced

    problems after changing my name

    Probably just a disallowed character.
  9. Do you really disassociate the standalone so much from the Arma II engine? That seems a bit naive, in my estimation. The standalone is a few bare tweaks away from Arma II, bugs and all.
  10. No way is the standalone better. It has almost the same bugs, some of which have recurred after being removed in the mod. On sheet content alone I prefer the mod. And if you know where to look, you can play 1.8.1 now. <wink>
  11. It's not coming out. It's been 6 months "waiting for approval" But I play the mod much more often than the standalone. The standalone only holds my attention for very short periods of time.
  12. I liked this server and was sad to see it disappear. Glad to see it back!
  13. Disgraced

    Spawning with a gun

    Way back when this was how the mod worked. I quickly moved to dropping everything on the beach when I spawned. Something I do to this day. Spawn with nothing is the real dayz way to go. No spawn with gun. I have spoken.
  14. Disgraced

    The spawn time is outragios

    Hoppity Hoppity.
  15. Disgraced

    Clothing and Aesthetics.

    That's it. I am ragequitting the suggestion forums. RRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAGEQUIIIIIIT!!!!!!!!!
  16. I was gonna say this. I would say that anything you are wearing/using becomes part of your overall hitbox for assessing damage. Realism!!
  17. Disgraced

    Dear Dean....

    I like how peopole multiply the ticket price times the number of times purchased and think 'Ah ha, that's how much money they have!' This isn't a lemonade stand. Hell, a lemonade stand would need to buy supplies out of the budget, even. Apparently, along with another poster who is an anti-hack software writing genius, this guy is some kind of magical accountant. We have a lot of amazing people on these forums!
  18. Disgraced

    omg in rage new player!

    You're due for your next complaint at 150 hours. 15 hours is nothing wasted... That's gaming. It's all waste if you look at it that way. Come back when you have 10x the hours and let us know how you're doing.
  19. Disgraced

    The UI

    IIRC the text system is a placeholder. I prefer something visual of course to notify me of something going on with my character since we don't have all five senses and so forth. What it will be, I have no idea. I'm comfortable with the symbols from the mod.
  20. Disgraced

    Try not to freak out

    Did you really just say this? You must lead a very simple life or be very fortunate. I currently have three projects going for work because two of them are in development cycles. I have to plan next week based on juggling those three projects because two of them might be delayed because of testing failures. It happens. As I've said before, the dev team shoots themselves in the foot being so open to the community. There are no "promises". "You promised!!!" Should go away with puberty at the latest.
  21. Disgraced

    The biggest issues with the Alpha currently.

    You are mostly wrong. Desync/engine is the main problem. The engine is stopping them from spawning stuff... So it's what I call the netcode for lack of a better term. I have no idea how it's worked on or fixed, but to me, everything else is cosmetic. SPawn positions, loot balance, what weapons are in the game... None of that matters at the moment. I think making gear and releasing it is a waste of time with the fundamental issues that seem to be out there. They will shake it out, I am sure... Or... I hope... Or... it would be good....
  22. I know this is a radical suggestion, but hear me out. What if instead of a survival sim, we removed some parts of Dayz. I know taking things out can suck for some people, but then they could focus on what people are really doing, anyway. Lots of people say that Dayz is about the player interaction and not so much the zombies. So we could increase the rate of military weapons and let the players wear uniforms. So you could tell what side they are on. With more military weapons, we could also increase the vehicle count. Take away food and drink. Then people could run around and shoot each other, with vehicles, too. Seems like a good idea to me. Maybe have some kind of squad co-ordination mechanism, you know?
  23. Disgraced

    what is 2nd person view?

    Fourth person view: seeing your character through the eyes of a character watching another character entirely Fifth person view: you see your character from over the shoulder of a random stranger abiding by a restraining order keeping him 50 yards from your character's location Sixth person view: you see your character from Bruce Willis' perspective in the Sixth Sense. Edit: Non person view: play the game from the perspective of a character that actively refuses to look at your character.
  24. Disgraced

    The reason behind the lag in ArmA2/DayZ

    I think the pedantry comes from the distinction that the frames and polygons are not rendered on the server, and the polygons are not passed as netcode. Lag and desync are caused by bad netcode and the information passed between machines over the interpipes. I don't think people are trying to be pedantic, just seeing this as a complaint that something needs to be changed about the game to help with a problem that the presented solution will not address. Polygons are rendered on your local machine. The main performance issues that people seem to dislike about the game involve the communication between the hive/server and local machine... Anyway, that's the way I see it. Is it necessary to create all those polygons to render bolts and stuff? Maybe not. I have a feeling that the 'dev team' at Bohemia is still more of a ramped up mod team. All of the work they seem to be doing is not engine level from where I sit... Or else they are making real, fundamental changes, the important stuff, and not releasing it. I would think that if they really had engine access, they would be working on performance and things like zombie count and desync a ton more and adding more cosmetic items like new guns after that stuff had settled down. Right now, it seems like they're adjusting the temperature of the water when the bathtub is a wicker basket. There must be a reason for that.
  25. Disgraced

    Im really worried about the game now.

    There is no normal. This game is an ongoing experiment. Go develop several complex systems yourself and you'll understand. This development cycle is maybe too open.