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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Not to put too fine a point on it, but exactly this, with these types of skills (I guess people tend to think of the same skill sets), has been suggested a number of times. I doubt it will get in.... Although that's up to the dev team... It seems, though, to go against the spirit of what's being built here. I think The War Z will have these kinds of options.
  2. Disgraced

    Cant Join Servers As I Dont Have Chernarus

    Are you running through steam? I am, and this happens if I do t run Combined Operations. I don't know how to run Combined Operations outside of steam, but thats your problem.
  3. Disgraced

    how ammo and clips should be used

    I can carry what, 10 or so Jerry cans? What is that, 600 pounds? That's why I snicker when people pull out the "realistic" trope in this game/mod.
  4. Disgraced

    how ammo and clips should be used

    I like the idea in spirit. But I think the engine is too attached to already loaded magazines. I'd love to find boxes of ammunition, and have only 2 or 3 magazines. Imagine having a clue boxes of bullets in your backpack in a firefight, but emptying your current magazine load and having to run away. Priceless. The run and gun crowd won't go for it though.
  5. Disgraced

    Examine vehicles

    I'd like to see the 'examine body' show if a body was shot to death or mauled by zombies. As a suggestion, having the option to do the same with vehicles would be interesting.. If it could say "the engine is:" And then something like Hot Warm Cool Cold That way when you find a vehicle, you can tell now long it's been sitting there.
  6. Disgraced

    Examine vehicles

    Oh, I wanted to bump this because I still think it's a great suggestion. I was also thinking today... What about making hell crashes spawn held parts?
  7. Disgraced

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    "little"? You have some issues, man. I have about a million things going on in my life, and about a dozen games on tap that I enjoy. Yes, I'm happy that when I want to play, I am able to, so far. I've also learned to take it easy for a few days after a new patch and see how things go. It used to be that if something broke (Daggerfall comes to mind), a week was amazingly fast for a patch. You seem to have an issue against the devs and how this game is developing. Or are you just being a good little iconoclast? You badass rebel!
  8. Disgraced

    Can't Access normal ArmA II: CO

    I did this recently. Rename the @dayz folder to something else, and remove -mod=@dayz from launch options, if steam. I practiced some helicopter piloting... You know, just in case.... Couh... And then exited and put it all back. Worked just fine.
  9. Disgraced

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    This is why you never use the "realistic" argument. How about this: the develops decided that having a grouping tool was not in the cards right now, and these multiple respawns were rising the database and connect times. Would you rather wait forever to connect, or take 10 minutes running to a place to meet your group?
  10. Disgraced

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Then they have incorrect expectations, in this case. This is not a paid for, released game by a publisher. It should be understood by all going in that these things happen. Yes, I basically just said "it's Alpha" but people seem to forget that. At this stage, we're lucky we can play. It's always possible that the game will just disappear for a week while they fix something, hive shut down or whatever. Grow up, people.
  11. Disgraced

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    You are half remembering. It was turned into a server side flag. I believe most left it so that your gear drops. There may be a few out there that its set to let you keep your stuff, but there's. I way to tell.
  12. Disgraced

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    No, it does not discourage you. It encourages you to learn to orienteer. To learn how the map works. To find efficient ways to meet up. The game starts when you connect, not when you warp in as Badazz Delta Squad.
  13. Disgraced

    Bug or Feature? Backpack-Problem

    If the new pack is alone on the ground, you can open and pick it up using the mouse wheel. If its in a loot pile th conventional wisdom is you have to pick up all of the other loot, first, then do as above.
  14. Disgraced

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Find something else to do? People really expect instant results, these days.
  15. Disgraced

    Examine vehicles

  16. Disgraced

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    No. They're just gathering data so it works when it IS implemented.
  17. Disgraced

    helicopter spawns

    I'm sure there are at least a few spawns. There is already a thread with this information. Rise to the challenge and find it.
  18. Disgraced

    Worst Game Experience ever

    OP obviously never played Daggerfall or the first six months of WoW.
  19. So can hatchets damage vehicles? If I ran up to a parked helicopter and started chopping madly, could I destroy it?
  20. Disgraced

    To whoever took the chopper on 1145

    Did they yell "yoink!" over direct comm?
  21. Disgraced

    To the CQF clan

    Worst post ever.
  22. Disgraced

    TY hackers.... no really... ty

    Items duplicating is the single worst thing happening in DayZ. Might as well let everyone just pick their gear before loading.
  23. Hmmm, I wonder why Ander said one per server... Someone off kilter, there.
  24. Disgraced

    DayZ Vehicles Spawn W/ Items?

    One per server as of now, new random spawn locations. Skalisty and Skalka reported so far. About a third of server admins have locked their servers to secure the helicopters for their friends/clan. Or so it is reported.
  25. Disgraced

    Stuck in debug zone, cant get out.

    THis is what I thought, too.