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Everything posted by Disgraced

  1. Disgraced

    DayZ Stories

    so wow, bummer. I logged in and my scooby van is gone. That's cool, though. I know to search up north for good vehicles, already repaired by other players. Just as I'm musing about finding the heli on the server, there it is.. In all it's glory. I'm stoked. I stalk it. I work my way up. No one is around. I check gear... 2 jerry cans. I grab them, fill it up (already mostly fueled) and take off! I fly around. Very interesting. Some "landmark" vehicles that others have stashed in the woods, but I have noted are still there. Then I find it. A giant camp. Couple dozen tents, four or five vehicles. I'm set. I have a plan. I marked where I found the heli. I'm thinking, why should I do all the work when I can just have all the fun? I'm going to land it back where I found it, swap their empty jerries that I burned up joyriding with the two full ones in my back pack, and go do my thing, borrowing the heli as long as I don't get caught. I'm a good pilot, so I'm eeeeeeeeasing it down at the edge of this clearing. 40m to ground..... Game locks up. Sound but the video is frozen. Nothing works, so I have to reboot. I reconnect, heli is nowhere to be found. Sorry, guys that stashed the heli on the server where I play. Find it and fix it and stash it there again, please?
  2. Is this a thing? I haven't noticed people saying this.
  3. This here. Its silly but valuable. Especially on full servers and in common areas. It's just a given. Think about it. Less populated areas, less populated servers, fewer sniper types per capita You will still occasionally experience the occasional WTF sniper kill in the middle of nowhere with 8 people on the server, though. Enjoy the tension.
  4. Those Germans.... This is common all over. It's considered a perq of being a server admin. We grubbies who don't host can still scavenge their hidden vehicles, though.
  5. Disgraced

    Standalone: what will it change?

    I'm quite certain that the stand alone will not be bed on the Arma II engine. You are confusing the current Arma II based alpha with the future stand alone. Its been made clear that rocket wants to use the Minecraft release model, so the will be payment, even at alpha.
  6. So where's the analysis of percentage of servers in the US vs elsewhere? Percentage of players in the US vs elsewhere? Lies, damned lies and statistics, right?
  7. Or maybe it's people just wanting to fuck up American servers for the lulz. Who cares who does it, where they are from, or where the servers are located? Dumb thread. Trolling, obviously.
  8. Like my fiancées fun harness in our play room. Trolling is a art.
  9. Restarts 2-3 times daily. Complete reset once every two weeks, everyone starts from scratch. Until stable.
  10. Disgraced

    Standalone: what will it change?

    This. Arma 3 fork/parallel with improvements and many additions based on dayz (Arma 2) alpha. AI built from scratch for zombies, not enemy warfighters All enter able buildings Map(s) built from the learning of the Chernarus experience What people haven't realized, that I think is true, is that this has ally been an alpha. They've been figuring out what works CONCEPTUALLY, not just how to make a final game using Arma II. The game will hit the gaming world like a ton of bricks, because it will be the genesis of what this team has done... But it will be built with the original concept and everything learned from the alpha.
  11. I guess trolling can be like wine, and too nuanced for some.
  12. OP is so right. This game will just be a total ripoff of the Dayz mod. Nothing to see here, guys! :) PS. If they put up a few "screenshots" and a FAQ full of promises, they will have done as much as "The WarZ"! But I know this team won't do that, because they don't make false claims. They develop. I am excited to play using the Minecraft release model. I was with Minecraft for a lot of it, and still play. PPS. Beans for "dancing zombies not realistic"
  13. Disgraced

    Day Z stand alone annouced~!

    Nope. Log in, punch create new thread, that's all.
  14. Disgraced

    Day Z stand alone annouced~!

    Proper etiquette is to search or at least look at the first page of recent threads or even, in a case like this, threads made since the announcement that you figure no one else posted about since it happened.
  15. Remember, kids, to avoid ridicule, search first, create new thread after.
  16. Step 1: hope they aren't wearing it. Step 2: take it from their inventory/backpack Step 3: ???? Step 4: profit So a little background. Those camo and ghillie suits stop existing when a player puts them on. Whats happening is, your character is being replaced with another one that has a different appearance that is consistent for other players (the original civilian skin is generated client side, so five different players looking at you will not all see the same appearance). Your character is literally replaced. If you are crouching or lying down, you will stand up. If you're holding a sidearm, your character will switch to a primary if available. Currently, you will lose your backpack and have it replaced by a starter 8 slot backpack...Magic!
  17. Leads to a tumblr "not found" link, so you know it's legit! Not exactly a surprise. They must have inked some paper somewhere. I'm guessing a forked version of Arma III.
  18. Don't you guys get it? Because STUPID FUCKING AMERICANS, that's why!!
  19. If it took you 3 months to save up for this game, then you should just play what your parents and grandma get you for your birthday and other holidays. If you're an adult, and it took you three months to save up, then computer games is not a hobby for you. Reprioritize your life to make more money and buy luxury stuff like computer games when you can afford them.
  20. Disgraced

    Dayz then... and dayz now..

    Three choices... Endure, wait and come back or leave. Everyone picks one. Your assessment is accurate. I've been playing regularly since the 1.7.1.x days and it's too bad.
  21. Disgraced

    Helicopter not spawning.

    You didn't mention server side files 0.7.2, so check here... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/48598-server-side-hotfix-072-helicopter-status-and-server-info/
  22. The OP does have a point, and one must either endure, wait to walk. I'm choosing to endure. But I know that its frustrating, and the point is valid. Arma was designed to support modding and scripting. Thats got to be to deal with. I think that thre are people choosing to wait. When I first played this mod, I tried it for a few hours and then invited my fianc
  23. Disgraced

    Journal/ Notebook

    You and a half dozen previous posters. Please use search before making suggestions.