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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Disgraced

    US 362 Admin and AGW Clan Abuse

    Shrug. I'm actually starting to think that they should give some perks to server admins. Not server locks... But something. Control of a small safe zone, special vehicle... Something.
  2. Disgraced

    Incoming: Password Protection.

    Would be great. I think a 5 (currency unit) charge per slot or something couldn't hurt. I have been trying for the "home server" thing lately and it's paid off. I know where there a couple of rundown vehicles with some specific gear that someone stashed and it's helped me out. It also been interesting watching one particular car somehow get more and more damaged over the last week. Like its falling into disrepair, out in the forest.
  3. Disgraced

    A way to break hackers!

    I would agree with slot selling, passworded servers and no hive but unique characters per server. Seems like it would solve a metric tonne of problems. It's not my mod/game, though.
  4. Disgraced

    US 362 Admin and AGW Clan Abuse

    Posts this, locks for four hours to grab vehicles. Waiting for it.....
  5. Nah, just enough people to co-ordinate, which is good.
  6. Disgraced

    Take out .50 cals

    It bemuses me when people talk about what's realistic or not.
  7. Disgraced

    Are tents safe?

    They work for me(I have two), but one did eat my SVD. I had no ammo for it so meh.
  8. Shrug. It gives people on those three servers a shot at it, then. I'm sure it will be addressed.
  9. Disgraced

    New starter weapon - The AS50

    Yep. I've said it 100 times. Duping has ruined item rarity in this mod. I found 2 M107s in a tent yesterday. The tent had 2 of everything it contained, including matching M4a1 CCOs. And double ammo for all weapons.
  10. Disgraced

    Few noob questions, please help :)

    Killing animals for meat, then cooking it. Each cooked meat gives you 800 blood, whereas canned food is only 200. You'll need a means to kill animals, a knife, matches and wood. And a lot of inventory space.
  11. Disgraced

    How to fix graphical artifacts/glitches

    Same here, running XP and getting these glitches. The only thing I didn't try is the flush option.
  12. Disgraced

    Can an M107 take out a Helicopter?

    Kudos to you for saying materi
  13. Disgraced

    How is this even possible? If not then cheater.

    Another server hopper logged in just after you. It's incredibly dangerous to log out and log in inside or near these high traffic places.
  14. Guba. Very close to black lake and Olsha.. Also close to the NE airfield.
  15. Disgraced

    M4A1 CCO or M4A3 CCO?

    m4A3 has a flashlight. Will you use it? AFAIK they are otherwise identical.
  16. Disgraced

    We found so many vehicles today!!!!

    Annoying jabber at the beginning made me not watch.
  17. What is the sound of of one noob spawning?
  18. Disgraced

    Taking a players Ghillie Suit

    Some of these. Ok. Some of them... You're a tool or an asshole. Or a troll's asshole.
  19. Knit picking in return. Ect means nothing. Et cetera. Etc.
  20. Disgraced

    never found a vehicle in a week

    I have come to the comclusion that some servers STILL don't have vehicles. Lack of server uniformity sucks with this mod.
  21. Disgraced


    Lost my Dragunov. Tent ate it. m4A3 CCO eaten when a rock killed me. Found that same FN FAL AN/PVS-4 at a heli crash and lost it to a game crash. Found two M107, 2 M4A1 CCO and ammo in a tent. Felt like I deserved it, took it all.
  22. Disgraced

    Global Ban, no idea why. Please help.

    These forums can't help you with a global ban. Please read the thread in this forum that says something like "DO NOT POST YOUR GLOBAL BAN APPEALS HERE". That thread has contact information for battleye who detected your scripting, then waited to ban you until you didn't expect it.
  23. Disgraced

    Gun Choice At Spawn

    Choice of guns: None And Nope. Oh and maybe a Bupkis 0 cal.
  24. I am the wind in the trees. The silent killer by night.
  25. Disgraced

    Concerning Vehicles

    Welcome to the pleasure dome. This is the lament of the dedicated.