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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Disgraced

    New script named: Mortal kombat

    When will they hit on a script that people actually want to play more than the base mod, since we have all of this artifacting and so forth.....
  2. This game has really become Garry's mod. Time to dust off the mingebag moniker.
  3. Disgraced

    Stop calling yourself a bandit

    It's become part of the etymology of the game. It should never have been. Even at inception, it was used to refer to people who killed other players and had nothing to do with taking things. But just like we have hatchets that are really axes, fireplaces that are fire rings and (in the data base), satchel charges that are pipe bombs, the mod just has some idiosyncratic bits floating around. This is just the topmost example. Plus, calling oneself a murderer, though it be digital and far from reality, isn't so palatable.
  4. There is, actually. Don't log in and you'll be completely safe. For now.
  5. Disgraced

    I messed up

  6. My understanding is that if it's not in th Arma database already, the server has to have a copy of the file. I use a camo face, but it's an Arma face that's already in the database.
  7. Disgraced

    Swim down?

    That is correct. Although there is a server side flag to allow you to keep your gear while swimming, it's usually set to make you drop it. Enjoy looking at it, you won't be getting it back. Happened to me twice (on a boat out of gas, and off of a glitchy boat house ladder).
  8. Dont worry. Most likely someone was "loot cycling". Grabbing all the loot, dropping it to the side and then moving a little distance away for it to rescan, waiting for particular rare loot to finally show up.
  9. It's considered weak behavior. I find them so easy to lose that I don't bother. I prefer to play out each life, though, and not take advantage of the ability to disconnect in any situation. When I am ready to stop playing, I head into the woods, find a good spot off the beaten track, and disconnect there.
  10. Disgraced

    Character Age?

    If you're not on a veteran server without it turned off, the white text that appears in the lower right says "Day ##" It means nothing as its not connect time, but actual real world calendar days since the character was created. Make a character, don't play for a week.... 7 days.
  11. Just pretend you watched a couple of bad movies you'd rather forget.
  12. Disgraced

    How do i open doors (webshot)

    When you approach, or when you face the door, an arrow like icon will appear and then you can mouse wheel and open or close will appear on the left side of the screen. Pro tip: closed doors don't stop zombies. They just warp right through.
  13. It would require separate windows user accounts.
  14. Disgraced

    Some Epic Meme's based on DayZ

    In before derp. Search is your friend.
  15. Simple answer. Generating your appearance is done on each local machine. So everyone gets a random civilian outfit.... For each person seeing them. Your machine itself is generating one of a few possible skins. I hate that.
  16. Disgraced

    Question about camouflage

    The grass disappears at a distance for each player. So in the grass, yes, they can see you. And easily within sniper range. You're not safe in the grass unless they are very close or inattentive.
  17. Disgraced

    Question about camouflage

    Yes, it does. Exactly that.
  18. Disgraced

    Camp awaiting plundering

    Smartest place for a clan base, I'd think. If you get the heli, currently, and the boats on the server, you're set for the most part. Because as you discovered, who is going to swim over?
  19. Disgraced

    Daily restarts are bugging my server

    From my understanding, if a lot of players try to connect while the server is starting, it can abort some scripts. That's lame from a design standpoint, but what can you do? I think that's why some admins lock their server for a few minutes on restart. To give the scripts time to finish.
  20. Disgraced

    How to use Steam Overlay with Retail ArmA 2?

    You can create non steam game shortcuts in steam. Google it or use steam help.
  21. I use a dance pad and guitar hero guitar.
  22. Disgraced

    Engine parts necessary for quick move?

    I don't believe the vehicle will start if the engine is red.