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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Disgraced

    Is the new update out yet? (

    Yes it's out!!! But EVERYONE is hiding it from you. Hahahaha! You know that a thread will be crated when it comes out, right?
  2. Disgraced

    Green Mountain freaking out the character

    Thats not already in?
  3. The real purpose is to make you think that an item from Arma, hacked into Dayz, is legitimate.
  4. Disgraced

    Race to 1,000,000

    Tank and spank takes on a whole new meaning....
  5. Disgraced

    Race to 1,000,000

    I'd hit it.
  6. Disgraced

    Race to 1,000,000

    Agreed. Oh, crap. I accidentally all the players. Sorry, all.
  7. Disgraced

    Defensive scripting

    Is there a way to start running scripts on MY side what will stop me from becoming a victim to things like teleport hacks? What if the answer lies not with the server and the hive, but with us as individuals? Any input?
  8. Disgraced

    Defensive scripting

    Tis a shame. I guess I'm a fire with fire kind of guy. We need a white knight scripter.
  9. Disgraced


    You have earned three monkey face palms. Please google. Print out three copies and hang on your wall for 1 year.
  10. Yes, I can confirm. Very often, dropped items will disappear. It seems LESS likely if you use an established "loot spawn point". But I've lost plenty of backpacks by dropping them.
  11. 1. Using out of game maps is pretty common. I do it in my iPad all the time. 2. Uh, sandwiches are good.
  12. Once you start coughing, you need antibiotics. Hospitals or tents where they've likely been duped.
  13. Disgraced


    If it was a fucking thunder dome, I would win. Unfortunately, it's in game. Sucks, though.
  14. Disgraced

    Switching weapons whilst running

    Beans. I agree. Also, proper use of whilst.
  15. Disgraced

    DayZ Freezing, Can Hear Sound, Can't Alt Tab/CTRL ALT DELETE

    Me, too.... Sometimes. I have an older system. 3.0 dual core Wolfdale 4gb RAM 32 bit XP GTX560 I just restart and hope for the best.
  16. Disgraced

    Defensive scripting

    Well, I DO have a straight razor here....
  17. Disgraced

    Defensive scripting

    Well, maybe there are scripts that would work on the player side but that aren't illegal, or the developers could publish them. Cough. It beats just saying "we're helpless" which is the current situation. Yes, I am currently thinking, "OH MY GOD GUYS, I THOUGHT OF SOMETHING THAT NO ONE THOUGHT OF!!! SOMEONE SHOULD FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO THIS!!!" So, to the devs or whoever.
  18. I play from 11 am GMT to 3pm GMT. Experienced player. I can use TS, Mumble, Vent, whatever. West Coast US.
  19. Disgraced

    Did I just encounter hackers?

    Applying Occam's Razor: Yes. Creative ones, though.
  20. Disgraced

    Ghilly Suit

    You cannot. If they are wearing it, do not even try.
  21. I would advise keeping the stuff that's in the database. Rangefinders, nvg... As50 and so forth. If its obviously not in the database, particularly if it doesn't have correct icons and text... Either tell your server admin (if possible) or drop it on a zombie body and then hide it.
  22. Disgraced

    Hackers ruined 5h+ of gaming

    I lost more hours to accidentally stepping on a rock, yesterday. I ragequit.