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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Disgraced

    Servers with no PVP, for those to kill just Z's

    Using search refers to these forums, where you created this post. You neglected to search here to see if someone else had posted a similar question or suggestion. The equivalent of farting at the dinner table and not excusing oneself since 1995.
  2. Disgraced

    Blocking VOIP while playing Dayz

    I agree with you in spirit. It would be grand to have people using in game voice. But it's never going to happen (the blocking part).
  3. Disable the dayz addon.... Problem solved.
  4. Disgraced

    Blocking VOIP while playing Dayz

    Exactly. Not gonna happen. I have my gaming machine and: A Mac mini An iPad A windows laptop iPod iPhone Android phone How will you block them all? Exercise in futility.
  5. Disgraced

    Backpack sizes?

    Double click the actual backpack. Backpack inventory is on the left.
  6. Disgraced

    Blocking VOIP while playing Dayz

    Your suggestion, if I understand it aright, is draconian and unrealistic.
  7. Disgraced

    Need more helis per server

    Derp. I'd like a million in the bank, too. They're performance testing, so just wanting isn't enough. Sorry.
  8. Disgraced

    My screen shaking

    You've a need for painkillers. Take them as soon as possible.
  9. Disgraced

    Ghillie Suit in the first Five Minutes?

    Warning: do not get attached. You will die and lose it.
  10. Disgraced

    Is Camo Clothing still bugged?

    Yes. Essentially, what DayZ does is get rid of your "old" character and replace it. Currently, a lot of feedback is that in this case, it drops your backpack and it disappears. I would carry the clothing somewhere safe, drop the backpack somewhere safe, don the clothes, wait for the model to settle in, then grab my backpack again.
  11. Disgraced

    5 guys with more bullets than brains.

    Mmmmmm Five Guys ....
  12. Don't bother asking. It's not time in game. So I can connect once a week for three weeks, and get 21 days credit. So what's the lint of asking?
  13. Disgraced

    Why not add a countdown?

    5..... 4.... 3.... 2.... Facepalm They're trying it, but apparently getting past 5 seconds is difficult with the Arma II Engine (I think this mod passed up the possibilities of this engine about a month ago, and it's been the Herculean effort of the dev team that's dragged it's corpse this far).
  14. Disgraced

    White Flag? Ceasefire? (Stop KoS)

    The is already the surrender option. To put one's hands in the air. Currently, to my experience, doing this just results in getting shot, anyway. I'm. It sure this would differ.
  15. I don't know, man. I drink water like..... Water. I keep 4 water bottles on tap and then pick up cans so even those 4 are my "emergency rations". It's about what, 2 drinks to 1 food? Are you seeing more than that?
  16. So? The dev team can see here what's wrong. They don't need your sage wisdom to suddenly guide them to the magic path. Trust me, they know a lot more about what they are doing than what you do. You are not the person who will suddenly fix the game by making this post. Let them do their thing, report issues (that HAVE NOT been reported), and play as possible. Trying to point out that the don't know what they are doing just makes you look foolish.
  17. Disgraced

    Until duping is fixed...

    So we're basically Call of Duty with more bugs and questionable controls.
  18. Disgraced

    We Crashed our Chopper, and Started a Forest Fire

    Only you can prevent forest fires....
  19. Disgraced

    how u get ammo for chopper?

    Get your server admin buddy to restart the server. It's currently the only way.
  20. Disgraced

    Can Dayz be played on armed assault?

    It's built around using Internet servers and a hive or information that is used by those servers. Learn.
  21. Disgraced

    Can Dayz be played on armed assault?

    This is like asking if you can put a Mercedes seat in your living room. It will feel the same on your ass, but you won't really be going anywhere.
  22. Disgraced

    should i buy Soldier Suit from my friend?

    Those are hacked. Camo and ghillie are the only alternates.
  23. Disgraced

    Cheater report RU1 Server

    So? Literally nothing will happen from this post.
  24. Slam face into keyboard ???? Profit
  25. I think you're screwed.... Unless you can knock down the tree from opposite the heli without crushing it. I wonder how bad it would to try to push the heli with another vehicle? I would have a lot of glass handy if I tried.