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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Three threads, three different titles, same message? You just lost a ton of credibility.
  2. That is helpful. You can also then open the backpack on the ground with mouse wheel. Then, double click your existing backpack in the gear window. Move items from right to left, then close inventory and pick up the new backpack.
  3. Disgraced

    SVD fanatics... Why?

    I put one in my tent.... And it promptly vanished. I've still never found a single round for one, though, so meh.
  4. Disgraced

    What the hell?

    Seeing a man sized object at 150m doesnt seem all that unbelievable to me. Before people pull out the poor vision zombie Romero trope or whatever, they are infected humans and actually still alive and I would assume possessing of their normal senses, at least.
  5. Disgraced

    Add Paper and Pen and Inc to the game

    It's been suggested a few times before in one form or another. Unfortunately, we already have people drawing penises on the map with the server wide map markers, which are circles with an X through them. For myself, my original argument against this still stands. There are too many immature minds out there, and you'd just end up with a lot of fuck and penis jokes.
  6. This happens to me sometimes as well, along with the executable sometimes having a more traditional "send report" type crash (usually when I find some rare loot, unfortunately) In fact, I'd say I have about a 50% chance of having some kind of lock up or program crash when I am at a helicopter crash site in game.
  7. You can just use regedit. You just need to make sure that, on each of your computers, the keys in the registry matches properly. EDIT: or that.
  8. Disgraced

    Im not saying its aliens,but its aliens

    Uh.... Were your asses sore?
  9. I think that perhaps you should check the registry on his computer to see if, when you used it, your cd key got stuck in the registry, even though you see his in Steam.
  10. Don't worry, script griefing will plummet soon as kids the world over go back to school in the coming weeks.
  11. Screenshots take like.... 5 seconds to post.
  12. Disgraced

    Make more than one profile (Hear me out)

    The persistent character idea is dead. It leads to too many problems like ghosting, server hopping, private farming and so forth. Before you know it, this mod or game will find it necessary to go to a model of one character per server. It's inevitable. Edit: ps... I DO have more than one character. It's quite useful.
  13. Disgraced

    Make more than one profile (Hear me out)

    So are you proposing segmenting the hive into three parts, and giving people a character on each? To what purpose? I'd prefer just having each server have its own hive. Since tents and vehicles work this way, it would kill tons of problems, including server hopping.
  14. Disgraced

    2 Helicrash sites within 30 metres

    This guy gets it. I think they need to review their spawn percentages, recognize that random is not REALLY what everyone wants. Everyone wants pseudorandom. Two of the same thing close together might make statisticians happy re: randomness, but us real people don't like seeing multiple hatchets in one location, or these help crashes too close together. The random is a lie.
  15. Pointless post. You won't understand. To each his own and all that. Let people play the way they want to, just as you expect to be able to do.
  16. Disgraced

    Someone edited my map?

    Those map markers are team wide and since in this mod, we are all on the same team, everyone sees them. Looks like you've got someone on your server that really, really loves penises. You can remove them with shift-right click, I believe.
  17. Disgraced

    Temperature gauge not working

    It's still random, even when your temp gets too low... So it won't always happen.
  18. Disgraced

    Rocket please i want Investegation

    I have completed my official investigation: Tell your lawyer that you should both energetically fuck off. Battleye bans are not controlled from here, genius.
  19. Yes, it's been me tend before, though it's been weeks. I just macro it on my G13 and it works great.
  20. Disgraced

    A second Dayz account?

    The sekrit is.... Separate steam accounts.... AND separate WINDOWS user accounts. Works for me on XP.
  21. Or find a forum in your native language.
  22. Disgraced

    What to do on skalisty island?

    We don't go to Skalisty, any more.